Author: ShelbyW

Getting Around Town Safely: Teens and Public Transit

Any time that a person ventures out into society, they open themselves up to potential danger. This is especially true for teenagers, who may appear vulnerable to predators and lack the life skills that are necessary to keep themselves safe. If you are a teenager or have a teenage child, it’s important to begin learning […]

New Research on Dangers of Using Voice Apps While Driving

Approximately 6.1 billion text messages are sent each day, according to Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association statistics. At least half of all drivers have admitted to reading either texts or emails while on the road. Around 30 percent of drivers surveyed have actually admitted to typing a message, according to AAA data. These are dangerous statistics, […]

E-Prescriptions: Reducing Medication Errors

The digital age has made e-mail and texting the preferred method of written communication. However, one area where handwriting has persisted until recently has been for medical prescriptions. This is very unfortunate, since inappropriate directions and sloppy writing has led to what are known in the medical industry as preventable adverse drug events. While some […]

DUI Accidents & Wrongful Death Claims

It’s a sad fact that right around one-third of all fatal accidents in America are related to alcohol consumption. The toll that drunk driving takes on society as a whole is staggering, with reports showing an economic cost of $132 billion each year, but the human toll is, unfortunately, even more disheartening. Mothers Against Drunk […]

Facts about Drunk Driving Accidents

Drunk driving and speeding are the two leading causes of traffic fatalities and injuries. In 2010, more than 10,000 people were killed due to the actions of a drunk driver, and this accounts for 31 percent of all of the traffic fatalities that occurred that year. Additionally, more than 524,000 traffic injuries are attributed to […]

Tired of Waiting for the Insurance Check?

(U.S. Insurance Law) If you purchased an insurance policy, you trust that when it’s time to file a claim, your insurance company will be there for you. Accidents, injuries and natural disasters such as an earthquake, hurricane, tornado, fire, hail, flooding and lightning should all be covered under these policies. However, when an accident happens […]

Public Transit: Another Day, Another Accident

Most people realize that public transportation provides a great service for cities and towns where it is present. It eases traffic congestion, is good for the environment and provides a method of transportation for those who otherwise wouldn’t have it. Another benefit is the fact that public transit accidents are believed to be less frequent […]

When Young Drivers Take Too Many Risks

One can simply turn on the news and realize that the world isn’t always safe for teenagers. Unfortunately, besides these dangers, teens often experience peer pressure, bullying and many other stressful issues that we were all excessively excited to leave behind in high school. Regrettably, teens frequently put themselves at risk further by engaging in dangerous […]