
Top 10 Most Common Causes of Car Crashes in New York

During July 2024, the bustling streets of New York City were the scene of 7,371 motor vehicle collisions. Tragically, nearly 4,000 individuals, including drivers, passengers, cyclists, and pedestrians, suffered injuries as a result of these wrecks, and 17 lives were lost. It is concerning to note that over half of these collisions occurred in the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens, highlighting the need for increased safety measures in these areas. Interestingly, Staten Island experienced a significantly lower number of traffic crashes, with only 384 collisions, making up just 5% of all accidents in the city during that month.

According to Rosenbaum & Rosenbaum, many traffic accidents in New York City result from the involvement of 12 specific factors. These factors are known to play a significant role in contributing to most collisions in the city.

  1. Driving in the Wrong Lane

Motorists are reminded to adhere to the designated lanes while driving. It is crucial to avoid weaving between marked lanes or straddling two lanes, as these actions can create hazardous situations that may result in accidents. 

Such behavior might stem from a lack of focus or attention while driving or a deliberate response to frustration. It’s worth noting that statistics indicate that approximately 350 collisions in July were attributed to improper lane usage or errors in passing.

  1. Speeding

Drivers must be as cautious in urban areas with crowded surface streets as on freeways. That is because pedestrians, bicyclists, and other vehicles can enter the street anytime. 

If drivers travel too fast for the road conditions, they may need more time to brake or avoid a potential collision. Additionally, it’s crucial to note that the severity of damage resulting from a crash can significantly escalate with the speed at which the vehicles involved are traveling.

  1. Alcohol

During July, alcohol was a contributing factor in more than 150 collisions in New York City. Drivers impaired by alcohol experience delayed reaction times and reduced ability to perceive hazards on the road, significantly increasing the likelihood of being involved in a crash. 

In addition to impairing physical abilities, alcohol can also negatively impact a driver’s judgment, leading to an increased propensity for taking unnecessary risks such as speeding and unsafe lane changes.

  1. Improper Turns

During July, approximately 180 crashes in New York City were attributed to drivers making improper turns. According to the law firm Battle Born Injury Lawyers, some of the most common turning errors that led to these crashes include failing to use a turn signal, turning without having the right of way, and making turns where they are not allowed. 

It’s important to note that improper turns can result in T-bone (side-impact) collisions, which pose significant risks to the safety of all individuals involved.

  1. Disobeying Traffic Signals and Signs

In July, 249 collisions in New York City were directly attributed to drivers disobeying traffic lights or signs. The city’s road users rely on the assumption that fellow drivers will adhere to these signals. 

However, the consequences can be devastating when this expectation is not met. In such situations, the limited time available for drivers to react means that the resulting crashes are often severe, as neither party may have enough time to slow down or take evasive action to avoid the collision.

  1. Inexperienced Drivers 

According to the law firm Zayed Law Offices, inexperienced drivers, who may need more time to develop the necessary skills and instincts, often need help responding appropriately to various driving situations and events. Even if a seasoned motorist accompanies a new driver, the lack of experience can lead to panic or unpredictable reactions when faced with an emergency. 

In July alone, 198 NYC crashes were directly linked to driver inexperience, highlighting the importance of gaining practical experience and proficiency before driving independently.

  1. Neglecting to Give up the Right-of-way

Right-of-way laws are essential for ensuring the safe and smooth traffic flow at intersections. They also provide crucial direction for drivers entering and leaving commercial and residential properties. 

In New York, drivers are expected to be knowledgeable about always adhering to right-of-way rules. Confusion and potential hazards arise when drivers need clarification on who has the right-of-way or intentionally disregard the regulations in place.

  1. Driver Inattention

During July, driver inattention emerged as the primary contributing factor to traffic crashes in New York City. A comprehensive analysis revealed that 2,124 accidents were directly caused by distracted drivers failing to maintain focus on the road. 

Distractions cited in these incidents ranged from smartphone usage and consuming food to being captivated by the diverse sights that New York City has to offer. It is important to note that when drivers succumb to distractions, they are more likely to overlook the presence of bicyclists, stationary traffic, and other potential road hazards.

  1. Following Too Closely

In July, more than 500 traffic accidents in New York City were attributed to the dangerous practice of tailgating. Tailgating occurs when one driver follows another vehicle too closely, often in slow-moving traffic situations. Hurried drivers’ impatience can lead them to tailgate the car in front of them, and when that vehicle abruptly stops, the following driver has insufficient time to react, resulting in a collision. 

Motorists must recognize the importance of maintaining a safe distance between their vehicle and the one in front of them, especially when traffic is moving slowly. Even in congested traffic conditions, leaving just a single car’s length of space can significantly reduce the likelihood of an accident and turn a potentially dangerous situation into a near-miss. Drivers can play a crucial role in preventing unnecessary collisions on the road by emphasizing the need for adequate space and safe following distances.

  1. Passing Too Closely

When overtaking another vehicle or bicyclist, drivers must ensure adequate space for the other car or cyclist to continue at their current speed without slowing down. Failing to provide this necessary space could result in a collision, potentially causing severe damage to the cyclist or the other vehicle involved.


New York City’s bustling streets experience a high volume of traffic, making it essential for drivers to be vigilant and aware of common causes of traffic collisions in the Big Apple. Many accidents stem from distractions and lack of focus. To increase the likelihood of reaching your destination safely, it’s crucial to maintain constant awareness of your surroundings and adopt defensive driving strategies.