5 Things You Should Do Following an Auto Accident

(Guest post from a US author) Being involved in an auto accident can be an extremely frightening experience.  It can be even more frightening if you don’t know what to do immediately after an accident.  The moves you make after being in a car wreck are critical.  They are critical not only to your immediate well-being, but are important in helping you establish what exactly happened that caused the accident.  Below are 5 things you should do following an auto accident.

Call 911

No matter how minor you believe your accident was, it would be a good idea to call the proper professionals to assist.  911 and law enforcement can assist in a myriad of ways including tending to any potential injuries (both visible and internal) as well as directing traffic to keep you and other parties safe.

Take Photos

Once you have been checked and hopefully cleared from medical professionals, we recommend taking photos of the crash scene.  Documenting the scene will prove to be helpful so that details aren’t forgotten about and that eye witnesses can accurately support the evidence.  Pay careful attention to getting clear, up-close photos of any vehicle damage.  You should also note the time of day, weather conditions and any road signs that may be visible during the accident.

Move to a Safe Area

It is important that you and other parties involved in the accident don’t cause any further damage by being in the path of oncoming traffic.  If possible, move your vehicles to a safe area, but be careful not to alter anything in the car that could serve as evidence by a proper accident examiner.

Exchange Information

Although you should never take blame for an accident without having all of the facts gathered, it is a good idea to exchange information with the driver of the other vehicle.  This includes name, address, phone number and insurance information.

Hire an Attorney

You want to take every step possible to protect yourself from the negligence of someone else.  You shouldn’t have to pay for anything if you were not responsible for the accident.  Hire an auto accident attorney and let them walk you through the steps of what needs to be done if you have been involved in a car wreck. A professional auto accident lawyer can help you get the settlement and justice you deserve.