Personal Injury Law Blogs

Common Distractions for Drivers

When it comes to operating an automobile, many take for granted just how much focus is required in order to keep those in your car and those driving around you safe.  Because most of us drive every day, and our routes are typically the same, we can often get distracted by other things we believe are more important.  When this happens, the chances of being involved in an accident escalate.  Below are the most common distractions a driver can experience at any given time.


More and more drivers are being tempted with their phone than ever before.  The desire to text and drive is so strong, that a law has recently been created making it illegal.  When a driver takes their eyes off the road, even for a brief moment, it can lead to serious accidents.  It only takes a moment for an accident to happen, and many times they can be avoided if only the driver was paying attention.  The best way to reduce your temptation of texting and driving is to simply put your phone away while driving.  Locking it in your glove compartment is a way to help you avoid the temptation of texting while driving.

Putting on Makeup

Many women will admit that the best way to save time in the morning when getting ready for school or work is by putting on their makeup in the car.  Although this may be a time saver, it can be a terrible decision.  Rear view mirrors are designed to be glanced into and not starred at.  When a person takes their focus off the road and onto something else, the chances of having an accident escalate.  Plan ahead and don’t leave anything to chance while in the car.  Avoid any task that will shift your focus away from the road.

Talking on the Phone

Although talking on the phone may not cause you to look away from the road, it can certainly limit your ability to process what is happening in front of you.  Running red lights and changing lanes without a blinker are just a couple of things that could happen if you are busy talking on your cell phone while driving.

When you are behind the wheel, it is important to limit your risk of being involved in an auto accident.  You can successfully do this by simply freeing yourself from any distraction.  Focusing on the road is your priority when driving a car and making adjustments to your lifestyle may be needed if you want to be safe on the road.

Zoloft Pregnancy Risks and Birth Defects

pregnancy and ZoloftZoloft is not all that it’s cracked up to be. An antidepressant drug made to treat a number of psychological disorders, Zoloft has received a lot of bad press for its various side effects. These side effects include pregnancy risks and birth defects. Here are just some of the Zoloft pregnancy risks and birth defects that you should be aware of.

 Watch Out for PPHN

 Persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPHN), based on the latest research, has been found to occur with greater likelihood when pregnant women take Zoloft during their 3rd trimester. Zoloft’s manufacturer sold the drug without posting a warning about this potential side effect on the box, so it is not well known. Circulation problems may be the result of PPHN that comes from taking Zoloft while pregnant. The newborn might then experience breathing difficulties when outside the womb.

 Zoloft Can Cause Heart Defects

 Another set of side effects to watch out for when taking Zoloft when pregnant are heart defects. In the 1st trimester, many women don’t yet even recognize that they’re pregnant. However, taking Zoloft in this trimester can cause a higher chance of the baby having cardiac anomalies. Based on studies, women who take Zoloft in the first three months of pregnancy might be subject to quadruple the danger of giving birth to a baby with a heart defect. There is also double the danger of a septal heart defect when using Zoloft in the 1st trimester.

 A Cranial Defect Is Not Unheard of

The cranial defect caused by Zoloft is more technically known as craniosynostosis. In layman’s terms, it is a cranial defect that produces the premature closing of the baby’s skull and head. As a result, the newborn may have a malformed head due to Zoloft. A cranial defect of this nature caused by Zoloft might subject the newborn to extreme pressure on the brain or deny sufficient room in the skull for the brain to naturally grow.

Neural Tube Defects 

Anencephaly, or a neural tube defect, produces some ghastly results. The baby might have part of either his skull or brain missing, facial deformities, or heart problems. This neural tube defect will start to happen relatively early on in the development of the unborn baby. It frequently results in either a miscarriage or death of the newborn, usually just a couple of days after its birth. This side effect is not guaranteed to happen; however, it has been recorded in some cases of a mother taking Zoloft.

 What a mother puts inside her body while carrying the unborn child is so important because of the potential effects to said child. While Zoloft may help people with depressive episodes, it is highly risky to take when a mother-to-be is still pregnant. The research has slowly but surely suggested that this drug is not safe for women carrying an unborn child.

 If you have evidence that taking Zoloft hurt your pregnancy, consider contacting a lawyer. The Driscoll Firm, P.C. is a Zoloft birth defect law firm that is available to assist sufferers nationwide. For more information about birth defects as a result of taking Zoloft during pregnancy, visit the website at

Common Injuries for Maritime Workers

maritime workersExperts agree that our planet is composed of approximately 70% water. It should come as no surprise, then, that many men and women living around the world make their living off the sea. While there are a number of ways in which people can profit off the sea, lakes, or rivers, pursuing a career as a maritime worker is one of the most popular. And while maritime jobs are often quite rewarding, they can also be filled with a number of serious risks. Individuals who are thinking about entering this job field should be aware of the different health risks associated with maritime work, and how they can be avoided.


 According to US Newsinjuries caused by maritime work, fractures are one of the most common . While these fractures can be caused by a number of issues, they are commonly related to slip, trips, and being hit by the ship’s boom. As with more serious types of breaks, fractures are not life threatening—however, the healing process can be long and arduous. In most cases, rest, relaxation, and limited use are recommended for all maritime workers who have been diagnosed with a bone fracture.

 Sprains and Strains

 Sprains and strains are also a common injury for individuals who work in the maritime industry. Sprains and strains can be related to various factors, such as lifting a piece of machinery that is too heavy, using improper ergonomic techniques, or simply being unaware of the surroundings. Similarly, some research suggests that maritime workers may develop strains or sprains due to untidy working conditions or repetitive use activities. Strains and sprains typically do not cause lasting effects—in fact, most workers can expect relief from pain and inflammation within a few days of the injury.


 Unlike the injuries listed above, concussions are a relatively serious injury faced by many people who work in the maritime industry. A concussion is typically defined as a condition in which individuals experience a loss of consciousness after a strong blow to the head. In other cases, concussions can occur when people are exposed to a heavy jolt or prolonged, violent shaking. Concussions often affect the way that the brain works, and can cause problems with concentration, memory, judgment, balance, and coordination. People who are diagnosed with multiple concussions may experience the greatest difficulty when it comes to functioning independently in life.


 As suggested by the name, a dislocation occurs when one part of the body—such as the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, or ankle, is moved from its proper location to another position. In most cases, dislocations are caused by sudden, sharp blows to the joint in question, though trips, falls, and other similar accidents can also lead to the injury. Joint dislocations are often quite painful, and typically require immediate attention by a qualified health care provider. When they are not managed in an appropriate period of time, dislocations can lead to long-term disability and other, serious consequences.

Braud & Gallagher, Attorneys at Law are maritime accident lawyers located in New Orleans, Louisiana. For more information, please visit us at

Claiming for Compensation following an Accident at Work

Blog post regarding how to claim for compensation following injuries sustained from an accident at work in the UK.

Every employer is required by law to provide a safe working environment and must ensure that they create safe systems of work for their employees.  This places an obligation on an employer to ensure that they examine the potential hazards faced by employees when undertaking a particular task, and ensuring that such hazards are kept to a minimum or, ideally, eliminated. Employers must also provide, and maintain, the necessary machinery and tools for employees to complete their jobs and such machinery must be in a safe condition.

An extension of this is that employees must be supplied with the necessary safety equipment and work wear required to carry out their roles i.e. hard hats, protective overalls etc.  Again, if this is not maintained or is not fit for purpose then the employer may be liable.  A rich seam of accident at work claims arise as a result of insufficient, or complete absence of, training.  These claims can range from a lack of training on manual handling techniques to a lack of training regarding a new piece of plant machinery.  It is worth noting that the sufficiency of any training will be examined in any claim.

If an employer fails to achieve these standards and, subsequently, an accident occurs, it may be possible to claim for accident at work compensation.  While the most common scenario envisaged may be that of a factory worker suffering an accident in the workplace, it is most often the case that a claim is brought as a result of a slip, trip or fall or as a result of a manual handling accident in an office-based environment.

Who Can Claim?

Accident at work compensation can be claimed for any personal injury sustained in the workplace that is either the fault of another employee or as a result of the negligence of the employer.  The accident should be reported immediately so as to ensure that it is recorded in the employer’s incident log book (this will be used by your solicitor as evidence to support your claim).  There are other pieces of supporting evidence that can be used by your solicitor to support your claim, for example medical records, expert witness statements etc.

There are some types of employment that are, however, inherently risky.  In many circumstances there will be specific legislation covering certain aspects of such work (the Working at Height Regulations is an example of this).  It should be remembered therefore that, if an accident occurs in the workplace, the employer is not automatically liable to pay compensation.  In order for this to be the case the employer must be in breach of their legal duties (some of which have been detailed above).

Risk Assessments

An important aspect of an employer’s obligation to its employees is through the use of risk assessments.  This allows an employer to identify the risks involved in the work carried out by particular employees and this must be recorded.  An employer will, however, be liable if such risk assessments are found to be insufficient or not acted upon.

When it comes to a compensation award, the courts will have regard to the severity of any injury sustained as well as the severity of any lasting effects.  The costs incurred by the injured party in seeking and obtaining treatment for the injury will also be factored in.  This is also something that a solicitor will be able to provide advice on at a reasonably early stage.  It may very well be the case that a solicitor will enter into a negotiation with the legal representative of an employer in order to reach a settlement out of court.  An employer should, in most cases, have insurance to provide cover should they be the subject of any claim for accident at work compensation.

People are sometimes reluctant to make a compensation claim against their employer for fear of being victimised or marginalised in the workplace.  However, should you wish to make a claim for accident at work compensation, it should be noted therefore that there are very strict legal rules in place that prevent employers from acting in such a manner.  Another barrier that people may envisage is the cost of bringing a claim, however the existence of no win no fee arrangements with solicitors means that the financial risks in making a claim are negligible.

Repetitive Stress Injuries in the Workplace

Repetitive stress injuries, which are also commonly known as repetitive stress disorders, are a growing concern in many different workplaces. In fact, repetitive stress injuries account for over 60 percent of all job-related injuries in the USA, and 1 in 8 individuals will suffer from some kind of repetitive stress injury in their lifetime. What causes these injuries? How can you know if you have one? Are they covered by worker’s insurance? Below you can find the answers to these questions.  To learn more about types of repetitive stress injuries click here.

Jobs That Can Result in Repetitive Stress Injuries

The increase in computers in the workplace is largely responsible for the increase in repetitive stress injuries, but jobs that involve typing at a keyboard and entering data are not the only jobs that could result in a repetitive stress injury. Any job that requires a repeated movement over a long period of time can result in trauma. For example, working as part of an assembly line, polishing, writing, playing musical instruments, repeatedly bending or lifting, and painting can all result in repetitive stress injuries. You’re not immune just because you don’t sit at a computer all day; nurses, mechanics and massage therapists are also at risk.

Warning Signs That You Might Have a Repetitive Stress Injury

There are a few common symptoms of repetitive stress injuries. Commonly, individuals will feel pain in a certain area, such as the wrists, elbows, shoulders, neck or back. Tingling and numbness is also associated with these injuries, as is fatigue and weakness.

Common Kinds of Repetitive Stress Injuries

A very common repetitive stress injury that can be caused by many of the jobs mentioned above is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. This is a condition where swelling occurs in the tunnel created by the bone and ligament. In addition to causing pain, the swelling can also put pressure on nerves, which results in tingling and numbness. Other common injuries include tendinitis and myofascial damage, both of which cause tenderness, inflammation and swelling from overwork.

It’s not just extremities, like the hands and wrists, which can suffer from a repetitive stress injury. Repeatedly lifting incorrectly can result in compressed disks in the back, which are also very painful.

How to Prevent These Injuries

Even though repetitive stress injuries are covered under worker’s compensation insurance, they can be difficult to prove. Because of this, it is easier to learn how to prevent these injuries and be safe in the workplace. In order to avoid these injuries occurring in the first place, offices should be sure that proper ergonomics are available, such as chairs that properly support the back and wrist supports for typists. Employers should also strongly consider training their employees on how to stay safe in the workplace, which could include teaching them how to lift with their legs, how to type in a neutral position, or how to maintain good posture. Encouraging frequent breaks can also help keep repetitive stress injuries at bay.

Repetitive stress injuries can be painful and long lasting, so it is imperative that the proper precautions are taken in all workplaces to keep employees safe. Repetitive stress injuries can happen to anyone who repeats an action during the day, regardless of whether that person works as a typist, nurse or painter.

Even though repetitive stress injuries can be hard to prove, it is still important to seek legal advice if you think your injury was caused by the physical demands of your job.  Kantrovitz & Associates, P.C. is a repetitive stress injury and workers’ compensation law firm located in Massachusetts.  For more information about workers’ compensation or repetitive stress injuries, visit the website at

Truck Driving: A Risky Profession

Although truck drivers often make a very nice salary, their job is much more difficult than it appears. After all, they spend the vast majority of their day on the road, and anyone who has ever taken a long road trip knows how arduous that can be. The following list examines that most dangerous aspects of the truck driving profession, and it can help every driver have a better understanding of how to stay safe when they are sharing the road with a semi-truck. If you are looking for an opportunity to start this job, then consider checking out these Owner Operator Truck Driving Opportunities.

The Top Six Dangers for Truck Drivers

1) Fatigue – Because truck drivers are typically working with a very tight deadline, they have a tendency to drive long distances without getting any rest. This can quickly cause them to feel fatigued, and experts estimate that approximately 30 percent of all traffic accidents that involve a semi-truck are caused by a lack of sleep.

2) Other Drivers – Most drivers do not like to be behind a semi-truck, and this can cause them to quickly drive around the vehicle. This can be dangerous if the other driver decides to accelerate when they are in a truck’s blind spot, especially if they do not take the time to check whether or not the trucker is signaling their intent to change lanes.

3) Blind Spot – Even if other drivers are maintaining a steady speed and not making an attempt to whip around a semi-truck, they can still present a big danger if they happen to be riding in the truck’s blind spot. Unfortunately, there are a lot of drivers on the road who seem to have absolutely no understanding of how blind spots work, and they cause several accidents that could have otherwise been avoided.

4) High Fatality Rate – Although the truck driver usually lives, the fatality rate for a semi-truck accident is almost 98 percent. Therefore, avoiding accidents should be the number one goal of every truck driver. Even though truckers usually survive when they are in an accident with a passenger vehicle, they will have to deal with the legalities that are associated with a fatal accident. It is also imperative for truckers to do everything within their power to avoid having an accident with another semi-truck. As reported by a Indiana truck accident lawyer, a fatal accident on Indiana’s I-70 in 2011 clearly illustrates, that a crash between two semi-trucks is a recipe for disaster.

5) Road Conditions – Anytime there is a construction zone or inclement weather, it becomes even more imperative for a truck driver to pay close attention to their surroundings. After all, a semi-truck is very large, and that makes it difficult to stop quickly. If they fail to stop on time, however, they could cause a massive accident, especially during rush hour.

6) Steep Roads and Sharp Turns – Whenever a trucker enters an area that is mountainous, they need to pay close attention to all of the road signs that warn them about sudden grade changes and turns. If a trucker allows themselves to become distracted, they could easily take a turn too quickly and topple their truck.

If you involved in a semi-truck accident, it might be necessary for you to obtain an accident attorney in order to receive the proper amount of compensation to take care of your injuries and the damage to your vehicle. Make sure that you contact an attorney as soon as possible, regardless of whether you were driving the truck or the other vehicle.

Anthony Joseph writes freelance in his spare time, and is contributing this article toward helping keep our roadways safe. If you or someone you know has been injured in a wreck, an Indiana truck accident lawyer  at the Sevenish Law Firm has the experience you need.

Fatal Car Accident in St. Louis Likely Due to Texting While Driving

A great deal of car accidents that have occurred in Missouri have been caused by drivers who were texting while driving.  In November 2012, a 29-year-old man from St. Louis died in a single-vehicle crash.  Authorities that arrived on the scene found the young man’s cell phone in the front seat disclosing an incomplete text message, indicating that the man had most likely been texting when he lost control of his vehicle, so these cause accidents sometimes, so the use of a car accident attorney is useful to deal with cases like this.

The driver was ejected from his car during the accident, and died shortly after.  Since the accident, there has been widespread talk about putting forth some law that would limit or dismiss cell phone usage for those driving automobiles.

Currently, Missouri is one of only eleven states that doesn’t have a full ban on texting while driving.  The only people who aren’t allowed to text while driving are those who are under the age of 21, which doesn’t make any sense at all if you ask me.

Over the past decade, there have been a number of assorted bills aimed at implementing some law against texting while driving for people of all ages, but none of them have passed Missouri’s state legislature.  Oppositions of the ban say that it would intrude on their freedom, and or act as a government incursion.

I live in St. Louis, and I can’t even begin to tell you how much texting while driving takes place in this city.  I actually had to hire a St. Louis car accident lawyer two years ago because I was hit by an individual who, although confessed to texting while driving, still wouldn’t admit that the accident was his fault, and thus the case had to be settled in court.

Regardless, there needs to be a law put forth in the state of Missouri that would prevent people from texting while driving, and not just for those under the age of twenty one.  Until such law is implemented, there will continue to be car accidents caused by texting while driving.

Author: Bryan is an avid writer for Kullmann, Klein & Dioneda P.C., a group personal injury and workers’ compensation attorneys in St. Louis, MO.

Does Your Injury Qualify You For Workers’ Compensation?

Does Your Injury Qualify You For Workers Compensation?

(U.S. Injury Law and generally) When an employee is injured on the job, the law provides employees the right to receive certain compensation for their injuries and coverage for any medical costs. Every state has a workers’ compensation program. While workers’ compensation statutes are not uniform among all 50 states, the nature of injuries that are covered tends to be consistent across the nation, a Workers Compensation Attorney can give you a good more advice about this process.

Injuries Qualifying for Workers’ Compensation

Physical injuries are a common source of workers’ compensation claims. They can be cumulative; a repetitive stress injury can impede an employee’s ability to perform work just as surely as a broken leg. Back, leg, hand, and neck wounds can all occur on the job whether through falls, being struck by equipment, or being involved in an automobile accident while working for the company. Illnesses and diseases incurred as a result of the job are also covered; increased exposure to chemicals can cause respiratory, skin, and other health problems.

Nearly any injury on the job that results in a reduction in the employee’s ability to perform work may be covered by workers’ compensation. The type of grievance and the extent of it will determine the type of workers’ compensation awarded. Medical care will be covered until the wound has healed, but if the grievance did not result in a reduction in an ability to perform work, the employee may not be entitled to a change in work assignments or any other compensation.

Not all injuries are covered. Workers’ compensation is intended to cover employees for physical damages incurred on the job. As a result, the wrong must have occurred while the employee was acting within the course and scope of his or her employment. Each state will have different rules and different case law as to what type of actions will constitute acting within the course and scope of employment; depending upon the state, running personal errands on company time or traveling to and from work may or may not be covered.

In addition to limiting coverage to damages suffered while working, the laws require employees to act somewhat reasonably. If the harm was suffered as a result of gross negligence on the part of the employee, the grievance will not be covered. If the injury was deliberately self-inflicted, the employee will not be covered under workers’ compensation. Finally, the harm must not have been incurred while the employee was under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

What to Do When Injured?

Applying for workers’ compensation is simple, but the process varies by state. Also, know the insurer’s guidelines, especially when dealing with a company known for its high denial rate – such as a workers compensation Liberty Mutual claim – make sure each step meets their requirement to qualify for due compensation. Generally, workers must begin the process by notifying their employer as soon as it is practical to do so upon suffering harm. In most states, employees will receive a workers’ compensation form from their employer. They fill out the form, which always contains a description of the injury, the employee’s information, and the treating physician’s information. The worker then submits a copy of it to his or her employer. The employer then fills out its own form and submits it to a claims administrator.

In some cases or in other states, an employer may not furnish an employee with any documentation following a grievance. An employee may still file for workers’ compensation by downloading the forms off the web site of the relevant state agency that governs workers’ compensation and manually submit them. If the process is not on the web site, injured employees can call their state agency and ask for addresses, forms, and clarifications regarding the application process. Employees who disagree with the extent to which they are considered disabled as a result of their injury may appeal the decision.

Workers’ compensation is a simple and efficient system to compensate employees for most workplace injuries. In many cases, employees need to do little beyond submitting one form and receiving due workers comp medical care. If the employer is non-compliant for some reason and refuses to provide coverage, simply complain to the state agency that regulates workers’ compensation practices in that state.

Kelly Dennie is a business owner and freelance writer in the Metro Atlanta area. The attorneys of Doyle Raizner LLP are well aware of the fraudulent activity in workers compensation Liberty Mutual bad faith cases. During litigation, it has been uncovered that medical evidence was ignored and coverage was willfully denied.  When this happens, further damage can be caused to the harmed employee by their deteriorating medical condition, as well as, the loss of monetary stability and good credit rating while their claim is unlawfully delayed.

Zero Control: Biggest Danger for a Motorcycle Passenger

(Guest post, mainly based on US law and general information). There are few better ways to enjoy a hobby than to share it with a good friend or significant other. Many motorcycles are built to accommodate rear passengers and many people are enthusiastic about riding on a motorcycle, even if they are not actually operating the machine. Unfortunately, riding a road bike can be hazardous.

The Risks of Being a Motorcycle Passenger

Motorcycle passengers are in a unique position with respect to severe accidents. Automobile occupants have large crumple zones, airbags, and seat belts to reduce the incidence of serious injury in the event of a collision. In contrast, motorcycle riders and passengers must rely upon strong helmets and crash-resistant clothing, which provide relatively little protection in the event of a direct collision with a fixed object. This results in higher g-forces being imparted onto the body, resulting in a higher incidence of death or serious bodily injury.

Motorcycle passengers are at a particular disadvantage due to the limited degree of control that they have over the motorcycle. Riding a big bike usually requires some degree of body movement and a willingness to lean into corners. While a motor vehicle passenger may sit immobile and not affect the driver, a motorcycle passenger who fails to lean into a corner or who leans off the other side can impair the driver’s ability to corner at all, thus increasing the probability of a collision. At the same time, a leaning passenger may not be enough to avoid a collision. Thus, motorcycle passengers may contribute to their own injuries while also incurring liability for someone else’s injuries.

Restricted Passenger Input

Additionally, high wind noises and the inherent insulation provided by the helmets worn by both parties will usually make communication between a bike driver and his or her passenger difficult. Passengers cannot easily tell the rider to slow down or notify the rider of hazards like potholes and oil on the road. Thus, unlike an automobile passenger, a motorcycle passenger usually cannot provide a second set of eyes if the operator becomes distracted. Driving a road bike safely requires careful scanning of pavement conditions and upcoming intersections; if the driver fails to do his part, there is little that a passenger can do to compensate.

Recovering from a Motorcycle Accident

Even passengers who wear proper helmets and other protective gear can be seriously injured, whether in a motorcycle accident NH or CA. This can result in high medical bills and a reduced ability to earn an income. Fortunately, injured passengers have rights. If a motorcycle collides with a vehicle, fault will not normally lie with the passenger on the motorcycle. As such, the party at fault for the collision may be liable to the injured motorcyclist for negligence. If the negligent act resulted in a death, the injured cyclist’s family members may have a statutory cause of action for wrongful death.

Motorcycle passengers get the same lack of protection from severe impacts that any motorcyclist gets while having minimal control over the vehicle. In this respect, the passengers get the worst of all worlds with respect to accident and injury prevention. If the motorcyclist wrecks while driving recklessly or if another motorist carelessly collides with the motorcycle, the passenger is likely to be a seriously injured innocent victim. In such a situation, retaining an attorney experienced in handling motorcycle accident cases may be the only way to recover medical costs and other damages.

A former reporter, Ann Bailey posts these issues of safety for passengers of road bikes. The motorcycle accident NH attorneys at Tenn And Tenn, PA are road warriors themselves and, having been riders for more than 20 years, provide dedicated legal help for any victim or victim’s family in cases of motorcycle accident injury.

The Rise of the Financial Downturn: Contributing Factors

Guest post from personal injury lawyers.

While most businesses are hit hard by the economic crisis, the claims market actually thrives during a financial downturn. Although many experts grumble about the compensation culture, statistics show that economic booms correlate with fewer personal injury claims. So why are people calling up their lawyers so readily during a recession?


With more than 1.3 million people losing their jobs by 2010, due to the economic downturn, and employment opportunities few and far between, those who’d been made redundant seemed more likely to file a claim. Why?

While under employment, staff can be concerned about losing their job, if they make a personal injury claim. Even though this rarely happens – and if it did, you could take your employers to court over unfair dismissal – employees seem to be hesitant about collecting compensation. However, when made redundant, there’s no loyalty left to the business, and people seem to be more comfortable about making a claim.

There’s also a large window of opportunity to contact a solicitor, as you can make your claim up to three years after the incident occurred. With increasing numbers of people fired or made redundant, the personal injury claim figures have likewise grown.

Business Negligence

Homes and corporations alike are suffering from severe expenditure cutbacks. Businesses are having to make-do with spartan levels of staff and resources.

With employees rushed off their feet, quality of service can be jeopardised, such as in the NHS, where nurses are thin on the ground due to ‘reforms’ – medical negligence can then occur, purely because the staff-to-patient ratio is inequitable, leading to an increased amount of complaints.

Health and safety, as well as training, can be affected, and stress levels can go through the roof, leading to medical problems.

Rise Of the ‘No Win No Fee’

From personal injury claims in Liverpool to medical negligence complaints in London, ‘no win no fee’ solicitors are making it easier than ever to file a personal injury claim. With court fees being what they are, the claimant now has the security of knowing that they’ll only have to pay-up, if they win their case. Equally, solicitors are likely to give it their all, as the only way that their company makes a profit is if they win!

Poor Financial Situation

Thanks to the recession, most UK citizens are in a worse financial position than before. When your bank balance is in dire straits, making a claim will be more attractive, if that means you can lift your family above the bread line or afford a much-needed holiday. In a pinch, the possibility of money is a compelling incentive to contact a solicitor.

Also, a drop in disposable income will mean that individuals will choose cheaper services, such as home improvements that could go awry. Although low-end contracting doesn’t necessarily mean substandard work, you may find yourself injured after an inexpensive workman does a poor quality job on your house.

Composed by Hughes Carlisle personal injury solicitors in Liverpool who are reflecting on economy changes and the role we as a nation have helping improve the claiming situation.