Can local personal injury firms compete with nationwide practices

Personal injury is a dog eat dog part of legal practice perhaps like no other except conveyancing. It is also perhaps the most lucrative area of law outside of the top corporate practices, so is it any wonder that buying power and marketing budgets have been a key driver ?

Not only do smaller personal injury practices have to compete against national tv and radio advertising campaigns, but there is  a growing trend for bigger and bigger incentives to be paid to potential clients. This is all aside from the controversy of referral fees being paid.

So, is there scope for a more localised approach in the personal injury sector ?

Lloyd’s solution is a new concept, for the people. Rather than simply trot out the 100% compensation, hard sell approach, Lloyd’s firm are using a slogan as associated with them, with different connotations. The aim is to make the slogan “for the people” synonymous with personal injury claims in Essex.

The other aspect of Lloyd Green’s message is that, perhaps aside from whiplash, it’s vital to have a personal injury lawyer on your side who is a specialist, capable and accessible to you, just as with other forms of legal advice. With a serious work injury for example, it is vital to have a lawyer you trust who specializes in that branch claim rather than a claims handler.

It will be interesting to see if the above approach works. what do you think ?