Personal Injury Law Blogs

A Personal Injury Lawyer Will Assist Accident Victims

When you have been injured in an accident, getting the help you need is imperative to your recovery and your ability to regain as normal a life as possible. However, in the immediate aftermath, you and your family may be confused and frightened;unsure of what to do. Often you will be required to fill out numerous, complicated forms for insurance companies and make decisions that may end up limiting your ability to access all the care and financial resources you really need, both for your immediate and your future needs. That is why it is important to hire a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible following an accident.

A personal injury lawyer is an attorney who specializes in assisting accident victims. He or she will make sure that all your legal rights are protected; you get the medical care you need to recover and make sure that you are rightly compensated for your losses. Your personal injury lawyer will also assist your family in finding the resources they need to deal with the trauma they may have suffered. Alternatively, they assist you and your family in getting the funds needed to take care for you upon your release from a medical facility.

While you can hire an attorney at any point, the sooner you bring a skilled personal injury lawyer onto your case, the sooner he or she can intervene on your behalf with insurance companies and take steps to ensure that your current and future legal rights are not limited. Any attorney will be able to offer you basic advice, but a lawyer who specializes in personal injury litigation will be able to assess your unique circumstances and provide guidance that is distinctive to you. He will have a deeper knowledge of the resources available to you, as well as being aware of the challenges that may lie ahead. He is far more likely to know in detail the laws pertaining to the rights of accident victims in your area and how to navigate the legal system that will have jurisdiction over your case.

Experience is also an important factor to consider when choosing a personal injury lawyer. Ideally, you would like a lawyer you has handled not only a number of accident cases but specifically cases involving the type of accident of which you are a victim. Experience brings with it not only the knowledge of case law and available resources but also empathy and the ability to understand the difficulties you are facing. He or she will know what information you need, even if you don’t yet realize it, and they know whom to turn to for assistance to ensure that no aspect of your case is overlooked, such as a case manager, occupation therapist, physiotherapists and social workers.

Being injured in an accident can be frightening, leaving you and your family facing an uncertain future. Hiring a skilled personal injury lawyer will ensure that your legal rights are protected, and you receive the care you need for recovery and rehabilitation now and for long-term health issues in the future. Your lawyer will fight the insurance companies and others involved in your case to make sure that your medical bills are paid and that you are fairly compensated for the losses you and your family have sustained. They will advocate for you throughout the process, doing all that they can to see ensure that you are able to come as close as possible to resuming the life you had prior to the accident.

Author Bio

Steve Jackson has years of experience dealing with tort law in Toronto, and he is constantly blogging about new case outcomes and court decisions. He can help you find the best slip and fall lawyers in Toronto and recommends you get in contact with Neinstein & Associates to help you with your case.

Charlie Sheen Gives Girl $10,000 for Therapy Dog After Amusement Park Accident

Charlie Sheen has shown that, despite the controversy that swirls around him, he is willing to put his money where his mouth is.  After hearing of a young girl in Florida who needed a therapy dog after an amusement park accident left her seriously injured, the actor wired $10,000 to the girl’s mother to help purchase the animal, according to a recent report.

The 15-year-old Parkland, Florida, girl was injured when she plummeted 100 feet from a ride in an amusement park in Wisconsin in 2010.  The ride was supposed to have nets and airbags to prevent injury to riders on the free-fall attraction, but these were allegedly not raised at the time of the incident.

She suffered brain, spine and pelvis injures as well as internal organ damage.  She was hospitalized for three months following the accident and initially suffered paralysis of her arms and legs.  However, she has been able, through physical therapy, to begin walking again with the aid of a walker.

Mom Needs Financial Help

The young woman’s mother has recently divorced, is facing foreclosure and found that her insurance will no longer pay for her daughter’s physical therapy.  She had no money to pay for an English Golden Retriever puppy or to have it trained as a therapy dog, costs that are estimated to top $6,000.  However, she dreamed of a time when her daughter might be able to have a companion animal that could turn on lights and alert others if the girl was in trouble.

One woman, learning of the mother’s plight, has been engaging in fundraising activities to pay for the dog.  She realized that one of her friends was Charlie Sheen’s godfather so, on a chance, she wrote to her friend to ask for help.  Soon, Sheen responded with an offer of $10,000 to pay for the dog’s training as well as any other expenses the mother may need to meet.  Sheen also told the mother that if she needed more money, she was welcome to call him.

Normally Sheen does not publicize his donations, but he said that he wanted to encourage others to donate to similar causes.

Liability and Personal Injury Issues

It is unclear whether the mother filed a personal injury lawsuit, the status of that suit if filed, or any other information relating to settlement of the case.  It is possible that the family settled with the amusement park company only to find that the money was insufficient to pay her daughter’s expenses.

When someone is injured in an amusement park accident, it is vitally important to consult a legal expert.  A personal injury attorney can explain your rights and help you understand the consequences of settling immediately for a low amount of money.  A personal injury attorney can also help you estimate the lifelong costs of an injury so that you do not accept a low offer to settle your case.

Medical Malpractice Claims; Only the Researched Survive

From the perspective of medical doctors, the current model of medical malpractice is not sustainable. Medical malpractice claims are rising. This current trend leads to higher costs for medical practitioners in attorney fees and insurance, contributes to the stress of the practice of medicine, and sometimes dissuades the best and brightest doctors from entering higher risk fields of medicine such as Obstetrics-Gynecology. The potential of entering a once highly profitable profession can be overshadowed by risks, costs, and increased stress these malpractice suits place on the doctor, to the detriment of the practice of medicine, the practitioners, and the patients alike.

The process for determining the legitimacy of a malpractice claim is similar in most places. A plaintiff will typically file a medical malpractice claim with a state board when there is cause to believe that a doctor has neglected his or her duty to a patient. Malpractice claims may be filed by the patient or by relatives of the patient when the patient is deceased, a minor, or incapable of filing on their own behalf. Next, a panel of doctors who are experts in the same field of medicine as the defendant will be formed. This medical review panel will then study the evidence and facts relating to the case in order to determine whether the doctor breached the standard of care in regards to the patient.

For a plaintiff to successfully establish that malpractice has been committed, the medical review panel and/or a court of law must decipher whether the standard of care has been breached. The standard of care is a complex rule, composed of current professional ethics, established methods of practice, state laws regulating practice, and individual opinion. To have a reasonable chance of establishing the standard of care has been breached, experts in the same field of medicine with similar background, knowledge, and skills should testify that they, given the same circumstances and facts as presented in the case, would have acted differently than the defendant.

In addition to proving that other medical practitioners would have chosen a different course of action than the defendant in the case at hand, the plaintiff also must show that the prescribed course of action is what led to the injury, suffering or damage caused to the plaintiff. In this way, simply establishing that the standard of care was breached is not enough to find a doctor guilty of malpractice; the breach must also be responsible for the damage.

Because the process and requirements of establishing medical malpractice is not widely known to the general public, millions of unnecessary, superfluous claims are filed each year, causing stress to doctors and insurance costs to rise. Unknowingly, the filers of these claims cause undue pressure on an already overextended justice system. Unfortunately, the ironic outcome of these unnecessary claims is an impaired medical system and less than optimal patient care. In order to preserve the efficiency of the practice, medical malpractice claims should be thoroughly investigated and researched by the patient, patient relatives, and plaintiff’s lawyers before a claim is ever filed with the state. Only those cases in which the standard of care has likely been breached should be considered for review by a medical panel.

Byline:  Cynthia Anderson once visited for a cosmetic surgery that she was interested in.  She chose her doctor carefully to make sure that he was careful and knowledgeable.

Small Errors in Judgement That Can Cause Life Long Injuries

Car accidents are often unavoidable and they can happen to anyone. However, accidents involving texting while driving, falling asleep at the wheel or driving while under the influence are situations that can all be prevented. Few realize that these judgement laps may cause life-long injuries that can ruin lives.

Don’t Drink and Drive

It’s never a good idea to drink and drive. Never rely on your body weight or the amount of alcohol you consume as a judgement call. One glass of beer is all you would need to impair your ability to function while behind the wheel and cause an accident. Any law official, from a New Hampshire dui lawyer to a California state corrections officer will attest to this fact. If you’re going out for the evening, and you know you will be drinking, designate a driver who doesn’t imbibe. This safety measure provides everyone involved with a reliable source of transportation from said destination to home safely. Another alternative is to call a cab if you have been partying all night and you know you can’t function properly. In doing this, you do yourself as well as others a favor.

Never Combine Eating and Driving

You may find yourself famished while heading home for the night and decide to get something fast through the local drive-thru. Instead of waiting until you get home to eat, you decide to consume your meal while you drive. Juggling the steering wheel with eating and driving is extremely dangerous and hinders good driving skills. All it takes is a split second for you to take your eyes off the road. Reaching for a beverage or a handful of fries can cause a serious accident and inflict life-long injuries on innocent parties.

Put the Cell Phone Away

Even though there are laws in place to punish offenders for texting while driving, so many people continue to do so. Talking on the cellphone and taking your eyes off the road to text are huge distractions that can impair your driving abilities. All it takes is a split second to swerve into oncoming traffic, not see a pedestrian crossing the street or blow through a red light. To avoid being a statistic, put your phone in a safe spot until you reach your destination.

Stay Alert

Falling asleep at the wheel is the primary cause of car accidents today. This is especially easy to do at night when you’re fatigued after a long day. There are a number of things you can do to prevent falling asleep at the wheel such as hum or sing while driving, open a window and talk to yourself. If you find yourself still tired, you can pull over to a safe location and rest your eyes. Thirty minutes of rest could be enough to save your life.

Horrific Consequences of Senseless Accidents

There are a number of serious consequences related to these senseless accidents such as brain damage, paralysis, loss of limbs and fatalities. In addition to the physical repercussions, some people have to overcome mental anguish related to this trauma. Many times they are unable to work through the guilt of the situation and suicide often follows.

Few people take the responsibilities of driving on the road seriously and they manage to juggle numerous activities while manning the wheel. Preventing serious accidents takes diligence, concentration, and the ability to stay sober and doing so can save lives.

Nickey Williams is a writer and educator from Mobile, Alabama who writes to inform. A knowledgeable New Hampshire dui lawyer, who steadfastly handles DUI cases relating to NH driving under the influence charges can be found among the attorneys of Tenn And Tenn, P.A. attorneys at law. This trustworthy New Hampshire law firm is committed to assisting people and the families of those who have been wounded, charged with misconduct, or dealing with divorce or custody disputes.

The Demise of the ‘No Win, No Fee’ Solicitor?

Guest blog post regarding the question of the potential demise of the ‘no win, no fee’ solicitor in the UK.

Can you guess who’s the champion of ‘no win, no fee’ solicitors? It’s probably not the first organisation that comes to mind, but amazingly enough, human rights organisation, Amnesty International, flooded the House of Lords with letters last year, asking them to preserve the role of ‘no win, no fee’ lawyers, after calls to reform were made in parliament. Legal Aid has also been attacked, in a bid to save £350 million every year.

Condemned as ‘ambulance-chasers’ and the reason for our ‘compensation culture’ by justice secretary, Kenneth Clarke, Amnesty protests that ‘no win, no fee’ court cases are responsible for protecting victims of human rights abuses.

‘No Win, No Fee’ Law And Human Rights

Without ‘no win, no fee’ solicitors, the lawyer’s success fee and the insurance premiums will be paid from the victim’s compensation, leaving little (if anything) left behind. This makes legal action financially unviable for many victims of human rights abuses, especially when the bad guys are large, wealthy corporations with bulletproof legal teams.

Amnesty International accused the government of hanging out a ‘carte blanche’ to powerful companies, but regardless, there were moves in parliament to turn this issue party-political. David Cameron mocked the Labour defence for being as irresponsibly opposed to any financial cuts as the Greek nation, whose economy nosedived last year – not once, but twice – and needed two large bailouts.

Knock-On Effects

Legal Aid and ‘no win, no fee’ solicitors provide a necessary financial net for many poor people across the country who can’t afford legal fees. With so many welfare cuts already, it’s becoming increasingly more difficult for financially struggling families to bring grievances to court. Justice shouldn’t just be available to the wealthy.

Disability charities are breathing a sigh of relief, now that it seems Legal Aid and ‘no win, no fee’ lawyers are safe. Living with a disability is already financially problematic as it is, without complicated court proceedings sinking these individuals and their families into further poverty.

Without ubiquitous access to the correct legal aid, the courts would be burdened with lengthy, poorly prepared tribunals, actually costing the government more money in the future, rather than saving expenditure. No matter what parliament says, the citizens advice bureau predicts that for every £1 that’s invested in legal aid, the state actually saves themselves £8.80 in the long-term! Keeping legal aid strong ultimately saves taxpayers’ money.

No Win, No Fee Benefits

If you have a claim, such as a personal injury that occurred at work (and was not your fault), no win, no fee is perfect. Not only do you not have to pay your lawyer if you lose, but if you take out insurance, you’ll be covered for further court charges, leaving even the poorest family with nothing to lose. You’ll only have to pay your lawyer if you win, and you can be sure that he or she will fight the good fight for you, as it’s the only way that your lawyer will get paid.

Jigsaw Law are specialist personal injury solicitors who focus on helping claimants through the process, reassuring the person involved over any aspect – they also, want to explore the changes which will be taking place in April regarding no win no fee and the opinions on them.

 Please follow them on Twitter here @Jigsaw_Law or visit their address location at: Jigsaw Law, Pioneer House, Pioneer Business Park, North Road, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire CH65

A Closer Look into Personal Injury

(U.S. Personal Injury Law and generally) Personal injury cases can be filed for a wide variety of reasons, and they were responsible for 60 percent of all lawsuits that were filed by an individual in 2008. Because these cases are so prevalent, it is shocking that an estimated 96 percent of them never make it to court. Instead, the vast majority of personal injury lawsuits result in an out of court settlement.

What Exactly is Personal Injury?

A personal injury lawsuit can be filed if an individual was injured by the negligence of another person or company. It is most common for these cases to originate with an automobile accident, but they can also stem from a slip and fall, tripping, an accident at work and any other incident during which the individual’s injury was not sustained due to their own personal negligence. In other words, if you crash your car into another vehicle when you are driving while under the influence, you will be considered negligent, and this will make you responsible for the other driver’s injuries if they decide to file a lawsuit.

Proving Negligence

The most difficult aspect of winning a personal injury case is being able to prove that the other party was negligent. For example, if you go into a fast food restaurant and slip and fall on a wet spot on the ground, you might be able to sue the restaurant. However, if they have a sign in place that says that the floor is wet, they will most likely no longer be considered negligent in the eyes of the law. In other words, you must be able to demonstrate that your injury was not caused by your own actions. In the example of the fast food restaurant, your own personal responsibility to keep yourself safe would have required you to read the sign and make the necessary adjustments to avoid walking into the wet spot.

Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit

If you have been injured and you believe that another person or business is negligent for your injuries, you should contact an attorney, preferably a personal injury lawyer, who has experience working with personal injury cases. Whether you consult a San Bernardino personal injury lawyer, or one in New York state, U.S. attorneys all will have the same basic qualifications. Because it can be difficult to prove negligence, you will also want to gather as much evidence as possible. Therefore, it is always a good idea to take photos of the accident scene, and you should ask at least a couple of witnesses if they would be willing to testify for you.

In addition to proving negligence, you also have to prove that your injury claim is legitimate. This can be accomplished by providing photos of the injury, documentation from your doctor’s office and a statement from a medical expert witness. If your doctor is unwilling to get involved, your attorney should have a list of medical contacts who would be willing to do an examination in order to give a qualified statement.

As previously mentioned, it is highly likely that your case will never see the inside of a courtroom. Therefore, you need to be willing to settle out of court. Your attorney should handle all of the negotiations, and they will let you know once they think that they you have received a fair settlement offer. By accepting an out of court settlement, you can avoid the average wait time of 23 months to get your case in front of a judge and start taking care of your medical bills right away.

Anthony Joseph is a freelance author who contributes this article toward raising awareness of negligence and its affects on liability. A San Bernardino personal injury lawyer from the firm of Milligan, Beswick, Levine & Knox, will be able to protect your rights and make sure that you receive exactly what you deserve. Their attorneys have many years of experience defending injured victims.

Shooting and Fiery Crash on Las Vegas Strip Leaves Three Dead

Three people died and at least three others were injured after a shooting and a fiery crash involving six vehicles along the Las Vegas Strip early morning on February 21, 2013.

According to a CNN report, the incident began when someone in an SUV stopped at a light on Las Vegas Boulevard near Caesars Palace, fired into a Maserati that was also stopped there. Las Vegas police say the Maserati moved into the intersection with Flamingo Road and crashed into a taxi starting a chain of crashes that involved four other vehicles.

Fatal Car Accident

The driver of the taxi and a passenger died as did the driver of the Maserati. A passenger in the Maserati suffered gunshot wounds. At least two other people in the crashed vehicles suffered minor to moderate injuries.

Police are still looking for the occupants of the SUV described as a black Range Rover Sport with tinted windows, large black rims and a dealer license plate not from Nevada. There is no information on what may have caused the shooting.

Based on this news report, it appears that the chain-reaction car crash was triggered by the alleged shooter in the Range Rover. In addition, police say that the driver of the Range Rover left the scene of the accident. It is indeed unfortunate that so many people became involved in this incident.

Compensation for Victims and Families

In such cases, injured victims can file a personal injury claim against the at-fault motorist seeking compensation for damages including medical expenses, lost wages, hospitalization, rehabilitation, pain and suffering and emotional distress.

Families of deceased accident victims could file a wrongful death claim seeking compensation for damages such as medical expenses, funeral costs, lost future income, loss of love and companionship and pain and suffering.

Injured victims and families would also be well advised to contact an experienced personal injury lawyer who will stay on top of the official investigation and ensure that their legal rights and best interests are protected.

It is important that those who have been affected in these cases not rush to accept a settlement from other parties or insurance companies. Before you sign off on an agreement, please talk to an injury lawyer who will fight to protect your rights.

Wendy’s Sued Over Parking Lot Pedestrian Accident

On February 21, 2013 in Williston Park, New York, a mother and daughter who were injured in a fast food restaurant are suing not only the woman who hit them but the Wendy’s restaurant where the pedestrian accident took place, according to CBS News in New York.  The mother and her 11-year-old daughter claim that the construction of Wendy’s parking lot may have played a role in the crash that led to their injuries.

Mother and Daughter Suffer Severe Injury

The two victims were visiting a Wendy’s in Williston Park and had just exited the restaurant when a car driven by an elderly woman crashed into them, pinning them both against the wall of the restaurant.

Both mother and daughter suffered crushed leg bones as result of the collision.  The daughter had a severely fractured leg but was released from the hospital after treatment.  The mother remains in a wheelchair after having two fractured legs.

Why Sue Wendy’s?

Many question the value of suing the restaurant for a crash that was obviously caused by an elderly driver.  In fact, the 75-year-old who caused the crash is being named as a defendant in the lawsuit along with Wendy’s International Inc. and Westbury Properties, LLC, who own the site where the crash occurred.

Attorneys for the plaintiff claim that Wendy’s and the property owner are included in the suit because of their failure to install pedestrian safety blocks which might have prevented the crash.

When an owner opens a business to the public, he or she has a duty to provide a basic degree of safety for patrons.  Many businesses opt to put concrete parking blocks at the end of parking spaces.  These blocks prevent drivers from traveling too fast or too close to pedestrians.

In this case, however, the store neglected to put these blocks in place and this neglect was a part of the subsequent collision that caused the victims so much damage.

What Should I Do If I Am Hurt In A Parking Lot Accident?

Not everyone who suffers injury in a parking lot will be able to recover damages from the owner of the building or the company that operates at that site.  The conditions must be very specific and the company must clearly have some form of liability in order for a victim to successfully collect damages.

However, companies may be liable for things that victims are unaware of, such as parking lot safety blocks.  Some victims assume that they cannot collect damages from a company because the company has little or no interest in the matter, but this may not be the case.  A personal injury attorney can examine the situation and provide the client with a legal overview of who is responsible for the injuries.

When you consult a personal injury lawyer, you are taking the best step possible to protect your rights and recover damages for your injuries.  Even if you do not believe that anyone will be held responsible for your accident, talk to a personal injury attorney about your case.

Signs That Point Towards Hiring An Injury Lawyer

When to Call a Work Injury Lawyer

(Guest post) No one wants an attorney to confront his or her employer about a workers compensation claim. Unfortunately though, that is often the only way an injury victim gets compensation. Instead of treating injury victims with dignity, some companies treat them poorly by ignoring their financial needs for the sake of savings money.

When companies take this attitude, they usually exhibit signs that they do not intend to honor a victim’s claim. When injury victims encounter these signs, they should contact an injury lawyer as soon as possible.

Signs that an Insurance Company is Avoiding You

1. Stating the injury did not occur

When an injury does not involve visible signs such as cuts and bruises, some employers and their workers comp insurance carriers claim it never happened. Injuries that employers and their insurance carriers take this approach with include: hearing damage injuries, nerve damage injuries, and mental trauma injuries.

2. Stating the injury is less serious than claimed

When an injury does not involve visible signs of pain, some employers say it is less serious than the victim claims. An employer and its insurance carrier use this tactic to have claims reduced or dismissed. However, a work injury lawyer can use medical findings to ensure the right compensation is reached.

3. Suggesting the injury was caused by something else

After reporting an injury such as a slip and fall accident to their employer, injury victims are often quizzed by insurance carrier’s claims adjusters, who attempt to uncover alternative causes for an injury. Because the goal of claims adjusters is to reduce or dismiss injury claims, claimants should refuse to speak to them and let a work injury lawyer speak with them instead.

4. Disputing a physician’s findings

Employers and their insurance carriers are quick to support medical findings if they suit their goals. When medical findings indicate an injury is serious and will require long treatment, however, some companies and their insurance carriers request more tests, an examination by a different physician, or a second opinion on the original findings. Instead of becoming a guinea pig for their employer and its insurance carrier’s selfish interests, injury victims should call an attorney.

5. Asking for the same forms time and again

Judging by how many times insurance carriers claim to lose or misplace official forms, you would think they didn’t have filing cabinets. In most cases, however, the request for a form to be sent time and again is designed to exhaust the claimant, and it often does. When a workers comp insurance carrier claims to lose, misplace, or not receive forms that have been sent again and again, calling an attorney can end the absurdity.

6. Consistently prolonging the claims process

When an employer and its insurance carrier know that injury victims have not retained an attorney, they often prolong the claims process until they do. From asking for forms to be sent time and again to claiming that a decision that never arrives will be arriving soon, they hold out as long as they can. When an attorney enters the game, however, results can be achieved within days.

Seth Thompson represents Drinkwater & Goldstein LLP in South Jersey.

Looking For A Personal Injury Lawyer: Where to find the Lawyer of your choice

If you have been injured due to another person’s negligence it is important that you look into the effect this has had on you and your family. As the accident and subsequently your injuries are due to no fault of your own you may be entitled to some compensation.  Lawyers will not be difficult to locate and there will be lots of help and support on hand given to you by these legal representatives.

Go visit a Medical Professional

It is essential that you visit a medical professional to look at your injuries as this documented information will assist and prove crucial for your case to win your claim. Your medical notes will be evidence and back up the injuries you have received due the accident.

Once you have realised you are owed compensation to you for losses affecting your everyday life you will require legal aid. Lawyers should be both knowledgeable and experienced in cases due to personal injury. They will know how to file the case and will use the effective tools in order to help you claim what you are rightfully owed. Losses you may suffer can affect different areas of your life such as physically, mentally and emotionally.

Getting the right advice

Under the right advice and support from your lawyer they will make your compensation both simple and easy. If you were to take this role on yourself it would create a lot of stress in your life. Hiring a lawyer will give the peace of mind you require and deserve. Lawyers will gather information for evidence to aid you in your case. They will also use their negotiating skills to ensure you receive the rightfully owed money you have lost due to your personal injury.

In order to locate the right lawyer for you the first port of call will be to search in your area. If for example you live in Miami Florida lawyers in this location will be easy to find. Other tips that are useful are to find a lawyer that specialises in personal injury. Law is a very broad term and there are many different areas.  Lawyers will specialise in different aspects of law which will mean they can handle your case more effectively.

Research on the Internet

The Internet is a handy and useful tool to help you search for the right representative for you. By putting the name of the place you live – Miami Florida lawyers in the search engine it will bring a long list of lawyers for you to choose from. If you want to be more specific and narrow down your search criteria you can type in Miami Florida lawyer personal injury. Using different key words will assist you in your findings.

Be certain to check the websites you are visiting and ensure that they are a reputable lawyer coming from a decent firm. By reading the testimonials it will give you an idea of the cases they have worked on and if previous clients have been pleased with their outcome. You can use the Bar Association to check their reputation and this will give you an extra piece of mind.

Daisy Chambers has helped many people make claims for a number of different areas in the legal sector, and continues to write regularly on law related topics.