Author: JRO

Small Force Can Cause Big Impact

Blunt force trauma is a scary reality that many humans have to face every single day. Throughout history there have been several cases where small amounts of force caused irreparable damage. The problem with brain injuries is that they are so prevalent, and can often go untreated; in fact, brain injuries are one of the […]

Recent Notable Brain Injury Lawsuits

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is sudden damage to the brain caused by an outside physical force. It causes impaired cognitive and/or physical functioning, and can manifest through many different medical conditions. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are an estimated 5.3 million people in the United States suffering from TBI. Many […]

The Societal Problem of Frivolous Litigation

Frivolous lawsuits impact society as a negative reality of contemporary times. Frivolous lawsuits are claims with no merit that are filed for the specific purpose of obtaining a judgment. There has been a lot of discussion about how best to address this issue that forces innocent defendants into the court system for no good reason. […]

Should Punitive Damages Be Eliminated?

Punitive damages are monetary damages that are awarded to a plaintiff to punish the defendant and to deter the defendant from engaging in similar conduct in the future. These exemplary damages are awarded to the plaintiff in addition to the actual damages awarded by either the jury or the judge if the right to a […]

Cities with the Most Car Accidents Per Capita

U.S. motor vehicle accident statistics are under the purveyance of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). However, after 2008, NHTSA accident statistics have been limited to fatalities. Consequently, most discussion of vehicular accidents and the relative safety of driving in U.S. cities are now based on data supplied by the Allstate Insurance Company. Since […]

Disneyland’s Legal Battlefield

Disneyland is under siege, and the weapon of choice is litigation! According to several sources, the famed family theme park, located in Anaheim, California, has been served with approximately 140 personal injury lawsuits over the past five years. Ostensibly a problem of balance-challenged Mickey Mouse fans, the majority of the cases stem from slips, trips and flying […]