Author: Guest injury law blogger

How to prevent injury claims with safety at work

Daytime television is full of commercials for firms offering to represent people in personal injury claims. While the fact that these companies are perceived as actively encouraging nuisance lawsuits is an annoyance to many companies (particularly smaller ones, which struggle to afford legal fees), the reality is that their business is a combination of people […]

A Personal Injury Lawyer Will Assist Accident Victims

When you have been injured in an accident, getting the help you need is imperative to your recovery and your ability to regain as normal a life as possible. However, in the immediate aftermath, you and your family may be confused and frightened;unsure of what to do. Often you will be required to fill out […]

Increase in small claims limit for road traffic accident personal injury cases

(Guest post) The results of a recent government consultation on road traffic accident personal injury claims have just been released. The results are that the government proposes to raise the threshold of road traffic-related personal injury claims that can be dealt with in the small claims court, from £1000 to £5000. The consultation also recommends […]

New York Workers’ Compensation Reforms Show Promising Results

New York’s 2007 statutory reforms are starting to show positive workers’ compensation changes according to the fifth annual report published by the Workers’ Compensation Research Institute (WCRI). Each year, WCRI assesses the performance of the workers’ compensation system, evaluating the effects of the statutory changes and looking for any unintended consequences. In 2007, statutory changes […]

How to Recover RTA Compensation Even with an Uninsured or Untraced Driver

There are some events in our lives that occur through no fault of our own – we are walking or driving along, minding our own business, then, like a flash, we become involved in a car or pedestrian accident. There is no question that vehicular and road traffic accidents are more common than we think. […]

Personal Injury Claims at Work

The role of the HSE The Health and Safety Executive ( is the national regulator for health and safety in the workplace. As such they aim to reduce workplace related injury, death and illness. They do so by promoting training, providing regulations, research and investigation, enforcement. They will investigate the more serious cases of workplace […]

Dealing with motorcycle accidents

Guest personal injury blog post from Orbis Solicitors. Based in Lancashire they have extensive experience of motorcycle accident cases. Their motorcycle team is run by bikers, for bikers and they are big supporters of motorcycling events across the region. They can also offer advice in employment law, professional negligence and debt recovery cases. Road accidents […]