Car Accident Information

Car Accidents Practice Area

We, iAccident Lawyers, are here to help you after a car accident. We will get you an experienced car accident attorney to help you with the financial, mental and physical burdens that follow an accident. We will not charge you until you get paid and settle with the insurance companies. You have nothing to lose by calling us! We are here 24/7!

We Can Assist You With:

  • Recovering lost income and wages from time-off of work
  • Holding drunk drivers accountable and getting unsafe, uninsured, unlicensed drivers to pay
  • Coverage for medical expenses
  • Recovering damages for physical pain and injuries or mental anguish
  • Replacing your damaged vehicle

How You Should Handle The Aftermath Of An Accident:

• Keep an Emergency Kit – Keep writing utensil, paper (for taking notes), a disposable camera and a card with special medical instructions (if you have allergies or medical conditions) inside your glove compartment.

• File an Accident Report – Contact law enforcement and emergency services immediately after an accident and file an accident report. Do not sign anything until you have contacted one of the car accident attorneys.

• Stay Safe – Make sure there are no serious injuries. If passengers cannot move, keep them safe inside the car until help comes. Turn on hazard lights to alert other drivers of the accident.

• Exchange information – Exchange names, phone numbers, insurance information (insurance company name and policy number,) write down the license number of the drivers and the license plate number with the make, model and year of all vehicles involved. Write down witnesses’ names, addresses, and phone numbers.

• Take Pictures – Take as many photographs as possible of the accident and your injuries from different angles, this will help illustrate scene of the accident.

• Get Protection – Discuss the accident and the nature of your injuries with the Accident Attorney’s Group and your doctor. Do not consent to a recorded statement or sign anything with anyone before first reviewing it with your attorney.

Why A Car Accident Lawyer Is Helpful To Have In Your Corner:

  • It will save you time and effort because your personal injury lawyer will handle all the headaches that come with trying to recover damages and deal with insurance companies. It is difficult to try to do everything else on your own without having the experience and savvy required to handle car accident cases.
  • The car accident attorney will be able to get you the settlement you deserve and need. A study by the Insurance Resource Council found that accident victims with legal representation were compensated up to three times more than those who did not have an accident attorney. People think they can manage the insurance claim if their injuries are small, but fair compensation only comes once the insurance companies see you are serious and have the protection and support of a lawyer during the proceedings.
  • Having a car accident attorney means you will know when to accept a settlement and you will not be saddled with an unfair settlement. A skilled attorney can negotiate the best possible settlement for effectively and quickly.

Keep in mind that you may be eligible for compensation whether you were the driver or passenger in a car accident. Find out your options by talking to a lawyer at iAccident Lawyer. Call us today at (877) 227-1977.

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1 thought on “Car Accident Information

  1. Grame Harvey

    The writer of this article has tried to write almost everything on car accident briefly and this is a good initiative. I believe as a lawyer I need to discuss little more on it to help other car injured persons. After car accident we should inform police and for injury we should consult with a doctor. It would be better if we catch a photo of accidental spot. After that we can consult with insurance providers with details information. If we are not happy with compensation amount then we can consult with car accident lawyers or personal injury lawyers.

    Unfortunate matter is that road accident is increasing every day not only in USA also other counties.

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