Author: Emma Flood Curated Media

Are the Proposed Personal Injury Reforms Fair?

At the beginning of this month, the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) held their annual conference in Birmingham. The main topic of discussion at the conference was the proposed personal injury reforms due to make their way through parliament later this year. The proposed reforms have been met with much criticism for denying many […]

Johnson & Johnson to pay $71m in Compensation – Could they be held liable under UK law?

Household name Johnson & Johnson have been ordered to pay $71m (around £51m) in compensation to the family of a woman who suffered from ovarian cancer, allegedly as a result of using Johnson & Johnson products. However, a number of legal commentators have stated that the case simply wouldn’t hold up in the UK courts, […]

Weather Warning: How does bad weather affect road traffic accident claims?

As the weather worsens, the risk of being involved in a road traffic accident increases. Driving on winter roads can be challenging, and as such drivers must exercise a greater level of caution and skill than is usually required of them. However, regardless of how careful drivers are, unforeseen weather conditions such as black ice, […]