Author: tylercook

GPS Truck Collisions

Trucking accidents involving commercial trucks and a bridge or overpass have been increasing in number within the last few years with many commercial truck drivers and commercial trucking companies blaming the increase on faulty commercial GPS systems.   Many of these accidents result in serious personal injuries or death.  In the New York City area alone over the […]

Slip and Fall Injuries

The phrase “slip and fall” refers to accidents that occur due to a dangerous condition on someone else’s property. Slip and fall accidents can happen at any time. They can occur at shopping malls, restaurants, schools, theaters and homes. Sometimes, slip and fall accidents can cause serious injuries such as broken bones, spinal injuries, traumatic […]

Carnival Cruise Lines Sued over Shipwreck in Italy

Passengers of the Costa Concordia and businesses affected when the Carnival cruise ship ran aground have sued the Miami-based Carnival Corporation, seeking millions of dollars in damages. Plaintiffs Believe Carnival is Responsible Investigators believe that the Costa Concordia struck a reef while passing Giglio Island, an island off of Italy’s Tuscan coast. The island is […]

Police in Portland, Oregon Use Unreasonable Force on Mentally Ill

The United States Justice Department conducted an investigation into the unnecessary use of force of Portland, Oregon police on people with mental illness. On Thursday, September 14, the department announced that investigators found Portland police officers used excessive force without justification against people with mental illness. Deadly Force Used Disproportionately on Mentally Ill The investigation […]

Massachusetts Lab Scandal Highlights the Importance of Careful Regulation in Laboratories

What is Laboratory Law? Laboratory law has developed significantly in the past 50 years. According to Malcolm H. Merrill and W. Max Chapman’s “Laboratory Technicians: The Clinical Laboratory Law and Its Meaning to Private Physicians”, clinical laboratory law was originally introduced in 1938, and laboratories were at first monitored on only a voluntary basis. While […]

Environmental Groups Concerned about Water Contamination File Lawsuit

On Tuesday, August 14, the Natural Resources Defense Council and the Environmental Working Group filed a lawsuit against the California Department of Public Health. The suit, filed in Alameda County Superior Court, asks the agency to obey its requirement to limit the level of hexavalent chromium, a chemical carcinogen, in California’s drinking water. In 2001, […]