Personal Injury Law Blogs

Finding the right lawyer for you

Which are the best personal injury lawyers to choose?

You’ve searched on “accident claim” or a similar term, and you’ve had an avalanche of pages and sites returned. Where to start? How do you pick the right personal injury lawyers for a full service?

Top tips for finding the best personal injury lawyers

When you’re searching online, first gather information. Does your injury qualify for a claim?

  • Were you injured within the last three years?
  • Was it someone else’s fault?
  • Did you receive medical attention because of it?
  • What category does your injury fall into?

The best personal injury lawyers will ask you these questions.  Here are some major categories that they cover:

  • Clinical negligence
  • Injury from faulty products
  • Plastic surgery procedures gone wrong
  • Trips, slips and falls, on a wet floor, over a tipping pavement slap or a crooked kerb.
  • An accident from machinery or equipment at work
  • Falling from a height or being hit by moving plant
  • A debilitating condition resulting from long-standing conditions at work
  • Road traffic accidents for drivers, passengers or pedestrians
  • Accidents overseas or holiday mishaps, such as picking up food-poisoning in a hotel

These are just examples. The fact is anybody can be injured in almost any circumstance. The trigger for an accident claim is that it was somebody else’s fault, and under UK law the victim is entitled to seek compensation.

Check out the sites

You can establish these early facts for yourself on many personal injury compensation claim sites. Once you start your claim, however, things may change slightly. Although the majority of cases are dealt with by phone and settled, many cases are more complex. Personal injury lawyers will advise you on the complexities, should they arise. So for example, if the defendant refuses to settle, or if the offer is too low and there’s a possibility your case has to go to court, then you need one-on-one guidance to pursue it.

Terms of Business

Many sites offer a free initial consultation by phone, and the contact details will be easily found, if you don’t want to do it all through the website forms. You are under no obligation to start a claim, indeed, the decision is yours, but when you do, always ask the terms of business. Most personal injury lawyers in the UK offer a no win no fee service, and many of them are members of the Law Society.

The Most Common Injuries Suffered by NFL Players

While football may be a fun and exciting sport to watch, it can be a painful game to play. Most NFL players suffer bruises, concussions, and a variety of other injuries throughout the course of their careers, with each ailment bringing with it a host of other complications. Here are some of the most common injuries suffered by NFL players in the United States, and a few tips on how to stay safe in your future time on the gridiron.

Shoulder Injuries

This is the most common injury suffered by quarterbacks, with a variety of complications such as torn ligaments, broken bones, and partial or complete dislocations. Players in this position often experience problems due to overuse of the joint, and can fix issues through inflammation therapy, rehabilitation, and in worst cases, surgery.

If the injury is due to a blunt force trauma, such as a rough tackle, it is most likely that surgery is necessary, with the rehabilitation time often spanning whole seasons. While there are few preventions for this injury, it is wise for a quarterback to rest the arm if it feels especially fatigued, and to attempt to avoid falling on the throwing arm.

Ankle and Lower Leg Injuries

This is an extremely common injury for players of all positions. Because of the aggressive and often violent nature of football, players can fall in compromising positions that allow their ankles to twist or even snap. The tendons in the ankle are at a high risk of tearing, and the bones can even break if subjected to a hard fall on the turf below.

It is difficult to prevent this kind of injury, as it can happen at any time during a play. Strengthening the muscles in the calf, lower leg, and ankle would help protect the surrounding areas in the event of such a situation.

Head Injuries

This is a very common injury among NFL players, and can often have the most devastating effects on both players’ careers and lives as a whole. While the sturdy plastic helmets worn by these players are meant to protect individuals during aggressive play, they often fail, allowing concussions and other head trauma to occur frequently. Many NFL players suffer multiple concussions throughout their careers, and others fall prey to serious brain damage that has occasionally left players debilitated.

To prevent this, a football player must be extremely careful when tackling and being tackled. Always attempt to prevent your head from sustaining a direct blow, and when tackling, ensure that the head is directed outward in order to prevent direct contact with any hard surface. Also, before playing on the field, make sure that your helmet is made of the highest quality plastic and other materials, and that it conforms to the standards set forth by any governing bodies. By taking these simple precautions, you will be helping to maintain the health and safety of your body’s most precious organ.

Stay Safe on the Field

Football may be a national pastime, but it’s an extremely dangerous sport to play for the unprepared. Before hitting the field again, read over this quick list to prepare yourself and stay safe as you score the winning touchdown.


Vincent Harmon is a freelance writer focusing on health, medical science, the medical profession and other kindred topics. Those suffering from an injury such as a herniated disk should visit Gulf Coast Spine Care.

Lawsuits Involving Cell Phone Radiation

Technology has developed leaps and bounds over the decades. However, the elation can often be short lived as there can be consequences associated with the advancements in modern technology. Cell phone radiation has become a prominent legal study in the past few years as cases are being fought. The following will focus on lawsuits involving cell phone radiation and the effect they have had on the industry in general.

Illinois Man with Brain Tumor

In late 2012, an Illinois man filed a lawsuit alleging a number of cell phone manufacturers were responsible for his brain tumor. This was a unique case in the area and one that received much publicity as it progressed. The prosecutors representing the man from Illinois immediately sought to pinpoint radiation as the main cause for their client’s brain tumor based on reports that have shown cell phones as being large producers of harmful radiation.

Warning Legislation

As cases regarding the negative impacts of the electromagnetic radiation emitted from cell phones on cell phone users began to increase, the government saw it was necessary to find a solution that would eliminate these cases. Cell phone manufacturers are being required to deliver on standards that are established by federal, local agencies and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

In 2010, San Francisco government officials began working on legislation related to cell phone warning labels. This process was deemed as a necessity with the ongoing research studies showing a growing link between cancer and cell phone usage. Regulations were being pondered in San Francisco as a means to fight against cell phone manufacturers and radiation. The idea is to provide warning labels for all cell phone users as a mean to ensure they understand the consequences of using cell phone devices regularly. This route serves to relinquish some responsibility from cell phone manufactures and place the liability back on cell phone users.

There is now an established radiation rate in place to take care of these matters. Any cell phone manufacturer exceeding these numbers will not be able to sell their product. The ratings are done through specific absorption rate (SAR) readings to further assess the effect of radiation on cell phone users.

FCC Update on Cell Phone Standards

Federal issues in 2012 began to find the necessity of updating standards for cell phone manufacturers. Most of the established standards were set during the initial years of cell phones being launched onto the market, some as early as the 1980s. Of course, the cell phone industry has revolutionized its methods of creating phones both in overall style and reception, and radiation levels are not nearly as high as they have been in the past. This change led to an inquiry during 2012 by the FCC to ensure their standards were set to meet the innovations of modern technology.

While many leaps and bound are currently being made to improve the safety of cell phones, many of the legalities regarding electromagnetic radiation have dealt with improving standards in order to protect both cell phone manufacturers and users alike.


Ian Holland is a freelance writer specializing in cell phones, gadgets, gadget insurance, technology, computers and other related issues; those considering insurance for their iphone 5s should take a look at the iphone 5 insurance brand

Tough Car Accident Scenarios that may require an Attorney

tough car accident

Being involved in a car accident is shocking. If you are injured, it can be devastating.  Amid the confusion in the immediate aftermath of an accident, it is often difficult to determine exactly what happened.  However, determining who was at fault in an auto accident is essential to determining who will pay for any damages related to the accident and in some instances, who may be subject to criminal prosecution. You might also want to read these Miami Car Accident Attorney Tips: What You Should Know About Car Accidents.

In many cases it is a relatively easy task to pinpoint who was at fault in a car accident.  Wisconsin, like all states, require drivers to drive in a prudent manner in order to avoid harming others.  There are specific laws that define the rules of the road.  Violating such rules can result in a ticket, fine, or conviction of a misdemeanor or felony, resulting in jail.  For example, Wisconsin drivers must drive in a way that is reasonable and prudent given the road conditions, as well as adhere to posted speed limits.  Driving too fast or too slowly is against the law.  It is also against the law to fail to stop at a red light, to fail to follow another vehicle at a safe distance, and to pass another vehicle in an unsafe manner.  Furthermore, inattentive driving such as  texting while driving in Wisconsin is against the law.  Driving while intoxicated is also a violation of the law.  If a driver is in an accident and receives a citation for violating a traffic law, that driver will likely be determined to be at fault for the accident and may be subject to civil liability and criminal penalties.  If you are injured in an auto accident where the driver of the other vehicle was negligent, you may be able to sue that driver in a personal injury action.

In other cases it may not be evident who was at fault.  For example, because of lack of third party witnesses or other evidence immediately available at the scene, the police may not issue any citations at the scene.  Furthermore, if there is significant damage to the vehicles and serious injuries to the drivers that requires hospitalization, it may be difficult to immediately determine fault or obtain evidence from the drivers.  Serious accidents often require the expertise of accident scene reconstruction specialists to determine the sequence of events that resulted in the car accident.

Whenever there is a car accident, even if you feel that fault is clear, there are certain steps that you should take when possible.  Make sure you get the names and contact information of the other driver involved as well as any witnesses.  Say as little as possible to the other driver as any statements that you make may be used as evidence to show that you were at fault.  Give the police a factual account of the accident for the police report.  Take pictures of the scene, including skid marks, if any.

Whether you feel that you were at fault or that another driver was at fault, proving fault in a car accident can be complicated.  Contact an attorney experienced with car accident and reckless driving cases to help you determine the best course of action under the circumstances.

For more information about your legal rights after a car accident or to get assistance with your car accident claim click here.

What to do if you suffer from a Brain Injury as a result of a Car Accident in Florida?

A brain injury is one of the most traumatic injuries one can suffer as a result of a car accident. The problem with these injuries is that at times, there are no outwards signs and people tend to ignore them. But, these injuries have a nasty habit of manifesting after some time has elapsed and when they do, they lead to some serious problems like coma, marked behavioral changes, loss of mobility, intense headaches etc. If you live in Florida and have suffered a brain injury because of a car accident, you must know about certain aspects of making insurance claims for getting compensation for your injury. Let’s take a closer look at some of these aspects.

You don’t have a lot of time to seek medical treatment

In Florida, you have just 14 days to seek medical treatment post the car accident. The strict personal injury protection laws means, you need to get medical treatment for your injury in double quick time. If you have been involved in a car collision and have suffered from an injury because of it, make your way to a doctor without wasting any time. If you don’t do this within 14 days, you might not get full medical benefit pay-outs even if you are have been diagnosed with a serious brain injury.

Don’t go to just any doctor

If you have been injured in a car accident you might be tempted to first go to your family doctor or consult a friend who is a doctor or to a clinic that is near your home. Just one word – Don’t. In order to take full advantage of your PIP insurance policy, the initial treatment must be received at the designated group of hospitals or licensed clinics or through a group of medical professional authorized to handle accident related cases in Florida.

You need to turn first to your insurance

Florida is a No-Fault car insurance State. This means in order to get the compensation for your brain injury you must first target your own insurance coverage. But don’t worry; you can get out of the ‘No-Fault’ zone if you have suffered permanent injuries as a result of the negligence of the driver who was at fault for the accident. In this case, you don’t have to look to your own car insurance coverage to get compensation but can file a claim that demands the ‘at-fault’ driver’s insurance company settle the claim.

Time limit to file a case

If you think the seriousness of your personal injury claim allows you to file a claim against the errant driver, you have to do this within 4 years from the date of the car accident. If you don’t do this within the required time frame, you cannot recover damages from the at-fault driver. This is why you need to get started on the process of getting medical treatment, and filing an insurance claim as quickly as possible. This becomes of significant importance in case you have suffered a brain injury and it’s of a debilitating nature. You don’t want to lose out on compensation that you can rightfully claim. So, make sure you start the proceedings as quickly as you can.

Editor’s information – you can also read about some of the Best Accident Injury Lawyers in Florida in Jacksonville  for more information on relevant attorneys you may want to consider.

The Importance of hiring a car accident attorney

One of the simplest ways of getting your hands on the settlement amount that you think is appropriate for all the trauma that you have suffered because of your brain injury is to contact an injury lawyer in indianapolis. Think about it for a second. If you are suffering from a brain injury, would you like going through the long drawn out process of working out a claim, filing a claim, getting supporting documentation and a whole lot else, without any expert help. You will just be burdening yourself with a lot of extra work and associated pressure, when there is no need to. What’s more, you don’t want to be taking any wrong steps while filing a claim. You need to have an assurance that you are doing the right thing. This assurance comes in the form an expert lawyer specializing in personal injuries especially brain injuries. Think of your lawyer as your friend, philosopher and guide who will help you get the settlement amount you are looking for.

When you are involved in a car accident in Florida, the first thing you must do is not panic. Call the police to the scene of the accident, and then make your way to the authorized clinic, hospital or health professional. After that hire an attorney and begin the process of filing a claim. If you play it cool, you will be able take the right steps towards a satisfying compensation.

How Does Personal Injury Affect Your Insurance Rate?

Does filing a claim for a personal injury mean that you will have to pay a higher premium from now on? Not all the time, no. There are several factors an insurance company considers before deciding that you are a high risk to the company and slapping you with a higher premium.

Insurance Rates After an Accident

If you suffer an accident that was not your fault, your insurance carrier has no grounds to increase your insurance premium. If, however, you caused the accident in which you were injured, you will have to pay a higher premium from now on. This is the reason why several people choose not to file an insurance claim, especially if the injury is relatively minor

Some insurance companies also look at whether the accident was the first on your record. If you have had the same insurance policy for a long time and have had a clean record, your company may forgive the first accident and decide to keep your premium stable.

Insurance Rates After a Personal Injury

In general, the same principal applies if you suffer a personal injury. If the injury was not your fault, you may be spared an insurance hike. If it was your fault, a decision which is up to the insurance company, you will probably be facing an insurance hike.

The higher the claim you make on your personal injury, the higher the likelihood that you will have to pay an increased premium in the future. You probably won’t have to worry about an increase in your insurance premium if you suffer a minor sprain, but if you suffer multiple fractures you might see your insurance rates climb. In some cases, minor injuries attract a much smaller increase in premium than if they had been major. If you are injured at work, you will probably be covered under the employer’s insurance policy.

Insurance Rates and Number of Claims

If you claim insurance too many times, you will be considered a high-risk person and you may be forced to buy an insurance policy with extremely high premiums. In general, the larger the number of claims you file, the higher the insurance premium you will end up paying. It’s common to see insurance rates being raised significantly after a couple of claims have been filed. Usually, the jump in the insurance rates stays in effect for several years, depending on the company in question.

How to Save on Your Insurance Policy

If you, like countless others, are willing to forego claims on minor policies, you should buy insurance with higher deductibles and lower premiums. The deductible is the amount you have to pay out of your own pocket when you claim your insurance. Higher deductibles generally mean a reduced premium per month. You can save hundreds and maybe even thousands of dollars in the long run if you buy a policy with higher deductibles, especially if you have few to no accidents, or if you pay for the accidents out of your own pocket and save the insurance policy for a major emergency. As always, drive safe and take every precaution when attempting something dangerous. The best insurance claim is the one you don’t have to file.

Byline: George Dehrkoop has dedicated the past 10 years of his life to preventing healthcare fraud and to helping folks navigate the difficult ins and outs of health insurance.

Pharmacy Negligence- Philosophy & the Law

pharmacy negligence

Typically when we think of medical malpractice we think of negligent doctors.  We read about doctors who misdiagnose patients, surgeons who leave medical instruments in patients, and anesthesiologists who used a medication that was counter indicative based on the patient’s medical history.  However, other medical professionals such as pharmacists also make mistakes, and, sadly, the result is sometimes devastating.  Like physicians and other healthcare professionals, pharmacists can be held legally liable to patients for these mistakes if as a result the patient is harmed and suffers damages.


The basis of any negligence claim is that there existed a duty that was breached, causing harm and compensable damages.  In the case of the pharmacist-patient relationship the pharmacist has a legal responsibility to the patient to provide the medication prescribed by the physician and to disclose to patients pertinent information about taking the medication.  If the pharmacist fails to do so, the pharmacist breached his or her legal duty.  Should the patient become sick or die because of the pharmacist’s mistake, then there is causal relation between the pharmacist’s breach and the patient’s illness or death.  If as a result the patient suffers compensable harm such as medical bills, lost earnings, and pain and suffering then the pharmacist may be liable for damages.


Pharmacists can breach their duty of care in a number of different ways.  For example, a pharmacist may accidently give the patient the incorrect medication by either using the wrong drug when filling a prescription or by putting the wrong name on the prescription bottle.  The patient could wind up with the improper medication if the pharmacist makes an error in preparation by incorrectly compounding or improperly reconstituting the medication.  Negligence may also occur if a pharmacist gives the patient the wrong dosage instructions, fails to advise the patient about drug interactions or fails to warn the patient about possible side effects.   Furthermore, a pharmacist may even be held liable if the physician writes a prescription for the wrong medication and the pharmacist should have caught the mistake.


Patients who are injured due to the negligence of a pharmacist may be awarded both compensatory damages and punitive damages.  Compensatory damages are designed to pay for expenses that the patient incurred because of the negligence. For example, if the patient had to go to the emergency room to get treated for an adverse reaction to an incorrect medication, then the pharmacist may be liable for the bills associate with the hospital visit.  In addition, if the patient was unable to work, then the pharmacist may have to pay for the patient’s lost wages.  Moreover, the negligent pharmacist may be liable to the patient or the patient’s family for punitive damages that would provide a monetary award above the actual expenses related to the negligent act.  Punitive damages are sometimes awarded in order to punish the negligent person and to deter the negligent behavior.


Unfortunately, pharmacy negligence is far from uncommon.  According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration medication errors cause at least one death each day and result in injuries to over 1.3 million people each year.  If you believe that you or a loved one was injured due to the negligence of a pharmacy, you should contact an experienced medical malpractice attorney.   An attorney familiar with the complexities of medical malpractices cases will be able to review the facts of your case with you, educate you on your legal rights and help you get the best possible result.

Auto Fraud Scams on the Rise in U.S.

For some countries, auto fraud scams have become such a great issue that dash cameras have become the norm. Now, the U.S. hasn’t reached a high enough level for such cameras to be the norm, but these scams are on the rise and continue to concern drivers in all states. Scammers will prey on anyone and everyone they can use for substantial compensation returns.

How about the stats?

Recent stats from the National Insurance Crime Bureau show an increase in auto fraud scams from 2007 to 2009 by 46%, with Florida leading the way as the number one state with reported auto fraud scams. This is increase is nearly four times of that reported in 1999. Either people are getting more desperate for money or major holes exist in the insurance system for finding and convicting these criminals.

Typical Auto Fraud Scams:

Scammers are using several tactics to prey on their victims, all of which require more than one scammer. A typical scenario requires two drivers looking to prey on another vehicle. With a four-lane road, one driver will get in front of the victim while the other pulls alongside the victim. The driver in front slams on their breaks, trapping the victim from veering to avoid the rear-end collision.

The scammer will use the wreck as a way to claim more compensation than needed. They typically overplay their injuries in hopes of recovering more compensation for injuries they haven’t sustained. Compensation then becomes pocketed income for the scammers, leaving the victim with higher insurance deductibles and bills.

Understanding These Scenarios:

First and foremost, know that these scams do occur and according to recent stats, they are occurring more frequently. You will be set up for an auto fraud scam, so look for possible red flags: is the person really hurt or are they overreacting? Did they call an ambulance? Did it seem as if they were working with someone else? Are they pushy about getting your insurance info?

In any case, make sure you call authorities to the scene for an official report of the wreck. If the other driver is claiming to be hurt, make sure they’re treated medical professionals before you leave the scene and receive a diagnosis. You want to make sure their claim is substantial.

If you believe you’ve been preyed upon, you can consult with an auto fraud attorney. Some personal injury attorneys specialize in this type of law and can help settle a matter that seems to be fraudulent. You don’t want to wait and consider whether you should meet with an attorney or not. Go ahead and meet with one – the least they will say is that you don’t have a claim. Plus, most attorneys provide free consultations.

Are Freeway Speed Limits for Trucks Too High?

Accidents are a regular occurrence on freeways around the country. There are concerns associated with the speeds that are established on these freeways. The speeds are generally deemed a tad ‘elevated’ in comparison to the safety requirements suggested by experts. Accidents that involve trucks are often associated with speeding being the major mistake leading to unfortunate results. When trucks are a part of accidents, the damage is usually more severe and damaging. Local and national governments are regularly looking at modifying certain areas of freeways in order to reduce these accidents involving trucks. This piece will focus on the speed limits on freeways and whether they can be considered too high.

Stopping Distance

Opinions on speed limits tend to vary depending on whom one asks. The general consensus features a belief that stopping distance is a key category to focus on. The primary reason that trucks should have a lowered speed limit is because of their stopping distance. A car going at 50 MPH will have a lesser stopping distance in comparison to a truck going at the same speed due to the weight of the car which is less than the weight of the truck. Having the same speed limit for both types of automotive vehicles can lead to an ongoing occurrence of crashes. Reducing the speed limits for trucks may balance the stopping distances between both types.

Natural Speed Limits

Trucks are generally considered slower in terms of the distance covered. It is wise for speed limits to be creating based on stopping time. Since the stopping time of a vehicle is heavily contingent on the weight of the vehicle, it follows that cars and trucks should have differing speed limits.

Faster Speeds Don’t Cause More Damage

A myth is often perpetrated among the driving population revolving around the correlation between driving speeds and accidents. Research has shown that there is no connection between increased speed limits and accidents. The only issue that is of concern revolves around the uniform nature of speed limits. It is a must to have speed limits that are diverse and take a vehicle’s size into consideration. This is where the idea of different speed limits comes into play across the nation for trucks and regular cars.

Most accidents that are reported are due to speeding that is well in excess of the established speed limit. These accidents are due to a driver completely losing control of their vehicle because they did not abide by the set speed limit for that particular highway or road. This is one of the major reasons behind why experts do not believe that faster speed limits are a cause for concern.

Issues with Reducing Speeds

Speed limits are not consistently reduced as, in most cases, reducing speed limits only succeeds in creating increased traffic, rather than decreasing the amount of traffic accidents. The increased traffic created by reduced speed limits may result in the increase of traffic accidents due to the amount of vehicles on the road at a time.


This piece was composed by Jonathan Brenner, a freelance writer based in Omaha, Nebraska who specializes in car mechanics, car repair and maintenance, cars and the law, trucking, transportation and other assorted topics; to learn more about the transportation field visit Next Exit Logistics.

Surprisingly Common Slip and Fall Accidents: Who has Liability?

(U.S. Law and generally) Most people do not plan their days around the risk of falling down and getting injured. While they may underappreciate slipping and falling, the consequences of these accidents can be devastating. In fact, slip and fall accidents commonly occur in a variety of places, calling for people to be aware of their surroundings and take caution to avoid falling. If they do fall and injure themselves, people are encouraged to consider the ramifications and whether their accidents are being properly addressed.

The Risk of Escalators

Most people enjoy riding up and down escalators. However, these fixtures can be dangerous for anyone, particularly elderly people. In fact, OSHA recently reported that in a 15 year span from 1991 to 2005, more than 40,000 people have been injured by falling off escalators. Public venues that have escalators on their premises have a variety of recourses available to them when someone falls and gets hurt on their properties. They typically are expected, if not legally required, to pay for victims’ medical expenses.

These locations may also have recourse to make repairs or adjustments to the escalators as well. Victims who are ignored by property owners or managers, are not offered help with medical bills, or referred to the venues’ legal team should contact a new york escalator accident lawyer to help them recoup compensation for their injuries.

Sidewalks Needing Upkeep

Both public and private property owners must keep up their sidewalks. Cracks, uneven pavement, and holes must be repaired so that passersby do not fall and get hurt. People who slip and fall on sidewalks can pursue legal action against the property owners. Even so, these accidents are often go unreported because many people do not seek medical help after they fall.

Accidents on Playgrounds

Adults are not the only ones prone to these accidents. The Center for Disease Control estimates as many as 200,000 children are injured each year by falling and slipping while playing on playgrounds. If a child falls on public property, such as at a city or county park, parents may seek legal remedy from the government agency that is responsible for the property’s upkeep. If a child falls on private property, those parents would have to pursue action against that private owner. A manhattan slip and fall lawyer can advise on the best course of action and who the responsible party would be.

Nursing Homes and Medical Facilities

The CDC estimates that close to 1800 people slip and fall in nursing homes and medical facilities each year. While these accidents occur on premises where medical staff is on hand to help, people still should have the expectation of being able to walk safely throughout these locations without falling and getting hurt. Any attorney, whether a NY slip and fall accident lawyer or one in Kansas, will agree that owners of private businesses and properties may have a responsibility to take care of victims who are injured onsite or under their care. Victims of slip and fall accidents should contact an attorney to find out what actions can be taken and how to negotiate with these facilities’ owners.

Slip and fall accidents can occur literally anywhere. Places that are generally assumed to be safe can actually pose a risk to people, especially elderly individuals or small children who are less mobile and steady on their feet. Property owners have an obligation to address the cases of slip and fall victims and provide financial assistance as needed. Victims can find out what legal actions are available to them after an accident by contacting a reliable attorney.

Freelance author/artist and self-proclaimed klutz Molly Pearce writes to inform readers on common-place injuries in today’s world and human rights as they relate. NY slip and fall accident lawyer group, the Perecman Firm, PLLC are advocates for the injured in the courtroom and have aided those suffering from paralysis, injuries to the head, broken bones and other serious injuries because of property owner negligence.