Personal Injury Law Blogs

When High Voltage Leads to On-the-Job Injury: What can a Person do?

Accidents involving high voltage electricity can easily result in death as well as very serious personal injury. The result of a high-voltage accident is rarely positive in any manner. Approximately 80% of all high voltage electrical shock injuries will include amputation of some type to avoid infecting other areas of the body. Sometimes this disabling condition occurs at the time of the accident. Although high voltage is often considered to be 440-volt currency levels, any electrical work injury can be very damaging because the electrical property that actually creates the damage is the line amp level. The amp level working in conjunction with line resistance, termed as impedance, actually determines the power capacity.

Electrical Fires

Actual contact with a live wire is not always necessary for a high-voltage work injury. Although this typically occurs in the very dangerous profession of electrical line repair and installation, an electrical problem can also result in extensive fires that can escalate quickly in industrial situations. Additionally, falling live wires can create other perils that cause serious burn injury. Falling wires from an electrical fire that trigger a sprinkler system can be problematic also, especially when a live cable falls into any area of pooled water and connects to a conductive material.

Electrical Injuries in the Construction Industry

Although professional linemen actually install the electrical cables from the power service, many construction companies subcontract the electrical service installation in any structure work place. A faulty transformer can cause the electricity to flow to the facility in its raw form without any resistance or conditioning. This is an extremely dangerous situation for everyone involved, not just the electricians.

Professional electricians are always aware of the potential for sever bodily injury, but power surges can occur in many different situations and the novice employee does not always know when danger is present. Injury can occur to carpenters and steel workers just as easily as electricians because the electricity flows unimpeded through all conductive materials. Raw power contact usually results in wrongful death injuries and the construction company should take every precaution available, but those precautions do not always get implemented.

Filing a Workers Compensation Claim

It is always important to hire an experienced construction accidents lawyer that is knowledgeable about personal injury in any burn-injury case because they can be complicated and involve multiple respondents. This is especially true in construction accidents with multiple contractors. When several employers are involved in one work place, the actual responsibility and negligence can be difficult to unravel, which is what occurs in any personal injury case.

The primary employer carrying the workers compensation insurance protection is responsible for filing the claim at work, but they cannot be sued for punitive negligence damage awards if they are legally compliant on all accounts. However, extenuating factors created by other responsible working contractors can represent negligence from other contracting employers. The possibly for multiple respondents is high in electrical injury cases, and it always takes an experienced attorney to maximize a claim.

It is important to hire a personal injury and accident attorney with significant experience in handling electrical work-related injuries because calculating all damages includes the possibility of permanent disability or even wrongful death. Immediate survivors of electrical work-related wrongful death claims are usually the individuals with proper legal standing to file a court case, so it is paramount to determine who that individual will be because the result can also impact any will or estate settlement. Always consider all possibilities when choosing an attorney and pick one with a solid track record of proven success for victims of an electrical injury.

Legal writer Lisa Coleman discusses some different kinds of high voltage work related accidents and injuries that can occur in a construction zone, and encourages legal representation for such victims injured whether by accident or negligence. The Perecman Firm, P.L.L.C. is a construction accidents lawyer firm based in New York that empathizes with the kind of problems that can arise with a serious or fatal injury involving high voltage, and is equipped to represent this kind of client and handle the problematic legalities that follow.

4 Things Every Chicago Driver Should Know When They Get Into A Car Accident

When chaos happens on the road, the most important tool you can have at your disposal is a car accident lawyer in Chicago every year over 6 million accidents happen in the United States alone. The cost of these accidents can range from anywhere between an extraordinary 8 to 12 billion dollars! Of the 6 million incidents that happen, 400,000 of those happen in Illinois. Even though the physical damage caused by an accident can be instantaneous and obvious, the emotional and mental turmoil can be more subtle yet way more overwhelming to deal with in the long run. Knowing the laws will help immensely, that’s why it’s so important to contact a car accident lawyer in Chicago immediately. Here are some common questions residents of Illinois should ask before getting behind the wheel of a car.

Is my Insurance Coverage enough?

Any Chicago Car Accident Lawyer will tell you that Illinois is a fault insurance state. This means that if there’s a car accident in Illinois, the driver who seems to be at fault for the damages is responsible for paying all damages through their insurance. Because of this, Illinois state law claims all drivers must be insured and that their policies cover $20,000 in the event of death or injury to one person and $40,000 in the event of deaths or injuries for more than one person. Plus all drivers must be covered by their insurance for $15,000 in property damage. Exchange your vehicle on scrap car Bolton for money fast.

If I do get into an accident, do I have to report it?

Any car accident that meets the crash reporting requirements for Illinois must be reported. If you fail to report a car accident that you were in, you could be hit with a heavy fine. Currently, that fine in Illinois can be a staggering 2500 dollars plus up to a year in jail. If you haven’t reported your accident you should consult a car accident lawyer in Chicago immediately to discuss your next step.

Is there a statute of limitations on when I can file my claim?

In Illinois, there is a statute of limitations on all auto accident claims. You must file your claim within 2 years of said accident; otherwise you will risk losing out on any compensation due to the other driver’s negligence. If you have been in an accident and are not sure how to proceed, contact a Chicago Personal Injury Lawyer for advice.

In the event of a car accident, can anyone sue?

In order to set limits on who can sue, Illinois has set in place what is called the proportional comparative fault policy. A Car Accident Lawyer Chicago will tell you what this means is that in order to sue, the driver must be less than 50 percent responsible for the accident. Anyone who is over 50 percent responsible cannot make a case.

Car accidents may happen in a matter of seconds, but the effects can last a lifetime. It is no easy feat to navigate you through all the unknown steps associated with making a full recovery from a traumatizing accident. Thousands of people have relied on car accident lawyers in Chicago, because they specializes in accident laws and can help ease the pain and stress of a terrible situation quickly and effortlessly.

Motorcycle Riding: Sharing the Road Safely in the Sunshine State

Florida welcomes motorcyclists to the state each year and encourages its own native riders to enjoy the highways and roads at leisure. However, bikers in Florida are encouraged to be aware of and follow the laws that the state has set aside especially for motorcyclists. These laws are designed to protect both riders and other motorists on the roadways. When a motorcycle rider does become involved in an accident, he or she can rely on a lawyer to ensure that all of the applicable laws were followed.

Florida Helmet Law

Unlike some states that stipulate that riders wear helmets, Florida’s helmet law is more lax. Bikers over the age of 21 are not required to wear helmets so long as they have at least $10,000 in medical insurance. People under this age and those without the mandated amount of medical coverage must wear a helmet while riding.

Other Related Laws

Florida does mandate that bikers wear eye protection and avoid using headphones while wearing a helmet. These protective stipulations prevent motorcyclists from sustaining damage to their eyes and allow them to hear traffic noises like approaching ambulances, horns, and other alerts. Likewise, they must keep their headlights on during the daytime hours so that other drivers can see them.

Motorcycle Traffic Laws

As when driving a car, bikers must give other drivers around them plenty of space and follow traffic at a safe distance. They are accorded by law the use of one full lane, however, they cannot pass traffic in the same lane. They must merge and pass in the next lane of traffic. Moreover, bikers are required to ride at the legal speed limit without speeding or driving too slowly. They also must use their turn signals when turning or switching lanes.

Motorcyclists would agree that operating a motorcycle differs significantly from driving a car. Most notably, cyclists are more vulnerable to injuries and death when they are in accidents. Preparing for an accident and knowing what to do afterward should be an important part of a motorcyclist’s training.

Fender Benders for Motorcycles

Because they are exposed and do not have the protection of a car’s body, motorcyclists do not simply experience minor fender benders. When they rear end a car or another vehicle, bikers often suffer physical injuries and sustain significant damage to their motorcycles. Every accident, in fact, can be an occasion that leads to a biker suffering devastating cuts, bruises, broken bones, and other physical damage. Staying alert while riding, wearing protective gear, and expecting the worst of other drivers may help bikers prepare themselves for an accident, should it occur.

Personal Injury Law Help

Accidents often happen very quickly, and people involved in these wrecks may not be sure of what happened or what caused the events. Motorcyclists who are injured in an accident can get help finding out who caused their injuries by retaining a local lawyer. Retaining a local lawyer who is knowledgeable about the local and state laws to where the accident occurred would be ideal. For example, if a person was involved in an accident within Tampa’s local roadway, then hiring an equipped Tampa motorcycle accident lawyer would be best. Motorcycle riders in Florida should not agree to anything or appear in court without first consulting a personal injury attorney.

Florida’s motorcycle laws are designed to protect motorcycle riders and help them enjoy the state’s roadways. When a biker is injured in an accident, he or she can help protect himself or herself by retaining a lawyer. This attorney can find out what traffic laws were violated and pursue the responsible party in court.

Lisa Coleman writes to encourage drivers to be alert and aware of other drivers when traveling, but stresses the importance of this to motorcyclists who face a higher level of danger when driving. Williams Law Association, P.A., a Tampa motorcycle accident lawyer firm, is experienced and equipped to represent the legalities for clients who have been involved or injured in a motorcycle accident in the Tampa, FL area.

Worker could make claim for personal injury after finger severed in accident

A worker could make a claim for personal injury after one of his fingers was partially severed by a machine in his workplace, leading to the amputation of the finger.

A worker whose finger had to be amputated after an accident at work could be entitled to claim personal injury against his employer after the employer was convicted of breaching health and safety regulations.

Mr Joao Countinho, 41, was cleaning a machine which pipes chocolate into moulds when the accident occurred on 29 February 2012. In order to properly clean the machine he had to remove the rotors and did so. However, when checking to see whether the stirrer cavity was clean he reached into the machine and unfortunately one of his fingers was caught on the rotator. His left index finger became trapped and was partially severed in the machine. He was rushed to hospital after the accident but the doctors could not save the finger and it had to be amputated.

The Health and Safety Executive were subsequently notified of the accident and an investigation was undertaken into the incident. This investigation found that there had been significant health and safety failings and recommended that a prosecution be initiated against Mr Countinho’s employer, Ashbury Chocolates Ltd.

The case came before the Kettering Magistrates’ Court on 18 June 2013. Ashbury Chocolates pleaded guilty to a breach of Regulation 11(1) of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (“PUWER 1998”) and as a result was fined £5,000 and ordered to pay the prosecution’s costs of £3,485.

It is not currently known whether Mr Countinho will wish to claim personal injury against his employer.

HSE inspector Ms Michelle Morrison commented after the prosecution: “Ashbury Chocolates Limited had a duty to ensure its employees were protected from the dangerous moving parts of its machines. It failed in that duty. The company has since installed a new guard to prevent a recurrence but it is a pity a man had to suffer a painful injury for that to happen.”

Marc Hadrill, a personal injury solicitor at law firm Redmans, commented: “All businesses have a duty to comply with health and safety legislation in the United Kingdom, regardless of their size. These obligations aren’t objectively particularly onerous – generally, businesses only have to do so much as is reasonably practicable in the circumstances to ensure the safety, welfare and health of their employees. The Magistrates’ Court clearly felt in this instance that Ashbury Chocolates hadn’t taken the necessary steps to prevent injury to its employees.”

Direct 2 Lawyers are employment law solicitors and unfair dismissal solicitors

Concussions Should Not Be Regarded Lightly

A concussion is termed as a sudden injury to the brain caused by trauma to the head. These are very common in contact sports, and in accidents. Concussions range from mild to severe. Mild concussions may not even manifest any symptoms, and severe concussions may need a few days in the hospital for recuperation. When you hit your head against a hard object, your brain is jolted inside the skull. The spinal fluid is supposed to act as a cushion; however the blow might be hard enough to force the brain to hit the walls of the skull. When this happens, any damage done will cause the brain to behave abnormally, and this is when the patient starts exhibiting symptoms of concussion.

What Are The Symptoms Of Concussions?

Headaches are one of the most common symptoms of a concussion; this is often coupled with an inability to concentrate. If you have a concussion, you will find it difficult to maintain your balance. You will feel dizzy or lightheaded and you may also suffer from loss of memory in addition to changes to your sleep patterns.

Behavioral symptoms may include aggression, irritability, or depression. While these are common symptoms of receiving a concussion, some medical professionals believe that the severities in which these symptoms are felt are based on pre-existing conditions already had by the individual.

What Are The Long-Term Effects Of Concussions?

The long-term impacts of a concussion will depend on the severity of the trauma. While it is possible to recover from a mild concussion within a few hours, a severe concussion can result in varying degrees of brain damage. Many victims of a concussion can feel the effects years after the incident in which the trauma occurred.

What Are Some Of The Treatments For Concussions?

Relaxation is one of the best ways to let the brain recover from any damage. The changes that occur in the white and grey matter of the brain, during a concussion need to be allowed to repair themselves. It is best for the patient to relax, avoid stress, movement, and other activities that require excess coordination. Ideally, the patient should rest as much as possible.

After the individual has spent time relaxing, there should be a gradual return to activity and normalcy. As symptoms persist, they should be treated accordingly. If a person is suffering from severe headaches, they may be prescribed pain relievers from their physicians in order to assist the pain as they heal. If an individual is suffering from more severe symptoms such as depression or anxiety, they may seek the assistance of a physiotherapist who may prescribe the patient antidepressants. Physical therapy may also be recommended for those lacking the appropriate motor skills or coordination prior to becoming injured.

As concussions are the most common form of traumatic brain injury, there are a variety of treatments available to assist with any pain and symptoms felt. If you have recently suffered a head injury, it is wise to consult your physician to find out of you may be suffering from a concussion.


Dustin Thompson is a freelance writer based in Portland, Oregon who concentrates on health, medical education, medicine and the law, urgent care and other related issues; those in need of a contact in case of emergencies should consider viewing Prime Urgent Care.

Worker could make personal injury claim after he loses three fingers at work

A worker could make a claim for personal injury after he had three fingers severed at work at least partly due to his employer’s failure to comply with UK health and safety regulations.

A 27-year-old man had three fingers completely severed almost down to the palm of his hand when an accident occurred at work in 2012.

The man – who does not wish to be named for personal reasons – was working on a social housing development for his employer, Optima Foundations Ltd, when the accident occurred on 6 February 2012. The worker was loading a section of casing to be piled up when the operator of a rig mistakenly lowered a 500kg weight onto his right hand, resulting in the middle three fingers on his right hand being completely severed down to the bone.

The Health and Safety Executive were notified of the accident and started an investigation. This investigation concluded that there had been seriously health and safety breaches and that Optima Foundations Limited should be prosecuted for a failure to comply with UK health and safety laws.

The case came before the Lincolnshire Magistrates’ Court on 10 July 2013. The Magistrates’ Court heard that the HSE investigation had concluded that there wasn’t a safe system of signals or instructions that would indicate that the person doing the piling was ready for the weight to come down, which at least partly resulted in the injury. What actually happened was that the rig operator would simply watch the person doing the piling to judge when the correct time to lower the weight wass. There wasn’t therefore a safe system of work that had been identified or complied with.

The Magistrates’ Court found Optima Foundations Ltd guilty of single breaches of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (after the company had pleaded guilty to the breaches). This resulted in a fine of £15,000 and an order to pay the prosecution’s costs totalling £8,171.

HSE inspector Mr Martin Giles stated after the prosecution: “Optima Foundations did not provide the injured person and his supervisor with adequate information, instruction and training, and there were defects in the functioning of the controls of the piling machine”

Chris Hadrill, an employment solicitor at Redmans, commented on the case: “Ensuring that there is a safe system of work is one of the key duties of an employer. If the employer fails in this obligation then this can be costly to both the injured party and the employer.

Direct 2 Lawyers can put you in touch with solicitors offering employment law advice

Council prosecuted and fined after worker falls through roof

A local authority has been fined by a Sheriff Court after a worker was seriously injured in a fall from height in May 2011.

Mr Douglas McGregor, 52, was working for The Moray Council as a labourer when the incident occurred on 27 May 2011. Mr McGregor was working on the removal and replacing of a roof light at a Council depot in Keith when the accident happened. He was standing on scaffolding batons after reaching the roof by using a ladder but one of the scaffolding batons slipped, causing Mr McGregor to slip and fall almost ten feet head-first to the ground below. This involved Mr McGregor also falling through the roof light that he was supposed to be repairing. As a result, he suffered significant injuries to his head and severe damage to the right side of his body, including a broken pelvis, a broken collar bone and fractured ribs. He was in a wheelchair for eight weeks after the accident but has subsequently returned to work (in November 2011).

The Health and Safety Executive was notified of the accident and subsequently started an investigation. This investigation resulted in a recommendation that a prosecution be undertaken against The Moray Council for failing to comply with health and safety legislation, namely a breach of the Work at Height Regulations 2005.

The matter came before the Elgin Sheriff Court on 11 July 2013. The Sheriff Court heard evidence that the garage roof light that Mr McGregor had been standing on was unstable and that it was unlikely to hold the weight of a person, as well as submissions that the working practices were unsafe and that  sufficient safeguards hadn’t been put in place to prevent injuries to the workers.

The Moray Council pleaded guilty to a breach of Regulation 4 of the Work at Height Regulations 2005 and fined the Council £4,000. It does not appear that the Council was ordered to pay costs.

Neither the Moray Council nor their criminal defence solicitors appeared to have commented after the prosecution.

HSE Principal Inspctor Mr John Blackburn commented after the prosecution: “Incidents on roofs of this type are commonplace, especially falls through roof lights, which are considered to be fragile, being unable to support the weight of persons walking on them… [The Council’s breaches] led to a worker suffering severe injuries and others being put at risk in an incident that could have been easily avoided had safety measures been in place”.

Marc Hadrill, a personal injury solicitor at Redmans, commented: “Employers aren’t expected to take any possible step to comply with health and safety laws – simply those steps that are reasonably practicable in the circumstances. The court clearly felt in this circumstance that the Council hadn’t taken the necessary adequate steps”.

Redmans Solicitors offer employment law advice and settlement agreement advice

Car Accident Aftermath: How to Handle your own Case

If you have been involved in a car accident, there is no legal precedent preventing you from handling your own accident claim and request for compensation. By using the following guideline, you can proceed with making a claim for compensation for your injuries and financial losses from an auto accident.

Procedure for Handling your own Case

• Obtain a copy of the police report regarding the accident. If the police have listed it as no-fault or undetermined fault, you will need to seek the advice of an accident engineer to determine who was at fault for the accident.
• Arrange for repair or replacement of your vehicle, and secure a rental car. Make sure that the other person’s insurance company is responsible for these costs.
• Arrange for medical care and follow up care through your Personal Injury Protection (PIP) clause of your insurance company. Make sure that the hospital and other care providers bill the policy directly.
• Calculate the extent of the injury, figure in any disability that may have occurred and determine the value of these damages in terms of lost earning potential and extended medical care.
• File a lost wage report to the PIP provider and arrange for payment of any future dates that you miss from work to make medical appointments.
• Negotiate with both insurance companies until you come up with a fair and just settlement amount that will cover all of your losses from the accident.
• Do this in a timely manner. There are time limitations for which you must adhere to make a claim for a car accident claim.

Of course, there will be other issues that may arise during this process for which you must be prepared. If the insurance company does not come to a fair agreement, you must be prepared to face them in court. You must also adhere to all court mandated timelines for responding to information requests and production of evidence. We recommend that you click for source to easily get in contact with the legal help you are looking for. 

Opt For A Much Easier Way To Handle your Case

If you believe that this process may be a little too burdensome, especially when you are trying to recover from the physical injuries related to the accident, you could opt for legal representation from a car accident attorney.

An auto accident attorney is familiar with the insurance system and with managing an accident case. They can effectively manage the insurance companies, and are equipped to see that your medical needs are met without expense to you. They can also represent you before these same insurance companies to arrange for the compensation for your claim.

Look for an attorney local to where the accident occurred to ensure they are familiar with all the applicable laws for the area. If you know someone local to where the accident occurred, ask for references. If this option is not available, an online search can be done to find local attorneys. For example, Google “auto accident lawyer in Miami FL” to obtain a list of attorneys that are knowledgeable in auto accident law in the Miami area, or the pertinent area of your accident. This is also a great time to navigate their websites to check for references or look for reviews.

An attorney knows what the legal requirements are in your state to make a claim, and they also know what the insurance companies are required to pay for, even if these same companies do not willingly offer that information.

By hiring an accident attorney you give yourself the one thing that you need the most, the ability to recuperate without stress. The body heals much faster and responds better to treatment when it is not stressed. If you are worried about financial matters, dealing with the insurance company, or researching laws, you are not in a proper frame of mind to heal.

Your health is the most important thing that you will ever possess. It is more important to heal from this accident than anything else. Allow an attorney to do the hard work while you worry about recovering.

Legal writer Lisa Coleman shares information of what needs to be done when trying to handle your own case, but encourages retaining an attorney instead. Steinger, Iscoe & Green, an auto accident lawyer in Miami FL dedicated firm, is equipped to handle the legalities for an auto accident case, including issues over any injuries sustained.

Do you know what to do if you’ve been in a car accident?

Accidents happen in a matter of seconds but can affect you for the rest of your life.

It’s an old cliché, but accidents happen. Every minute of every day, somebody somewhere suffers in a road traffic accident. Whether the accident was your fault or not it’s important to know just what to do in those vital moments after the collision occurs.

Here’s a brief list of some of the basic things you should do if you’ve been involved in an accident on the road.

Make sure everyone is safe

If you’ve been involved in an accident and it wasn’t your fault it may be tempting to get out of the car to vent your feelings at the other driver. That will do absolutely no good and could waste valuable time if someone has been hurt. Get out of your vehicle if you can, along with any passengers and ensure that everyone involved is OK. If anyone appears to be injured in any way, you must call for immediate medical assistance.

Get off the road

As soon as it is safe to do so, make sure yourself, other drivers and all other passengers are off the road and out of danger. You may not be able to go anywhere but other road users are usually keen to go about their business and continue their journeys; meaning you could be in danger of being struck by other vehicles. If your vehicles are not too badly damaged you may want to drive them to the side of the road, but if there is major damage, anyone injured is still inside, or there may be an issue for the police to investigate; always leave the vehicles exactly where they are.

Call the police

Even if the incident seems minor it’s always worth calling the police; especially if there’s some kind of dispute over the cause of the accident. The police attending will mean that the incident is recorded should any further action be taken further down the line – such as a road traffic accident claim

Exchange insurance information

Once you’ve established that everyone is safe it’s vital that you exchange insurance details with the other drivers involved. If possible take down the name of the insurance company and the policy number, but as many people don’t have this to hand you need to take down as many details as possible. Things like the driver’s name, address and phone number, along with the car’s registration plate details, make, colour and model of the car will all help when it comes to processing an insurance claim.

Approach witnesses

If there are other people nearby who saw the accident you should approach them to be a witness. Simply ask them if they would mind reporting what they have seen, though they don’t need to do anything at that moment. Simply giving their name and contact details will be enough. Should the insurance company need any information they will contact them at a later date.

Photograph and document all evidence

As well as taking down as much information as you can regarding the accident, if possible, try and photograph the damage caused and the position of the vehicles. Obviously if your car is in the middle of a busy road then this isn’t advised, but capturing that little bit of extra information might just help your case.

Get someone else to drive home

When all details have been collected, the police have left and you are ready to leave the scene, make sure someone else drives you home of possible. This may seem like a strange thing to do but following a road traffic accident you can sometimes suffer from delayed shock or even injury. Whiplash injuries can take some time to become noticeable and your reactions may be affected if you are shaken. See if someone will come and pick you up, or at least be with you in the car as you make your way home.

This article was provided by experienced writer and blogger Matt Parkinson in association with Canter Levin & Berg – Road traffic accident solicitors.

CRU Figures Expose Insurers Web of Lies in Face of Whiplash Reforms

Figures released by the Department for Work and Pension Compensation Recovery Unit (CRU) has confirmed that the total number of whiplash claims that were made last year has dropped nearly 11% to the lowest total since 2008/09, which begs the question. Why are some of the insurance companies only forecasting an estimated 3% decrease in consumer’s premiums?

The answer is simple according to Scott Rees and Co Managing Partner and that is through pure greed from those insurers who have campaigned and hoodwinked the government into believing that these reforms were essential.

Talking about the revelation of the figures Royston Smith said: “These figures simply expose the arguments of the insurers throughout the lead up and implementation of the Jackson Reforms as mere allegations of convenience as opposed to showing any real interest in helping the consumer. It is difficult to understand why any reforms were passed when these figures clearly dispute the reasoning for such large scale changes.”

“Now an entire industry is being forced to change a successful model which has allowed for both the claimant to receive the access to justice and legal firms in the field of personal injury to operate comfortably at a profitable level.”

The figures certainly do leave the insurance industry with a lot of explaining to do and will now crank up the pressure further when it comes to the price of the insurance premium for the consumer.

It is especially as disconcerting due to the fact as part of the Transport Select Committee’s Whiplash Inquiry revealing that the figures that the insurance industry presented to the government and them, was in fact dated and misleading.

Mr Smith continued: “The reforms have been implemented and there is nothing much we can do at this time, other than to learn to adapt and move on, which is what we at Scott Rees have certainly been doing. But surely now there has to be some further questions and reviews into the role the insurers have played in this entire debacle and surely when the Government comes to making a decision regarding the discount rate and the small claims limit they will look more favourably at the honest evidence the personal injury industry has presented throughout, rather than that of the insurers whose argument is based on  misleading figures and incorrect facts.”

The Justice Secretary Helen Grant announced earlier this month that a decision on the small claims limit is on hold until the findings of the Transport Select Committee’s Whiplash Inquiry, which is expected to be in autumn, whilst the debate surrounding the discount rate is still ongoing.

Scott Rees is a leading firm of North West solicitors specialising in accident claims on the road, at work and in public places