Learn How and Where to Report Accidents at Work

Whenever you face an accident at your workplace, it is wise to follow the proper protocols to report your injury to the concerned bodies. If you fail to report your injury received in a workplace accident, you might not get entitled to workplace accident compensation benefits. Here is a comprehensive guide on where and how to report accidents at work that you should follow if you want to win the statutory benefits.

  • The first step towards filing a workplace accident claim is to prepare lucubrated report of the incident. You must contact the HR department of your organization for preparing the report. Also talk to your immediate supervisor about the incident before the end of your day’s shift. This should be done on the same day of the accident because nobody can suspect afterwards that you faced the accident after going out of office.
  • Now complete the incident report wherein you should mention the exact date and time of the accident, the circumstances and names of the eyewitnesses. Including the names of the eyewitnesses would intensify the logical strength of your case.
  • In your accident report only, you should mention the names of the affected body parts. There is accident at work claim agencies that will judge the intensity of the injury and calculate the compensation amount by measuring the acuteness of the injuries. Be extremely specific while describing your wounds.
  • Report the accident to the company’s accident logbook as well. The company’s database should contain the accident. The HR Department might help you in this issue.
  • Keep an account of all the medical attention received by you as an aftermath of the accident. Accidents at work are not compensated proportionally if the medical bills are not submitted.

Everything done, contact a good personal injury solicitors firm who work on a pro bono basis. ‘Pro Bono’ is commonly referred as ‘no win no fee claims’. They will inspect the details of the accident, assess the merit of the case and somewhat predict whether you will win the case or not. Until you win the case, don’t pay a single penny for suggestions and court trials.