Author: gclatworthy

Protecting Your Personal Interests Following A Car Accident

[US law and general] Automobile accidents are a common source of injuries, property damage, and deaths. Motor vehicle collisions typically result from the negligence of one or both drivers. As a result, automobile accidents are a common source of litigation. When an accident occurs, both parties must take preventative actions to mitigate their potential losses. […]

Why You Shouldn’t Exaggerate Your Injuries

After an automobile collision, the injured parties will normally seek recovery against the at-fault party. It is possible for accident victims to suffer paralysis, nerve damage, and disfigurement that inhibits their ability to work and causes long-term pain. Some parties with relatively minor or even no injuries believe that inflating the claims can result in […]

Is Personal Injury Compensation Considered in Divorce Settlements?

According to a family law attorney, during the process of virtually all divorces, both spouses will need to decide upon how any shared assets will be divided. In most cases, shared property includes assets such as houses, vehicles and any minor children, but what many divorcing spouses don’t know is that personal injury compensation may […]