Author: ShelbyW

The Great (Dry) Wall of China: International Product Liability?

When you purchase a home or business structure, you expect it to meet certain quality and safety design standards, including those related to health. Unfortunately, many people across the United States have recently been finding out the hard way that not all contractors and builders are playing by the same rules. In fact, recent lawsuits […]

Trespassers Injured on Construction Sites – Can They Sue?

The short answer to this question is yes, but it is a qualified yes. Anyone can file a lawsuit requesting a court date for an initial hearing. The problems begin when the case is presented at the preliminary hearing. A lawsuit is a legal pleading for the court to grant the right to have a […]

Deadly Medicine: Pharmaceutical Lawsuits

There is no question that medical advances over the past century have saved millions of lives. New drugs used to be released on a far less common basis than they are today and usually only after stringent approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It now seems, however, that a new drug is hitting […]