5 Top Tips for Claiming for Accidents at Work

Over a million people have an accident at work in the UK each year. For the most part these are only minor incidents, but some are more serious and result in a personal injury claim being made.

Making a claim against your employer isn’t that different to any other type of personal injury claim. As long as someone else is at fault for the accident that caused your injuries, you could have valid grounds to make a claim. It is more common than you would think to fall of a ladder or to trip over some exposed cables in an office.

Unfortunately, a number of people who could make a claim are often quite reluctant to as they are not fully aware of the rights. It has been reported that people fear being treated differently at work or even being sacked if they make a claim. However, this is simply not the case and if this was to happen, you could make a separate claim for unfair treatment and dismissal.

Featured below are 5 top tips for accidents at work

  1. Hire a good personal injury solicitor who has handled similar cases before.
  2. Document the Accident by filling in your company’s accident book.
  3. Gather the details of any witnesses.
  4. Seek medical advice and treatment at the earliest possible moment.
  5. Gather as much evidence as possible to prove that someone else is at fault.

If you are considering making an accident at work claim, the first step in the claims process is to hire a personal injury solicitor who will be able to manage your claim. They will then be able to help you understand how to make your claim as strong as possible to ensure that you are in the best position to receive the compensation you deserve.

1 thought on “5 Top Tips for Claiming for Accidents at Work

  1. lauralouise90

    I think that work injuries claims are the hardest to claim for – many people fear that they’ll struggle to find work after a claim and some just don’t want to offend their employer. It’s a tough cycle.

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