Author: tylercook

Abuse in Public Services

Shocking news stories give the impression that abuse from public care workers is frighteningly commonplace. However, a report by the Winnipeg government says that the majority of abuse involving older adult victims comes from family members. Similarly, the United States based non-profit organization Do Something says that more than two thirds of child abuse occurs […]

How PTSD Will Effect a New Generation of Soldiers

Post-traumatic stress disorder occurs after a person has been through an intense, frightening event, such as exposure to combat. Not everyone who experiences war gets PTSD, and it is unclear why some do and others do not. Circumstances that increase your chances of getting PTSD include how intense the event was, how long it lasted, […]

Keep Your Head on Straight: Workplace Safety Precautions

 Staying safe in the workplace is important to your health and well-being. There are some organizations that work hard to provide employees with the correct headgear and safety training, preventing serious accidents and saving lives. Here are some of the requirements of safety headgear, and how to wear it correctly so you don’t place your […]

Negligent Care of Children

Placing your child into daycare and trusting the people there to care for them can be one of the most difficult decisions a parent will make. It is often common to see a child start daycare by the age of 6 weeks. Finding a daycare you can trust can take weeks or months. It is […]

How Child Abuse Can Cause Brain Injury

Several studies demonstrate that child abuse can cause serious brain damage and lifelong suffering. A number of children and adults have undergone testing to show how people suffer from psychological problems related to childhood abuse, trauma, neglect and sexual assault. Child abuse is nothing new, and it, unfortunately, continues today. Small infants often receive abuse […]

Healthcare Shortcomings in the USA

It is a common belief that because the United States spends by far the most per capita on health services that it must also be providing the highest quality of care. However, in looking at comparative health data this appears to only be sporadically true. The United States has an infant mortality rate of 6.7 […]