6 Bizarre Personal Injury Claims

People attempt to make personal injury claims everyday even when they do not know what qualifies for a case. If you or someone you know has had an accident within the last three years and you are not sure whether you are entitled to compensation, then contact injury advice lawyers to find out whether you have a case or not. The lawyers are professionally trained to deal with a variety of cases and they may be able to help you. Here are six bizarre cases for personal injury claims that show you that you you do not need a common case to be entitled to any money.

1. In 1994, Stella Liebeck sued McDonald’s because of a hot cup of coffee. She was in the passenger seat when she scolded herself; she managed to tip hot coffee over her lap and suffered third degree burns. She sued McDonald’s because there was no warning about how hot the coffee was.

2. A man in New York had planned to commit suicide by laying down on the subway tracks, but instead of this killing him, he was seriously hurt and had to be taken to hospital. He sued the New York Transit Authority and won his case; he was paid 650,000 Dollars.

3. Another man suffered injuries in a nightclub; this injury resulted in him having to use crutches. When he was walking through the park with his children, one of his crutches got stuck in a hole and this caused him to fall over and injure his other leg, so both of his legs were out of use.

4. A teacher managed to sue after he fell of a kid’s toilet in a primary school and fractured his hip. He claimed that this was not his fault because of how small the toilet was.

5. A teenager fell through the roof of a stranger’s house. The teenager had a case against the owner because the roof was not designed for a person to climb on to.

6. One man was loading products into the back of a lorry, but the driver did not realise this was happening. As he drove off, the man in the back fell out of the lorry with the driver still unaware of what was happening.

If you think you have a case, then it is essential for you to deal with it because it could leave you in a better position, for example, if you or a family member had an accident that left you in a condition to require medical treatment, then compensation could cover this; this is especially important if it has left you financially unstable. Whether you have already recovered from an injury or you are still in the recovery process, contact an injury advice lawyer, as they will be able to provide you with professional advice that can put you on the right track. No matter whether your case is as bizarre as the ones listed above or it is a serious case, make sure you contact a solicitor to guide you through the process of making a claim.

Dominic works at Injury Advice Lawyers where he advices people on what they can claim.