Personal Injury Law Blogs

When to Hire an Asbestos Lawyer

It’s a sad fact that more and more people are being diagnosed with asbestos-related illnesses. Companies and construction firms regularly used asbestos up until the 1980s, and because many asbestos-related illnesses can remain latent for years before their victims begin to exhibit symptoms, several people who were exposed to asbestos while on the job or at home had no idea that they were sick until it was too late.

Qualified legal help can draw links between a person’s employment history and their asbestos exposure. High-risk occupations have included Navy yard workers, construction workers, painters, auto mechanics, electricians, power plant workers and hospital workers. Because asbestos was used in home construction, if a person ever performed a significant home renovation prior to 1980 where insulation was exposed, they were also at risk for asbestos-related illnesses. Several household products were known to contain asbestos as well, including products and materials that were fireproof or were otherwise related to fire safety. According to a Rand Corp. report, it is estimated that around 27.5 million people were exposed to asbestos through their occupation between 1940 and 1979.

Asbestos is so poisonous that even second-hand exposure to it could cause health complications in others. According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, family members of workers who were directly exposed to asbestos also have a high rate of mesothelioma cases. Asbestos dust can stick to clothes and even hair, which means anyone in close contact with someone who was exposed to asbestos or who washed the clothes of someone in direct contact with asbestos is at risk to develop mesothelioma.

If you think you may have been exposed to asbestos, it is important to get a thorough initial medical examination. Your doctor will need your help in compiling your medical and occupational history, and he or she may perform several diagnostic tests in order to determine whether or not mesothelioma is present.

People should hire an asbestos lawyer as soon as they are diagnosed with an asbestos-related illness. The state legal systems have imposed a strict “statute of limitations” that determines how long a victim has to file a personal injury claim or a wrongful death lawsuit. This period of time differs from state to state, and an asbestos lawyer can help to inform you as to how long you have to pursue legal action and what legal rights you have.

Mesothelioma lawsuits can take a long time to resolve, and they aren’t something that should be taken lightly. Many of the companies that are responsible for exposing their workers to asbestos either have gone bankrupt or have been bought out by other companies, which can make determining legal responsibilities difficult for anyone who is not a mesothelioma and asbestos law expert. Be sure to find a law firm that has extensive experience in dealing with asbestos and mesothelioma cases.

Being diagnosed with mesothelioma can be life-altering, and because mesothelioma can lie latent for 50 or more years, it’s likely that the number of reported cases due to negligent asbestos exposure will only increase. Make sure that you and your family get the compensation you deserve by acquiring the services of a good asbestos and mesothelioma lawyer. Most asbestos and mesothelioma attorneys work on a contingency basis, so you only pay for representation if you collect a settlement.

About the Author: Jeremy, an independent writer for, with a particular interest in personal injury law.

Personal Vehicle Towing Liability for RV’ers

As summertime approaches, campers, RV’s and travel trailers start to appear on highways once again. Drivers of towable travel trailers are not required to have a special license to tow or drive RV’s in most instances (see below for exemptions), however, this does not make them exempt from certain legal requirements designed to keep road travel safe for the passengers and other vehicles traveling on the road with them, that’s why it would be important to always have a liability insurance policy.

While states laws regarding towable RV’s and motorhomes vary, federal law applies country-wide.  There are also manufacturer recommended standards that should not be ignored; failure to adhere to these recommendations is not only dangerous, but could increase the judgement or award in the event a lawsuit is filed against you. Negligent towing could also leave you open to criminal charges and your insurance claim being denied, so its best you be sure you get the right tow truck company when need it.

Federal Laws that Apply to RV’ers

The U.S. Department of Transportation regulates rims and tires for RV’s over 10,000lbs.  Federal guidelines also regulate items like tail lights, manufacturing standards, and RV lemon laws.

State Laws

Most states require brakes on trailers over 3,000lbs or weight of trailer exceeds 40% of tow-vehicle weight. There are some exceptions.  Find the laws in your state at

Washington, DC, Wisconsin, and Hawaii require drivers of RV’s over 26,000lbs (Some Class A Motorhomes) to have a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL). Class A and Class B Motorhomes require a special license, depending on state (more info here).

California, Connecticut, Illinois, Kansas, Maryland, Michigan, North Carolina, New Mexico, Nevada, New York, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas and Wyoming require drivers of towable RV’s longer than 45′ to have a special permit. Most states do not allow you to tow a trailer longer than 35′ (NC) or 40′, but some states allow trailers as long as 45′.

Manufacturer Towing Capacity

Vehicle manufacturers designate a number of capacity limits; Payload, (total weight the vehicle can carry in the bed of a truck or in the interior of a vehicle), Gross vehicle weight rating , (total weight of vehicle , passengers and cargo), tongue weight (total weight applied to the vehicle’s hitch), and Towing capacity, (with and without weight distribution).  Understanding the difference between “weight-carrying” and “weight-distributing” maximum towing capacities is essential; a “weight distributing” maximum is the most you can tow with an appropriate weight distribution hitch. “Weight Carrying” maximum load is is the most you can carry without a weight distribution hitch.A Weight distribution hitch is recommended when the trailer you are towing exceeds 40% of the vehicles weight.

Towing in excess of the vehicle manufacturer’s weight limits could not only prove dangerous, but could even be considered negligent. In the event of an accident with an overweight personal vehicle, you could be held responsible for higher awards in a lawsuit for damages to other people, vehicles or property.

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How to prevent injury claims with safety at work

Daytime television is full of commercials for firms offering to represent people in personal injury claims. While the fact that these companies are perceived as actively encouraging nuisance lawsuits is an annoyance to many companies (particularly smaller ones, which struggle to afford legal fees), the reality is that their business is a combination of people trying their luck and people with legitimate grievances. Ironically both sets of claims can often be largely avoided with a degree of forethought and good management practices.

Employers have a duty of care to their employees and must takeHealth and safety at work all reasonable steps to keep them safe at work. The definition of reasonable depends entirely on context and is viewed in proportion to the seriousness of the threat. Many modern work environments have a very limited range of threats, most of which can be avoided by straightforward measures. Ensuring that cables are organized in a tidy way will prevent tripping. It will also help to keep them in good condition, which will help prevent fire. Organizing effective storage facilities (and having clear policies for their use) will also reduce the likelihood of employees tripping over boxes (or injuring themselves by carrying them inappropriately). It will also reduce the likelihood of fire exits being blocked and may very well reduce the amount of flammable material on the premises.

Even in the modern workplace, there are still industries where there is a significant level of risk of injury to employees. Typical examples would include construction, catering and mining. In many cases, minimizing the risk to employees is as much a matter of employee education as it is of providing appropriate safety equipment and facilities. At the end of the day, employers can provide the very best equipment and facilities available in the world today, but they will be of minimal to no use unless the employees know how to use them properly. Making sure that all employees understand the importance of good safety practices, such as the handling of sharps (such as cooking knives and glass-wear) and the correct ways of lifting is a key part of managing these higher-risk environments.

Of course, employees of all levels vary widely in their willingness to adhere to good safety practices, particularly when there is a perception that these practices take extra time or cost extra money. This in itself is a problem which usually needs to be solved by education. Generally the best approach to eliciting the co-operation of employees in this matter is to adopt a carrot and stick approach of explaining the benefits to them and also the risks involved with ignoring the correct safety protocols.

For longer-term employees, this education process typically needs to be ongoing, since it is easy to come away from a training course full of good intentions, but less easy to retain them over the longer term, unless reminders are given. There are many ways of reinforcing the message that safety at work matters to everybody. Many employers place labor law posters strategically around their workplace as a tacit reminder to employees both that the management have a duty to keep workers safe and that workers have a duty to follow safety protocols for their own wellbeing.

Image credit ©Jupiterimages/Polka Dot/Thinkstock

5 Reasons To Vacation In West Palm Beach FL

West Palm Beach, Florida is a top destination spot for visitors from around the world. Even Florida residents enjoy taking weekend trips to West Palm Beach because of its many contrasts. Located in an area referred to as the “Florida Treasure Coast,” you can enjoy a beautiful Atlantic beach, enjoy the charms of old Florida, and immerse yourself in the sophistication of a very modern city.

If you are unfamiliar with West Palm Beach, there are five very good reasons to visit this area.

1. The Beach. What else needs to be said? West Palm Beach is a large beautiful Atlantic beach that is perfect nearly all year long. There is many things to do at or around the beach area, making it the perfect place to spend extended periods of time.

2. The Weather. Because it is located in Southern Florida, West Palm Beach has beautiful weather nearly all year long. If you need to escape winter weather, this is the perfect place.

3. The Arts. West Palm Beach has a very large cultural area filled with art museums, art galleries, concert halls and theaters. You can immerse yourself in nearly any venue you desire.

4. The Food. With a little bit of every style of food available, West Palm Beach is a “foodies” paradise. You can enjoy Caribbean food, European foods, Southern Cooking or terrific Seafood throughout the area.

5. The Entertainment. You can enjoy so many different activities with or without a family in this area that you will never be able to enjoy everything in your allotted vacation time. Most people claim that each time they return to West Palm Beach there is something new to enjoy. They are right.

It is important to remember, however, that West Palm Beach is still a tourist area. This means that there can be heavy traffic and many pedestrians near the road. It is very easy to be distracted while you are driving in this area as you search for your destination or take in the sights.

If you find that you are involved in a car or pedestrian accident, you should immediately call a West Palm Beach auto accident lawyer. This is especially true if you have been injured or you are an out-of-state visitor. An attorney will protect your rights and guide you through this unfortunate occurrence.

Editor’s additions – you can also consider various top Accident Lawyers in Jacksonville Florida here for relevant attorneys you may want to consider hiring for your case.

Because each state has their own laws and regulations surrounding an auto accident, you should contact a local lawyer quickly so that you are in compliance with these laws. You do not want to lose benefits or be held a responsible party simply because you were unaware of the law.

When you come to West Palm Beach, be prepared to have a great time. There is much to see, much to do, and then there is the beach itself. It is located in a semi-tropical climate, and regardless of the time of year you visit, the sun will shine. There is fabulous food to enjoy, entertainment of all types, and you will be pleased if you are traveling alone, as a couple, or with a car load of children.

Anthony Joseph is an author and avid traveler, and is offering this article to help support southern Florida tourism. Steinger, Iscoe & Greene is the West Palm Beach auto accident lawyer firm, that’s known for it’s team of 26 lawyers and 120 case managers. They’ve spent more than a decade protecting and fighting for the rights of victims who have been injured by the hands of someone else.

How Does a Personal Injury Contingency Fee Actually Work?

rhode island personal injury lawyers contingency fee

Most personal injury lawyers work on what’s known as contingency. But most people have no idea what contingency actually means.

According to, contingency is defined as:

“A method of paying a lawyer for legal representation by which, instead of an hourly or per job fee, the lawyer receives a percentage of the money her client obtains after settling or winning the case”

However, lawyers representing defendants charged with crimes cannot charge contingency fees. Also, in most states like Massachusetts and Rhode Island, personal injury contingency

Bicycle Laws are a “Jumble” in Southern California!

Woodland Hills Personal Injury Attorney Barry P. Goldberg has analyzed the laws on sidewalk bicycle riding and advises his friends, family and clients to not ride on the sidewalks even if legal in certain places. Bicyclists are vulnerable to accident and injury even in the best of traffic circumstances. The injuries can be life changing or even deadly. Sidewalk bicyclists are even more vulnerable because drivers do not expect them and there is no set traffic pattern because bicyclists often travel in both directions. The drivers always contend that the bicyclist “came out of nowhere!”

Over the years, most personal injury attorneys encounter bicycle versus automobile cases and the question invariably arises whether it is “legal” to even ride a bicycle on the sidewalk in the first place. A recent Court of Appeal case from the Second District helped to shed some light on this dilemma. The Court found it perfectly legal to ride on the sidewalk in that case. However, it penalized the bicyclist by not reversing a defense trial verdict which gave the jury a “negligence per se” instruction regarding the bicyclist. (See, Spriesterbach v. Holland (April 9, 2013) (B240348))

California Vehicle Code Sections 21650 and 21650.1 govern the riding of bicycles on sidewalks in the absence of local ordinance. The City of Los Angeles neither prohibits bicycle riding on the sidewalk nor prescribes the direction of such bicycle travel. Los Angeles Municipal Code section 56.15(1) provides: “No person shall ride, operate or use a bicycle, unicycle, skateboard, cart, wagon, wheelchair, roller skates, or any other device moved exclusively by human power, on a sidewalk, bikeway or boardwalk in a willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property.”

Vehicle Code Section 21650 provides that bicycles may be ridden on a sidewalk: It says that vehicles must be driven on the “right half of the roadway,” but that bicycles may be operated “on any sidewalk, on any bicycle path within a highway, or along any crosswalk or bicycle path crossing, where the operation is not otherwise prohibited by this code or local ordinance.” (Italics added.)

Section 21650.1 governs the direction of bicycle travel in the absence of local ordinance. It provides that a bicycle operated “on a roadway, or the shoulder of a highway, shall be operated in the same direction as vehicles are required to be driven upon the roadway.” (Italics added.)

Section 21650.1 does not define “roadway” or “highway.” Those terms are defined elsewhere in the Vehicle Code, however. Specifically:

A “highway” is “a way or place of whatever nature, publicly maintained and open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel.” (§§ 360, 590.)

A “roadway” is “that portion of a highway improved, designed, or ordinarily used for vehicular travel.” (§ 530.)

A “sidewalk” is “that portion of a highway, other than the roadway, set apart by curbs, barriers, markings or other delineation for pedestrian travel.” (§ 555.)

A “highway” thus has two distinct parts: a “roadway,” intended for vehicular travel, and a “sidewalk,” intended for pedestrian travel. While a “highway” includes a “roadway,” the two terms are not synonymous. Instead, a “highway” is composed of both a “roadway” and a “sidewalk.”

Accordingly, because section 21650.1 requires bicycles to travel in the same direction as vehicular traffic only when ridden on “a roadway” or the “shoulder of a highway,” it does not by its plain language require bicycles to travel with the flow of traffic when ridden on a “sidewalk.” The Spriesterbach v. Holland Court correctly held that a bicyclist can legally ride in any direction on a sidewalk where it is also legal to ride on the sidewalk.

The Court also rejected the argument that a sidewalk is a “shoulder of a highway” within the meaning of section 21650.1. The Vehicle Code defines “sidewalk” as the portion of the highway set apart by curbs or barriers, and intended for pedestrian travel. (§ 555.) The highway shoulder (which the Vehicle Code does not define) is, as commonly understood, neither set apart by curbs nor intended for pedestrian travel. Further, section 21650, subdivision (g) distinguishes between the “shoulder of a highway” and a “sidewalk”—a distinction that would not make sense if a highway shoulder and sidewalk were synonymous.

Bicyclists and attorneys should note that local regulations concerning bicycle riding on sidewalks vary tremendously by jurisdiction. According to the “L.A. County Sidewalk Riding Guide” maintained by the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) Bike Blog, sidewalk riding is permitted in 12 cities in Los Angeles County and is prohibited in 32 cities and the county itself. In 25 cities, sidewalk riding is not permitted in “business districts;” in another 19 cities, there is no clear language in the municipal code concerning sidewalk bicycle riding. ( [as of Mar. 27, 2013].)

The LADOT Bike Blog observes as follows: “If you take a close look at the sidewalk riding map, you’ll see quite a jumble of rules and regulations across LA County. Think about if that jumble were applied to another moving vehicle, like, say, a car. What would it be like were the “right turn on red” law to be applied city by city instead of state by state? Endless accidents by drivers unsure of what to do next; lawsuits; deaths; lots and lots of tickets for moving violations; it would be total chaos. Traffic rules demand a certain amount of uniformity, which is why most guidelines governing how cars move through space are dictated at the state level. [¶] . . . [¶] If bicycles are supposed to be considered vehicles with responsibilities and rights equal to automobiles, like [California Vehicle Code section] 21200 states, then bicyclists deserve to have rules for their operation that are at least as uniform as the rules for operating an automobile.” ( [as of Mar. 27, 2013].)

Personal injury attorney Barry P. Goldberg and the Court of Appeal echoes the sentiments of the LADOT Bike Blog and urge the California Legislature to adopt uniform legislation governing bicycle riding on sidewalks. In the absence of such uniform legislation, terrible bicycle versus automobile collisions will continue to occur on a regular basis.

Mr. Goldberg also reminds all of his bike riding colleagues to secure sufficient Underinsured Motorist Coverage which applies and can adequately protect them from automobile versus bicycle accidents.

No More Tired Visits Are Required To Court With Mediation Services

Innumerable people are visiting law litigation firms for settling legal issues. Settling down family issues is quite uncomfortable and disturbing for few.  Now dissolving disputes are quite hassling free with mediation services. There are varied reasons but the chief among them is prolonged divorce cases and the following maintenance payments often seen to be raging on for longer period between divorced couples and wedded partners. These services conclude the case instantly restricting the case to be progressed to court.

What are exactly mediation services?

It is a sort of discussion platform for both the couples, coming with their varied problems.  There the couple gets adequate support to resolve their problems like custody difficulty, maintenance pay or alimony and visitation right for father and mother depending on the fact whom the child wishes to stay with, this process will be much easier with the help of a child custody attorney. These days’ courts are filled with backlogged cases demanding immediate attention.  Divorce cases are increasing in leaps and bounds. It is normally impossible to settle down all these cases in court. Therefore, this mediation services have gained prominence these mediators are actually like facilitators of legal system. If a couple is determined to go separated then what can be more convincing then approaching a mediator.

Mediation services to protect innocent children

Nuptial bonding is actually an agreement written on the piece of paper, which one along with partner thinks of breaking on terms of permanent severance-divorce. Since the marriage registration is done on legal grounds, hence it demands legal interference to break the knot. Divorcing is not an easy process but entails complication a lot. This complication is reinforced if the couple is having child or children. Divorce mostly affects kids. They are psychologically bereaved and moves towards unethical venues for getting rid of these inescapable stigma. Mediation services are necessary for children, to save them from impending harm. These services provided ways to suspend fallouts as early as possible so that these children can move along without being threatened mentally. If their tender hearts get a jolt of complicated hazardous parent, separation it would continue for years causing detrimental upshots.

Function of mediators

Mediators are those who tackle the entire situation with his special expertise and intellectual skill. They are highly proficient. They honestly abide by codes set by family laws. They even participate largely in the issues in hand to find out viable solutions to resolve disagreement. This does not end in a session but entails sequential steps.  The cost of hiring an expert mediator is not so much as that of hiring a divorce attorney.  The cost differs pretty much. As cost is curtailed and money and asset is saved so far for the prospective financial support for the children and separated couples the client is the one benefitted largely.  With those financial savings, one can get into mainstream of society.  Financial capital has to be saved and that is the aim mediation services works with.

No harsh atmosphere

The mediator conducts a discussion which do not entails any harsh words. Both the parties are asked to come and sit for logical and functional discussion to settle the matter. The discussion is not allowed to experience any fuss but rather reinforced in a way so that joint agreement on issues can be accomplished. If an accord is not achieved then opposite party may demand to visit court with the case. Often couple and their families try to resolve the disagreement all by themselves but this is a wrong approach. Without any professional assistance, matter may get worst and the hope of any agreement lessens considerably. The mediator actually provides viable logics and adopts ways, which are amicable and sober in response and patient in listening problems.

Legal Implications of Digital Footprints in Personal Injury Cases

At 11:49 pm on April 2, 2013, online magazine Gawker posted a video on their website of a violent mugging that occurred in a Brooklyn subway station on March 9, 2013. The video, released by police earlier that day, showed a woman in a stairwell being attacked and robbed. Viewers of the video watch in helpless horror as a young man punches and kicks the woman. While the woman is on the ground, he dumps her purse, rifles through the contents, kicks her again for good measure, and then we finally witness her running for safety.

By noon on April 3, 2013, 21-year old Aidan Folan was arrested by the New York City Police Department for the crime committed in that video. His arrest occurred within 12 hours of Gawker posting the video and is an amazing example of the power of social networking. Just one person with the online ID “secretsout” found a Facebook web address that consisted of the same phrase that was emblazoned on the back of the mugger’s Alpha Phi Delta hoodie. This Facebook profile belonged to Aidan Folan and showed photos of Aidan wearing that same hoodie on the evening of the attack and in the days following the attack – a solicitor’s dream. Additionally, his Facebook profile provided the name of his employer, profile pages of his friends, and links to places he frequented; in other words, everything the police would need in order to track him down.

Granted, this alleged criminal probably isn’t a candidate for Mensa, but even the most intelligent among us generally aren’t in the habit of considering repercussions that can come from our online activities, otherwise known as our digital footprint.

The legal implications of digital footprints aren’t limited to tracking down criminals. Social network account details are now a standard defense discovery request in civil litigation. Plaintiffs claiming injuries have posted photos of themselves dancing, running, lifting, and otherwise engaging in or admitting to participating in activities that their complaints maintain they’re incapable of performing. Relationships between witnesses and plaintiffs have been exposed via diligent digging, and when it comes family law, Facebook can prove more valuable than a $200/hour private investigator. Social networking provides an opportunity for people to tell the world about themselves, and in the process, tell on themselves to anyone paying attention.

Digital footprints encompass more than social networking profiles. If someone uses his or her email address to sign up for sites like Huffington Post, blogs, or the local newspaper’s website, a simple Google search could identify anything posted on public pages by any ID associated with that email address. For example, a client might have posted a seemingly innocuous comment, such as, “Enjoyed the kayak trip. Let’s do it again soon,” on a event. Defense counsel searching that email address in Google could potentially locate that comment. Now your client has just told defense counsel, and the world, that he or she has been kayaking and, depending on your client’s injury, this could seriously damage his or her case. Email accounts, including passwords, have also become a standard defense discovery request in civil litigation.

Suffice to say that social networking and other online interactions can be a tremendous asset or a serious liability for South Carolina injury attorneys and those throughout the nation, depending on your practice. Advising clients of the potential that their online activity might be scrutinized is certainly practical in this digital age.

Jon Rivers is a legal marketing specialist and researcher dedicated to educating the public about the various issues associated with personal injuries and the law firms who help victims get justice. Find Jon Rivers on Google+

Are you more at risk of illness or injury in your working environment?

Any industry carries inherent risks to your health and well-being, however these have been significantly reduced owed to the respective health & safety department of each nation. In the United Kingdom the governing body for controlling these regulations is knows and the Health & Safety Executive or the HSE, these governing bodies track each reported case of illness or injury whilst at work and implement new legislation which is aimed at reducing the amount of reported incidents for any given case.

The numbers behind injuries and illnesses are staggering with almost 1.4 billion pounds being spent across the United Kingdom every year to accommodate these incidents. As the type of industry in which people work changes so does the numbers of people injured and the amount illnesses developed. Nowadays employers who are negligent and do not adhere to the strict guidelines set may be held liable by disgruntled employees for any accident within a working environment or for any illnesses they develop due to the substances that they have encountered, an example of this would be an industrial worker who has just been diagnosed with mesothelioma owed to being exposed to asbestos during his working life, he would be eligible to claim for asbestos compensation on the grounds that his employer should have protected him from this illness.

On the whole there are over 110,000 reported accidents that require 3 or more days off work reported annually, this means that suffering an injury in your workplace is far more likely that developing an illness. However the chances of being the victim of a fatal accident in your workplace are far less likely than passing away due to an illness caused by work, the total amount of fatal accidents across all industries in the United Kingdom last year was 183, however more than 2300 people are dying each year from mesothelioma due to working with asbestos.

There are several high risk industries when it comes to accidents at work, these include:


  • Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing

– 1146 reported injuries annually

– 691 out of every 100,000 are injured per year.

– Most dangerous jobs include forestry and logging.

  • Water Supply, Waste disposal, Sewage.

– 2300 reported injuries annually

– 1330 out of every 100,000 are injured per year.

– Most dangerous jobs include waste collection, treatment and disposal.

  • Total service industries

– 82,000 reported injuries annually

– 403 out of every 100,000 are injured per year.

– Most dangerous jobs include air transport.


Accidents include a multitude of scenarios such as a slip or trip at work, or getting your hand caught in machinery and are easily attributed to your working environment but what about illnesses? Health conditions are often overlooked or not related to work but can be just as devastating to your well-being. The main work related illnesses are as follows:


  • Mesothelioma, asbestosis, pleural thickening/ plaques.

– These conditions are cause by exposure to asbestos and affect thousands each year. Generally affecting the older generation many sufferers have not worked for a number of years but are experiencing symptoms now owed to the lengthy latency period that asbestos related illnesses have (15-50 years from initial exposure).

– Otherwise known as noise induced hearing loss, this affects many people who worked in excessively noisy environments for extended periods of time. Many employers are now being held accountable for not supplying adequate hearing protection.

  • Dermatitis

– Often mistaken for eczema this condition affects the skin causing itching, redness and discomfort to the sufferer. Generally found in industries which use chemicals such as cleaners and beauty therapists dermatitis can be treated by steroid creams prescribed by doctors and avoiding further contact to the substance.

  • Repetitive Strain Injuries

– Typists and administrative office workers are most at risk from this illness. Although not considered life threatening RSI’s can severely affect your ability to undertake many tasks, if severe enough even attempting simple tasks such as washing the dishes can be extremely painful and may require invasive surgery to relieve the symptoms.

  • Breathing issues

Conditions such as C.O.P.D and emphysema are found in industries that require working with airborne substances and many miners are now suffering with breathing complaints such as silicosis. It is worth noting that if you are a smoker you will exacerbate these conditions quite dramatically.

An employer has to by law protect from all the injuries and ailments above. Laws are set in place to protect workers and if they aren’t adhered to they are eligible to claim compensation if and when there health is compromised.

The 5 Most Common Motorcycle Accidents

Whether you’re a car driver, motorcyclist or even a scooter rider, knowing basic safety precautions of safe riding can save lives. Motorcyclists, as well as motorists, undergo considerable training, particularly in the UK – the motorbike tests are increasingly more difficult than the old days of riding round the block and being observed by the examiner with a clipboard at the roadside!

The 5 most common causes of motorcycle accidents (listed below) have been researched leading bodies in the UK* and don’t always involve other motorists on the road.

  • Failure to negotiate left hand bend on country A road
  • Failure to negotiate right hand bend on country A road
  • Collision at junctions
  • Collision while overtaking
  • Loss of control

A few tips to consider:

Plan Your Journey

Even if you are planning a short ride, have a plan of your route. Plan your stops, such as petrol stops, coffee stops, lunch breaks and so on. Take your mobile phone and ID, and let someone else know where you are planning on going – and when you’re returning. Check the weather forecast before you set off to ensure you are wearing suitable clothing – you don’t want to be caught out in the rain, which in turns affects your style of riding. Listen to radio traffic reports in case there are any restrictions on the roads that will affect your route.

Don’t Drink and Ride

Never drink and ride a motorbike. Bikes can be particularly dangerous to handle if they are not under control. The bike scene has a particularly social side to its lifestyle, involving bikers attending rallies and festivals at weekends – so be extremely cautious if have been drinking the night before – buy a breathalyser if you’re not sure.

Take Another Class

If you’re new to riding motorbikes, or returning to the scene – there are plenty of bike courses and road safety courses in most locations. Even if you don’t want to take a full bike test – motorbike instructors will give you training, whether it’s the one-day CBT (Compulsory Basic Training) or just an hour out on a school motorbike to refresh stale riding techniques. A reminder on road awareness can never be over-rehearsed.

Are You Aware of Your Surroundings?

Riding a motorbike is more tiring than it looks. The level of concentration required to stay aware of your surrounding can be physically demanding. Your mind has alot to think about, such as other road users, pedestrians, road conditions, the weather and you will be plotting the journey ahead of you. If you are tired before your journey – seriously consider whether you should be using another mode of transport.

Wear a Helmet

Overwhelming evidence suggests that wearing a motorcycle helmet reduces head injuries in accidents. Make sure you helmet meets your country’s safety regulations, and the same applies to your pillion. In the UK, keep in mind it is illegal to ride without a helmet. Check government transport department guidelines for details.

Wear Protective Clothing

You can never over-estimate the effects the weather has when you’re riding a motorbike. UK riders are well versed in the changing climate. Basics should be purchased, such as a protective outer jacket, bike gloves, boots, long trousers, eye protection (sunglasses), and bright clothing so that you are seen. Carry spare waterproof clothing with you – even if it’s sunny before you set off.

Safety of Passengers

If you are planning on taking a pillion, ensure that you tell them how to ride with you. Ensure safe and warm clothing is worn, and obviously a correctly fitted helmet is essential. Talk them through how you want them to hold on to either the bike or yourself, and show them ways to lean with the bike. You may even want to consider taking them to a training class to learn about responsible and safe riding.

Bike Maintenance

Ensure that your motorbike is in excellent running condition before setting out. Basic checks are essential for your safety and other road users, such as tyres, headlights, indicators, gears and brakes. If you can’t maintain it yourself, pay a motorbike mechanic to service it for you. Always carry a basic repair kit on the bike.

Taking basic precautions will allow you to be a more responsible rider and limit hazards that you can’t control – such as other drivers, road conditions and weather. As the Spring approaches in the UK, motorcycle accident claims increase as more road users enjoy the good weather. Allow yourself to travel in safety to avoid road traffic accidents, keep your speed below the limits and use your skills you have been developing to enjoy your ride.

For information about great road traffic claims lawyers and personal injury lawyers generally see our guides here:-

*RoSPA Ride Safe leaflet, Feb 2006