Author: JRO

Have Traffic Collisions Decreased in the Greater Seattle Area?

It is no secret that driving in large metropolitan areas is both stressful and dangerous. However, there have been dramatic increases in the number of traffic cameras, safety precautions, and regulations meant to keep people safer on the roads. Despite the increase in concern, many people are still left asking themselves whether or not these […]

What is Market Share Liability?

The legal concept of market share liability was created more than 30 years ago through the famous ruling by the 1980 California Supreme Court in Sindell v. Abbott Laboratories. It provides for plaintiffs in a suit against a manufacturer of a product, where others may also manufacture the same or similar product, to receive proportionate […]

Common Latin Terms Used in Law

It used to be that before you considered a career in law, you needed to take a year of Latin to understand and appreciate different terms and expressions like “caveat emptor” (“let the buyer beware”). There are many phrases commonly used in the practice of law that many of us have heard, especially if we […]

An Introduction of Palsgraf

The scene is New York City, 1928. A woman named Helen Palsgraf is standing on the train platform waiting to catch a ride to Rockaway Beach. Another train arrives, and two men run past her to catch it. One gets aboard, but the other has trouble because he is carrying a small unmarked box wrapped […]

A List of Infamous Prom Incidents

For seniors, the prom is an epilogue to their high school years. The pictures, the socializing, the parties, and the dancing often add up to a night that is extraordinarily memorable. Yet, sometimes, prom can be memorable for all the wrong reasons. Anyone who ever watched the 1990’s series Beverly Hill 90210 likely remembers when […]

The Most Common Injuries Suffered by NBA Players

The National Basketball Association (NBA) is a wonderful sports league; but like any high level of sports, injuries are commonplace. Even though basketball is not the contact sport that, say, football is, injuries are still a daily occurrence in professional basketball. It is not hard to understand why: extremely athletic players are accelerating, breaking, and […]

Essential Pieces of Civil Procedure

The American legal system is divided into two specific and equally important sections: criminal law, and civil law. Under this system, only a criminal proceeding can result in the individual receiving a punishment, in the form of a prison sentence or a monetary fine. Additionally, criminal charges can only be filed by officers of the […]