Understanding Los Angeles Personal Injury Cases

Personal injury cases refer to situations where a person has been injured by the negligent actions of another person. There are many examples of Los Angeles personal injury cases that require the help of a qualified attorney. If you or a loved one has suffered an injury due to the negligent acts of someone else, it is important to contact an attorney as soon as possible to see if you have a case. A qualified personal injury lawyer will be able to look at the specific details of your case to decide who should be held accountable.

Most personal injury cases in LA involve car accidents, accidents at work and also medical malpractice in LA. However, if you or someone you know has been injured from a fall on someone’s property, accidents that occur in the home or related to a holiday, injured during an assault, or injured from a defective product may have a personal injury case. This term also applies to medical or dental accidents. Medical malpractice cases can be complex and very expensive to pursue. If your case is related to the negligence of a medical professional, it is important to contact a lawyer experienced in this area to be sure you have a case. Due to the high cost of medical malpractice cases, legal action should only be taken if serious injury or death occurred as a result of negligent actions.

If you have a personal injury case, your attorney can seek monetary damages for both economic and non-economic issues. Your lawyer will work to get you money to compensate for any ongoing need to see a doctor, receive rehabilitation, therapy, medications, any hospitalization that occurs as a result of your injury, as well as any loss of income experienced from not being able to work due to your physical condition. These are examples of economic needs that your attorney will fight to get compensation for. In addition, some non-economic needs that you can be monetarily compensated for include; pain and suffering, disfigurement, and any embarrassment that you may experience as a result of your injuries.

In California there is a time limit in place for people who wish the file a person injury lawsuit. Because of these deadlines, it is important to speak to an attorney as soon as possible to get your case started. It is also important to work with an experienced law firm that has the financial resources to fight aggressively against large insurance companies and other organizations. A personal injury case can be expensive to fight, but working with an experienced and resourceful law firm will be important to the success of your case.

Some law firms like Bob M. Cohen & Associates will work with clients with a conditional fee agreement. This means that the law firm may only collect a fee if they are able to win the case. Even if you are not in an area to be able to work with Bob Cohen Law, many injury attorneys operate in this manner. Also, in most states, attorneys cannot charge more than 100 percent of the settlement awarded from the case. Working with a large and well qualified law firm will help you get the best possible results for your personal injury case.