Author: mariajohnuk

How does the UK’s elder law protect seniors?

An article which looks at laws which are being brought in to protect elderly and vulnerable people from being abused. With the UK population aging and life expectancy increasing the number of potential victims is increasing. It is perhaps a sad sign of our times that statistics show abuse of elderly and vulnerable people are […]

The Evolution and Application of the Law on Fraud

In what is fast becoming a more internet-centric world, certain crimes have migrated to cyberspace. Fraud is certainly no exception. This article takes a look at fraudulent activities both on the internet and in the corporate world. The Law In law, the definition of fraud varies depending on the jurisdiction, though it can be described […]

Where to Go for Professional Legal Help After an Accident

It’s sad that so many people either don’t know that they are entitled to claim compensation for injuries sustained by the negligence of others or think that claiming is only for the greedy. Seeking advice is your legal right and finding the right lawyers to help you can make all the difference. The rise of […]