Accident Aftermath: Do I Have a Personal Injury Claim?

After having suffered a serious injury, so many thoughts run through your mind that it can be difficult to think clearly. The trauma of being hurt turns your world upside down, and you may think you have nowhere to turn. In the aftermath of an automobile accident, falling down in a store or restaurant or being bitten by your neighbor’s dog, the chaos and confusion that follows can become overwhelming.

A Good Attorney is Your Best Ally

No one expects you to know the complicated details involving in determining whether your injuries were caused by someone else’s negligence. That’s what qualified personal injury attorneys are for. Finding a lawyer with years of experience dealing with insurance company investigators and claims adjustors, expert witnesses in the medical profession and going to trial to fight for an accident victim’s legal rights will mean you don’t have to worry about what to do next – they’ll be there for you every step of the way.

At first, figuring out who is responsible for your injuries may seem simple. But there are so many facets to every part of the law governing personal injury negligence, you really need someone on your side who has “been there, done that”. Let’s face it – insurance companies do not like to pay out big financial settlements to those claiming they were injured in an accident. You can bet they’ll put their best lawyers on your case – which is exactly why you need your attorney to do the same thing.

Don’t be Intimidated

Insurance companies often use intimidation and fear tactics to attempt to get you to settle your injury case without hiring an attorney. If you’ve suffered a serious injury that you feel may effect you for a prolonged period of time, the best advice is DON’T answer their questions without speaking to your attorney first. Once you’ve hired a personal injury lawyer to represent you, simply provide their name and number to whoever is seeking information. The insurance company’s investigators, and the type of questions they ask, will seem innocent enough, but you can be certain their sole purpose at the end of the day is to compensate you as little possible.

Your personal injury lawyer will ensure that every effort is made to get you the highest amount of financial compensation you deserve. They will know how to fight on your behalf for things you may not have even considered – like if you are unable to go back to work because of your injury, or may need extensive physical or rehabilitative therapies for the rest of your life.

Don’t let the confusion and uncertainty of being injured keep you from getting what you are entitled to under the law. Take action immediately, as Florida has recently enacted laws that greatly restrict the amount of time you have to seek financial damages from an insurance carrier or other party. A qualified personal injury lawyer should be willing to meet with you to talk over the facts of your situation, at no cost to you.