Personal Injury Law Blogs

Tired of Waiting for the Insurance Check?

(U.S. Insurance Law) If you purchased an insurance policy, you trust that when it’s time to file a claim, your insurance company will be there for you. Accidents, injuries and natural disasters such as an earthquake, hurricane, tornado, fire, hail, flooding and lightning should all be covered under these policies. However, when an accident happens or a disaster strikes, or you may be surprised to find that you’re given the run around when it’s time to cash in on your claim.

Filing a claim should be simple, especially after you’ve been paying out hard earned money on your policy all of these years. Unfortunately it’s not as easy as turning in your claim and getting a check for the damages. An insurance company usually launches an investigation and sends an adjuster out to look over the problems. Many times an insurance company will try to limit the amount of money an owner is due and outright deny the claim.

The following are some of the tactics you should be aware of when it comes to denying or limiting your claim:

Delaying Your Settlement

Be aware if an adjuster tries to delay or ignore your claim. This is a tactic used by insurance companies in hopes of getting the owner to settle on a lower amount because they are frustrated playing the waiting game. An insurance provider may also wait to give you your check until they have received reimbursement.

Not Enough Coverage

You may have looked over your insurance policy thoroughly to ensure that you have the absolute maximum coverage on your property. Unfortunately when it’s time to file a claim, you find out that you don’t have adequate coverage, and your claim has been denied.

Illegal Filings

An insurance provider may also accuse the owner of filing a false claim and deliberately eliciting illegal activity. For example if you file a claim for fire damage, an insurance company may say that the owner purposely set fire to the property and committed arson.

Not Fully Understanding the Policy

When you met with the insurance company to go over your policy, you probably thought you understood the package that you signed up for. However, once you’ve filed a claim, you’re meant to feel like you’ve misinterpreted everything that is covered in your policy.

Low-Ball Offers

Owners that suffered damage in famous hurricanes such as Katrina and Sandy found out firsthand how difficult it was to reap money for the losses that they incurred. One homeowner had over $150,000 worth of damage to her home. When she filed her claim, the insurance company offered her a check for $40,000. Another business owner was paying into a policy for $300,000. When it came time to file his claim, the fine print read that his deductible was $16,000. Not only do many of these owners not receive the proper compensation, they have also had their policies quadruple from their original price.

There are a number of techniques an insurance company will try to do to deny or lessen your claim. Delaying your check keeps the money in their pockets for a longer amount of time and only frustrates you. This can constitute insurance bad faith, and you’ll need the help of an experienced and knowledgeable property insurance lawyer to file suit against the insurance company to help get what you deserve.

Legal researcher Shelby Warden had to deal with several of these tactics when trying to recover damages from a hurricane. When insurance companies delay payment or refuse to pay, property owners turn to the aggressive property insurance lawyer team at Doyle Raizner LLP because of their in-depth knowledge of state and federal insurance laws and established legal reputation. The firm has decades of insurance defense experience to challenge insurance companies who are focused on their own profits.

Top Five Injuries Caused by Car Accidents

(U. S. Personal Injury Law and generally) There are over 6.4 million car accidents annually in the U.S., and approximately 1.5 million people are injured as a result. Although some injuries are extremely minor, they can still cause a disruption to the afflicted party’s daily life for a while, and medical bills are common regardless of the severity of the injury. The following list examines five of the most common injuries that occur in the U.S. each year due to traffic accidents.

1) Whiplash – Also known as a connective tissue injury, whiplash is by far the most common injury that American drivers receive during a car accident. Whiplash is so common, in fact, that approximately 3 million Americans will be diagnosed with it each year as a result of traffic accidents, playing sports and several other activities. Whiplash is characterized by stiffness in the neck and back, and it can cause long-lasting issues if it is not treated properly.

2) Back Injuries – There are a lot of different back injuries that a driver or passenger can suffer from after an accident, and they are caused by the violent motion that occurs when your body quickly moves forward during impact. Back injuries can range from moderately painful to life threatening, so it is important to seek medical attention immediately, especially if you are having difficulty moving.

3) Concussion – A concussion is the most common traumatic brain injury, and if left untreated, it could lead to deadly consequences. Fortunately, most patients who have been diagnosed with a concussion will only experience mild head pain and a drowsy sensation. This injury typically happens during a car crash when the driver or passenger’s head collides with the steering wheel or dashboard. Although scientists and doctors are still studying exactly what happens during a concussion, it is believed that the patient’s brain is impacted by both neuropsychiatric and structural factors.

4) Spinal Cord Injury – Damage to your spinal cord can lead to a disability, so it is vital to get to the hospital immediately if you exhibit any of the signs of this injury, including the inability to move and tingling or numbness in any part of your body. If the injury is not treated promptly, you could become paralyzed, and this could cause you to become partially or fully disabled.

5) Head Injuries – Some people will be lucky enough to receive a head injury without actually developing a concussion. In these cases, it is typical for the afflicted party to receive superficial wounds to their head during the accident. Head injuries can also cause headaches, and they can be closely related to traumatic brain injuries. Therefore, even if your head appears to be okay, you should still go to your doctor for a full checkup to ensure that you are not putting yourself at risk for future complications.

Other common car accident injuries include broken bones, post traumatic stress disorder and open wounds. In some cases, people are even burned due to leaking fluids or fire. If you are injured in a car accident, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. You should also consider contacting a personal injury lawyer, especially if your injuries are severe. After all, if you were not at fault for the accident, you should not have to pay for your medical bills. When considering  a personal injury attorney Atlanta has some of the highest rated in the country.

Anthony Joseph is a freelance writer who enjoys discussing current legal issues, and contributes this article toward helping educate others on driver safety. Stokes & Kopitsky is a personal injury lawyer Atlanta-based firm that has represented thousands of clients who have been injured due to the negligence of others. Their attorneys make every effort to win the maximum level of compensation for the client.

5 Cities With High Motorcycle Accident Rates

(U.S. Personal Injury Law and generally) Approximately 4,800 motorcyclists become traffic fatalities each year, and an additional 88,000 will be injured in highway accidents. This number is greatly disproportionate to other traffic accidents. In fact, motorcyclists are over five times more likely to die in an accident than people who are driving a passenger vehicle. Because of this, it is imperative to always wear a helmet and proper safety gear to reduce your odds of becoming a traffic fatality statistic. Although you will be at risk anywhere that you drive a motorcycle, the following cities have a higher than average rate of bike accidents.

1) West Palm Beach, Florida – Florida in general has a high overall accident rate for motorcyclists, but West Palm Beach is definitely an area where you will need to be especially careful. Not only is there a lot of traffic in the city, but the natural beauty of the area can cause drivers to become distracted. With all of these things to look out for it, it is no wonder that 350 people died while driving a motorcycle in Florida in 2010, leaving West Palm Beach injury lawyers busier than ever.

2) Las Vegas, Nevada – The bright lights of the Las Vegas Strip can cause anyone to become distracted and even disoriented, and when you combine that with a constant stream of traffic, it provides an environment that is extremely dangerous for motorcyclists and drivers of any other type of vehicle. Nevada averages almost 10 deaths annually for every 100,000 registered motorcycles, and that places it as one of the highest risk states for bike owners.

3) New Orleans, Louisiana – The Big Easy has a high concentration of motorcyclists and moped drivers, and this makes accidents very common. Approximately 10 percent of all fatal traffic accidents that occur in the area involve a motorcycle, and Louisiana is also ranked as one of the 12 worst states for motorcyclist safety. The heavy traffic congestion in New Orleans is definitely a leading cause of bike accidents, and the nonstop party attitude that takes over certain areas at night can also cause serious issues.

4) Baltimore, Maryland – An average year in the state of Maryland will include at least 1,800 motorcycle accidents, and many of them take place in or near Baltimore. These accidents are in part a natural extension of being in an area with a lot of traffic, but it is also likely that the unusual design of the city’s freeways causes a lot of issues for motorcycle drivers.

5) Atlanta, Georgia – Driving a motorcycle anywhere in Georgia is statistically riskier than the majority of the country. In fact, the odds of dying or being seriously injured in a motorcycle crash are approximately double the national average. Atlanta is a particularly dangerous area because of the heavy traffic congestion. The extremely hot summers can also influence motorcyclists to go for a ride without wearing enough protective gear.

If you are injured in a motorcycle accident, you should contact a personal injury attorney as soon as possible. By taking proper legal action before your state’s statute of limitations runs out, you may be able to recoup all of your medical expenses. Even if your injury was not extremely serious, you should still ask an attorney for advice if you incurred any out-of-pocket expenses as a result of another person’s negligence.

Anthony Joseph is a freelance author who enjoys writing about interesting legal issues, and contributes this particular article to help promote safety on our roadways. Steinger, Iscoe & Greene are West Palm Beach injury lawyers who have represented hundreds of motorcycle accident victims. With a team of 26 lawyers, they have nearly endless resources and experience to bring to the table when defending you.

Public Transit: Another Day, Another Accident

Most people realize that public transportation provides a great service for cities and towns where it is present. It eases traffic congestion, is good for the environment and provides a method of transportation for those who otherwise wouldn’t have it. Another benefit is the fact that public transit accidents are believed to be less frequent than other types of accidents. This is obviously true since there are fewer public transit vehicles out there and thus a lesser chance of them being involved in accidents. Recent news stories, however, are beginning to reveal how dangerous this transportation option can be.

Repeated Accidents

Although public transit is usually seen as safe, it almost seems as if a new headline story involving accidents in these vehicles happens every day. The beginning of February 2013 was especially detrimental. On the second of the month, a bus in Boston struck an overpass while driving down a road which restricted vehicles of its height. Four people were sent to the hospital with serious injuries; one passenger’s injuries were life-threatening.

As if the Boston accident wasn’t enough, another bus in a mountainous area of California crashed one day later. The death toll of this accident was initially reported to be eight, but officials said that this number could rise. Officials were investigating whether or not driver fatigue could’ve been involved, but they’ve begun seriously looking into the idea that the brakes on the vehicle may have failed.

Is Public Transit Safe?

There’s no doubt that public transit probably saves numerous lives every year. The National Safety Council reports that riding a bus, for instance, is more than 170 times safer than driving in a car. This makes public transportation a safe option for anyone who needs it. Unfortunately, just like any other mode of transportation, when public transit is combined with human error or negligence, there is a high likelihood of injuries occurring.

The United States Department of Transportation reports that the number of public transit deaths exceeds 50 people every year, and many others are seriously injured due to accidents. While accidents are unlikely, this fact does little to help the people who are actually involved in the wrecks. That’s why it’s essential for people to respond appropriately when involved in such an accident.

Responding to Public Transit Accidents

Those who design, manufacture, sell and operate public transit vehicles have the duty to make sure that the vehicles are safe. When any of these people fail in that duty, serious injuries or, as mentioned above, deaths can occur. Regardless of whether you ask one of the lawyers in your area or one of the Charleston injury lawyers near me, they will undoubtedly agree that these types of accidents usually result in excessive losses due to medical bills, lost time from work, long-term care or funeral expenses.

It’s absolutely imperative for anyone injured in a public transit accident to seek legal help as soon as they’re capable. It is simply unfair for a person to have to struggle with bills due to the fact that a supposed public servant acted in a neglectful manner. Attorneys are experienced at ensuring that people receive compensation for the injuries that they suffer, so this is often an injured person’s best option.

There’s no doubt that public transit is a great service for those who use it, but unfortunately, human error and flat out negligence can make these modes of transportation much less safe than they’re supposed to be. Anyone who experiences one of these accidents can face serious injuries, medical bills and unfortunately, even death. Only if those at fault are held responsible for their neglectful actions can we hope that public transit will remain a safe option.

Legal researcher Shelby Warden contributes this article to help raise awareness of safety issues with public transportation. The Charleston injury lawyers at Howell and Christmas, LLC, are dedicated to protecting the rights of the injured and their families in South Carolina. Their team is ready to go to court and fight to get you all of the compensation you deserve for your injuries, medical bills, lost wages and other damages.

Practising Safety at Work

Workplace injuries can be costly for businesses to contend with. The most obvious expense associated with workplace injuries relate to the associated liability. A worker may file a personal injury lawsuit associated with negligence or an unsafe workplace, for example, and the court may rule that the company reimburse the worker for medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages and more.

Business insurance may cover such expenses, but not all related expenses may be covered. Other expenses associated with workplace injuries may be more difficult to identify. These expenses relate to employees taking time off from work to tend to minor injuries, the cost associated with training new employees if the worker is unable to return to the position, expenses associated with replacing damaged equipment or property and other expenses. Practicing safety at work can provide you with many financial benefits.

Identifying the Most Common Types of On-the-Job Injuries
When most people think about workplace injuries, they may think about line workers being injured by equipment or construction workers falling. However, the most common injuries for workers in 2012 were injuries caused by sprains and strains typically caused by an “overexcertion in lifting or lowering.” Other work-related injuries include the worker being caught in or under machinery, falling from an elevated surface, falling on a flat surface due to tripping or slipping, or being impacted by a flying object. According to Bureau of Labor Statistics, the most common cause of work-related fatalities was roadway incidents.

Identifying Hazards in Your Workplace
One of the first steps that businesses can take to improve safety involves identifying hazards. You may consider assigning a team of workers to identify different known hazards or to interview other employees. This canvasing approach may be revealing to management and business owners. However, you may also consider hiring a workplace safety contractor to visit your facilities and identify OSHA infractions and other possible hazards. Through these steps, you can determine areas that must be revisited in your workplace to minimize the risk of accidents and injuries.

Training Options
You should also consider the benefits associated with a workplace safety training program. Different training videos or seminars can be used for employees in different positions. For example, delivery drivers could be trained on proper driving safety and lifting techniques. Office workers can be trained on proper ergonomic positions and identification of hazards in work rooms. Contractors can be engaged to provide this type of training on your behalf, but larger companies may utilize internal human resources with training in this area to establish training programs.

Employee Expectations
It is important for employees to be held accountable for their own actions, and because of this, businesses should establish reasonable standards and expectations. For example, line workers should be required to wear certain types of comfortable footwear and shirts that have form-fitting sleeves. Employees should be required to smoke in designated areas or off the premises to prevent fires and for the safety of other employees. These guidelines should be clearly written, and employees may be asked to sign them. Furthermore, management should make an effort to enforce these expectations and requirements.

Many workplaces could be safer than they are today. Workplace injuries often result in liability cases, increases in insurance premiums, decreased productivity and other expenses, so companies should strive to improve the safety in their workplaces when possible. Take time to implement these safety steps in your facilities today, and you may find that workplace injuries decrease in your company. An attorney specializing in personal injury law can help advise on the best course of action that your company should take.

How to find a good personal injury solicitor

A personal injury solicitor is arguably the most important asset to any personal injury claim. However, there are so many out there, how on earth do you choose the right person to manage your claim? Well this article contains a lot of information that should help you to find a good personal injury solicitor.

How to identify the best solicitor for you

Personal injury solicitors vary greatly in terms of expertise and experience, which means that not every solicitor will have the necessary skills to manage your claim effectively. Some areas of injury law, such as medical negligence, require specialist representation due to the complexity of the claim and the laws surrounding it. As a result, if you are considering making a claim for medical negligence, you will need to talk to a specialist medical negligence injury solicitor. On another note, a large number of personal injury solicitors have little to no trial experience due to the fact that many claims are settled before they ever get that far. However, your claim could well end up in court and it is recommended that you have a solicitor on your side that has experience in such situations. After all, you need to have confidence in your solicitor’s ability to get you the compensation you deserve.

Most solicitors offer free consultations, so take advantage of this and speak to a number of different solicitors and create a shortlist. You will then be able to evaluate which solicitor you feel is best to take your case forward. Here are few things you should consider when talking to solicitors:

  • How much do they charge?
  • Can you talk to them easily?
  • Are you confident in their ability?
  • How much experience do they have?

Once you have decided upon a solicitor, you can then begin the claims process and hopefully receive compensation for any injuries that you have sustained.

Ways to Protect Yourself After a Subway Accident

(U.S. Personal Injury Law and generally) The subway systems of many U.S. cities are a convenient and cost-efficient method of transportation. They are also routinely crowded and extensive, such as the Manhattan Transit Authority. It is important to always be aware of the specific locations within a subway system because NYC subway accidents can happen quickly and establishing negligence can be problematic. Taking similar trains on a regular basis can be helpful in many transportation situations, though this is not always the case. Using caution while accessing and using the subway system is an effective personal policy in most cases, but the subway can still be a scary place in the wrong situation.

Actions in The Event of An Accident

The first thing an injured person should do in a subway accident is seek immediate medical attention. Even if the injuries are minor, delaying treatment can impact a claim easily. Waiting to receive medical treatment can be a mitigating circumstance in establishment of negligence. It is important to always notify transit authorities as soon as possible, even if the contact must be done by a representing party. Some individuals, such as a spouse, can act as the duly-appointed representative for an injured party, but this representation can also include a personal injury attorney.

Confer with An Attorney Quickly

All municipal subway transit authorities have a designed time period for filing a personal injury claim. An experienced personal injury attorney can investigate an injury claim as the result of an accident and recommend a plan of legal action. Personal injury attorneys normally will not waste time on difficult cases. If the attorney offers their professional representation, then the chances of a reasonable claim settlement are usually sound.

Do Not File without An Attorney If The Injury is Serious

This is no process for the claimant to pursue on their own accord. Minor accidents or injuries that are obvious cases of neglect may be a reasonably simple process, but for cases involving punitive damages an experienced attorney is necessary. Establishing negligence is necessary, so it is often a good idea to go back to the scene of the accident or injury to review what actually happened. The transit authority version of events may not be the same as the lawyer’s version in the claim. Serious injuries are often highly contested, or delayed in settlement. All initial case evaluations are free, so the cost of beginning a claim can be minimal.

Expert Testimony

Very often it is necessary for personal injury attorneys to employ professional experts to verify the particulars in a personal injury claim. Medical professionals fall directly in this group who can testify to the extent of damage and recovery periods, including ability to work. Recovery of lost wages is standard compensatory claim, especially in clear cases of neglect. Other attorneys can also act as experts in negligence rulings, as each case is usually unique in material facts. Most personal injury attorneys have various experts within the firm’s operational network.

Personal injury claims in most cities are covered by a 90-day statute of limitations, so it is important to avoid delays in filing any claim. Hiring an attorney quickly can result in a valid and timely claim, as solid professional representation can ensure that the case is covered and the injured claimant can concentrate on physical recovery when possible.

Author Anthony Joseph is a freelance writer likes to discuss current events, and contributes this article to promote transportation safety. The Perecman law firm is New York based, and represents victims of NYC subway accidents. Thousands of people in New York ride the subway to work and school, and when they step on the train they don’t expect to be hurt. As careful as we sometimes are, these accidents do occur and need to dealt with very carefully.

North Carolina’s Deadliest Accidents: The Dangers of Rural Roads

rural roadsOften considered as one of the “jewels” of the south, North Carolina is a popular tourist destination for individuals from all parts of the world. Though there are a few large cities in the state, North Carolina is considered by most experts to be a relatively rural part of the country. It should come as no surprise, then, that many of the roads in North Carolina—especially in areas with low population densities—are less than ideal. Understanding the dangers of these rural roads, and how they can be managed, is essential for those who wish to ensure optimal results when driving in this part of the country.


Sharp Corners

Unlike highways and expressways, which are often designed to be as straight as possible, country roads may bend and wind for miles on end. In most cases, the large farms and private property owned by landholders in North Carolina dictate the road routes. Unfortunately, these country roads feature a number of sharp turns and corners, some of which can be deadly—especially for drivers who are not familiar with the area. Traveling at a cautious pace and anticipating curves in the road is an effective way to avoid disaster when it comes to driving in the country.


Narrow Shoulders

The shoulder is traditionally defined as the part of the road that connects the outermost driving lane to the edge of the motorway. Shoulders are often considered to be essential when it comes to increasing road safety, as they serve as a “safe zone” in which bikers, joggers, and even damaged vehicles may travel. Unfortunately, space limitations mean that most country roads have a relatively narrow shoulder—if one is present at all. This can be dangerous when a breakdown occurs, as there may not be a secure place to pull over.


Limited Visibility

Obviously, driving on a country road can be a dangerous activity—especially at night. Unlike roads in urban areas, which often feature abundant amounts of artificial lights, visibility while driving on country roads is often quite limited. In fact, most drivers must rely only on their own headlights when it comes to maximizing visibility in the country. While hitting another vehicle is a serious threat in low-light conditions, striking an unseen animal is even more likely. In most cases, these types of accidents can lead to serious damage to the vehicle, and may even result in personal injury.


Poor Surface Conditions

Finally, Readers’ Digest reports that the condition of country roads may be one of the most dangerous aspects of driving in rural areas. Country roads often feature cracked other otherwise damaged surfaces, which can make driving—and stopping—quite a challenge. In addition, some country roads may not even be paved at all, but rather might simply be covered with a thin layer of gravel. Research shows that stopping a vehicle on a gravel road may take twice as long as the same stop on a properly paved surface.

No matter where you are driving it is important to pay attention to your surroundings and be alert. Accidents can happen at a moments notice, the only thing you can do is make sure you are as prepared as possible.


Teague & Glover, P.A. is a personal injury law firm located in Elizabeth City, North Carolina. For more information, please visit us at

How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney?

“How much does a personal injury attorney cost?” is a question I receive fairly often.  If you find yourself in need of legal assistance, then this question is certainly a good question to ask.  How many times do we hear about outrageous legal fees in the news and media?

The number one objection most of us have, when deciding whether or not to hire someone for a service, is how much the service is going to cost us.  This rings especially true when we are strapped for cash-as is often the case following an accident or injury.

If you are out of work due to an injury, then money and cost is going to weigh heavily on your mind.  Believe me I understand.  As a personal injury lawyer from Massachusetts I work with people in dire financial circumstances each and everyday.

Fortunately lack of money does not have to mean lack of personal injury representation.  Let me explain why.

How can technology aid distracted driving

Driving requires the person behind the wheel to be nearly 100 per cent focused on the road and the environment surrounding the car. Anything, whether inside or outside the car, that distracts the driver can compromise their safety as well as that of the passengers. Is there a way for new technology to assist the drivers in keeping their concentration on the wheel?

Cell phones and driving

Statistics have shown that a large percentage of driving accidents are caused by mobile phones. Ever since cell phones were made available more than a decade ago, there have been an increasing number of automobile accidents caused by gadgets. Below are some of the instances when a cell phone can distract the driver:

  • When they receive a call, text or notification, the device emits a loud attention-grabbing sound if they didn’t set their phone to silent.
  • When the driver reaches out to their phone in order to answer the call or read the text.
  • When the driver responds to the text message by typing a reply to the sender.

These distractions may not seem that long for anyone, but there could be critical moments which may happen in just a short amount of time. For example, a person is about to pass an intersection and answers their phone while the traffic light is showing green. They might miss seeing someone crossing the street whose attention is not on the vehicle and the traffic light. It is clear to see how mobile phones contribute to the number of accidents that have happened.

Numerous states around the world have issued laws which prohibit the use of cell phones while the vehicle is in motion. Offenders caught are required to pay a fine as posted by the state and will have a mark on their record.

Technological aid for distracted driving

There are numerous ways where technology can help drivers avoid any distraction caused by mobile phones. Here are some of them:

  • Hands-free usage – There are mobile phones with voice command features where the user can answer calls without touching their phones. These phones also have a built-in speaker which provides a loud and clear volume to hear the caller. The only problem with voice command software is the chance of not recognising the command, distracting the driver even more.
  • Call and text blocking software – There are services available where an app can use the built-in GPS or camera to detect if it is inside a moving vehicle. The app will block the calls and texts once it knows the automobile is in motion. It will send an auto reply to any call and text the phone receives. This technology offers a great benefit in avoiding any distraction. However, the app and service is still too expensive for the average person to afford.

Technology is just supplemental help for anyone to avoid the distraction posed by the use of their cell phones. Discipline will still help them keep their focus on the road to avoid making any mistake a compensation or accident lawyer can correct.