Charlie Sheen Gives Girl $10,000 for Therapy Dog After Amusement Park Accident

Charlie Sheen has shown that, despite the controversy that swirls around him, he is willing to put his money where his mouth is.  After hearing of a young girl in Florida who needed a therapy dog after an amusement park accident left her seriously injured, the actor wired $10,000 to the girl’s mother to help purchase the animal, according to a recent report.

The 15-year-old Parkland, Florida, girl was injured when she plummeted 100 feet from a ride in an amusement park in Wisconsin in 2010.  The ride was supposed to have nets and airbags to prevent injury to riders on the free-fall attraction, but these were allegedly not raised at the time of the incident.

She suffered brain, spine and pelvis injures as well as internal organ damage.  She was hospitalized for three months following the accident and initially suffered paralysis of her arms and legs.  However, she has been able, through physical therapy, to begin walking again with the aid of a walker.

Mom Needs Financial Help

The young woman’s mother has recently divorced, is facing foreclosure and found that her insurance will no longer pay for her daughter’s physical therapy.  She had no money to pay for an English Golden Retriever puppy or to have it trained as a therapy dog, costs that are estimated to top $6,000.  However, she dreamed of a time when her daughter might be able to have a companion animal that could turn on lights and alert others if the girl was in trouble.

One woman, learning of the mother’s plight, has been engaging in fundraising activities to pay for the dog.  She realized that one of her friends was Charlie Sheen’s godfather so, on a chance, she wrote to her friend to ask for help.  Soon, Sheen responded with an offer of $10,000 to pay for the dog’s training as well as any other expenses the mother may need to meet.  Sheen also told the mother that if she needed more money, she was welcome to call him.

Normally Sheen does not publicize his donations, but he said that he wanted to encourage others to donate to similar causes.

Liability and Personal Injury Issues

It is unclear whether the mother filed a personal injury lawsuit, the status of that suit if filed, or any other information relating to settlement of the case.  It is possible that the family settled with the amusement park company only to find that the money was insufficient to pay her daughter’s expenses.

When someone is injured in an amusement park accident, it is vitally important to consult a legal expert.  A personal injury attorney can explain your rights and help you understand the consequences of settling immediately for a low amount of money.  A personal injury attorney can also help you estimate the lifelong costs of an injury so that you do not accept a low offer to settle your case.