Personal Injury Law Blogs

Consequences of a Misdiagnosed Stroke

Having a stroke is possibly one of the most dangerous medical events a person can experience. Strokes can be lethal, but they can also lead to a lifetime of difficulty, including paralysis, difficulty with speech and more. While medical science certainly has progressed in its fight to prevent and treat strokes, they unfortunately do still happen.

What Causes a Stroke?

Most strokes are caused by a blockage of blood to the brain. In most cases, this occurs when a blood clot breaks away from an artery and travels through the circulatory system. Once the clot reaches the brain, it can block the flow of blood and cause the brain to shut down. Left untreated for too long, parts of the brain begin to die, causing the aforementioned consequences.

How is a Stroke Diagnosed?

When a person arrives at a medical facility while suffering a stroke, physicians look for a few symptoms. First, outward signs of a stroke include numbness or muscle weakness on one side of the body. Because a stroke begins killing off one side of the brain first, the opposite side of the body will begin to lose function before the entire body does.

In addition, someone suffering from a stroke will generally have slurred speech due to the loss of muscle control, and the victim may also salivate more than usual, causing saliva to drip from the mouth. Internally, a CT scan may reveal damage to the brain in terms of inactivity of cells. Ultrasounds and x-rays may also be taken in order to view the activity that is taking place within the arteries and brain.

How is a Stroke Treated?

Generally, the first treatment method used against a stroke is to inject tissue plasminogen activator, a medicine that is specifically designed to destroy blood clots. If this fails, an angioplasty surgical procedure may be performed in order to open blocked arteries to remove the clot and allow for normal circulation. In some situations, the affected artery may be clipped and embolized in order to redirect blood flow.

What Happens When a Stroke is Misdiagnosed?

Unfortunately, as far as medical science has advanced regarding the diagnosis of strokes, some still go misdiagnosed. When this occurs, it can lead to a variety of harmful effects, including death. Since the treatments that can prevent permanent disability must be delivered within just a few hours from the onset of symptoms, any stroke misdiagnosis lawyer will tell you that misdiagnosis can destroy lives.

If someone is experiencing a mild stroke, signs and symptoms may not be immediately present, or they may resemble another ailment. This may lead a doctor away from testing for a stroke at the moment, and by the time the stroke symptoms actually present themselves, it may be too late to do anything about them.

If you feel like you’re experiencing a stroke, it’s incredibly important for you to seek medical assistance at once. The first few hours after a stroke hits are the most critical, and people who are able to receive treatment within this limited window often have the largest chance for successful recovery. If you suddenly experience weakness, numbness, dizziness or intense head pain, call 911 or have a family member drive you to the nearest emergency room.

Legal researcher Shelby Warden contributes articles for the legal communities.  Ranked among the top twenty law firms in NYC for personal injury, the Perecman Law Group in New York City helps injured clients and their families obtain the compensation needed to move on with their lives. When misdiagnosis results in serious harm due to missed treatments, an experienced stroke misdiagnosis lawyer at their firm will fight for the best outcome available.

Rear-End Collisions: Watch Your Back!

Rear-end collisions are the most difficult to avoid, and they can cause an extremely large amount of damage. Not only is it possible for the other driver to total your vehicle by rear-ending it, but it is also common for the person who is hit to end up with whiplash or other serious injuries. It is important to understand what steps you can take to try to avoid being rear-ended, but keep in mind that there will be some circumstances that are out of your control. Therefore, if you are injured by a driver who rear-ends your vehicle, you should definitely contact a personal injury attorney.

Ways to Avoid Being Rear-Ended

According to the University of North Carolina, any driver who is using a cell phone is almost twice as likely to rear-end someone. Therefore, you should always provide as much distance as possible between your vehicle and the driver behind you, especially if they are on their phone. It is also important to avoid slamming on your brakes suddenly whenever possible. Although there will be some instances when it is impossible not to hit your brakes unexpectedly, you need to understand that doing so makes it much more likely for the driver behind you to rear-end you. Keeping a constant eye on your rear view mirror will help you determine if a driver is acting in an erratic way. Make sure that you change lanes if someone is tailgating you or appears to be driving while under the influence. Remember that it also your responsibility to do everything that you can to avoid being in an accident, and this is where driving defensively really comes into play.

Who is at Fault?

If you have been rear-ended, the odds are high that the other driver will be held at fault for the accident. There are over 1.5 million rear-end collisions in the U.S. each year, and the vast majority of these accidents are blamed on the person who crashes into the other driver’s vehicle. In order to be found guilty, however, the police officer must be able to prove that the driver acted negligently. Because of this, it is possible that the person who was rear-ended could actually be found at fault if they slammed on their brakes for no discernible reason. If you happen to be the victim of such a situation, contact a Charlotte personal injury attorney for advice sooner than later to make certain your rights are protected.

Dealing with the Accident

As soon as you are finished dealing with the police, your insurance company and any applicable medical professionals, you should contact a personal injury attorney. After all, if someone caused you an injury by rear-ending you, they should be held legally responsible for taking care of your medical bills. Your attorney can help you gather all of the necessary evidence, and they will prepare a case that is designed to convince a judge or jury that your injuries were the direct result of the other driver’s negligent actions. If you were rear-ended as the result of a DUI or because the driver was distracted, it will be even easier to gain a favorable outcome.

Serious Injuries

If the accident caused you to sustain life-altering injuries, your attorney will ask for enough money to help you deal with your medical and living expenses for the rest of your life. Although this can sometimes be a difficult thing to actually collect, it is always imperative to file a lawsuit that seeks as much as possible. After all, if the accident was not your fault, then the other driver has a legal responsibility to make things right.

Anthony Joseph is a freelance writer, and a contributes this article to raise awareness of safe driving. According to the Charlotte personal injury attorney firm of Powers McCartan, North Carolina has one of the busiest trucking hubs in the whole United States. If you’ve been involved in an auto accident in their state, these lawyers are not afraid to tackle the hard cases, and they will fight to give you the best defense to which you are entitled.

Vehicle Black Boxes: Will they Make or Break Your Case?

If you thought so-called “black boxes” were only for airplanes, think again. The truth is, black boxes are already installed in many motor vehicles, and recent legal developments may soon see them as a requirement in all automobiles.

What is a Black Box?

A black box is essentially a device that captures and records the internal workings of equipment. In most cases, black boxes have been used in aviation craft to monitor, capture and record flight data to be analyzed in the event of a malfunction or accident. In a motor vehicle, the usage is no different.

Why Install Black Boxes in Motor Vehicles?

Because black boxes capture and record operational data from machines, and because motor vehicles are far more likely to be involved in accidents when compared to aviation craft, many auto manufacturers and lawmakers believe that installing black boxes will make it easier to determine exactly what took place during a motor vehicle accident.

Additionally, many motor vehicle accidents take place with no witnesses, and this means that law enforcement, insurance companies and so on only have the testimony of the drivers and passengers involved to go on when making a judgment. Unfortunately, people who cause accidents may lie in order to avoid penalties, and this can lead to lengthy criminal and civil proceedings and millions of dollars paid out to individuals who were at fault.

What Do Black Boxes Mean for You?

On the one hand, having a mandatory black box installed in your vehicle means a lesser amount of privacy. Because a black box would record operation of your vehicle, you might be at risk for exposing things such as your location, your driving habits and more. On the other hand, having a black box installed in your vehicle may become the difference between the truth and a lie if you’re involved in an accident.

Because a black box can monitor important operation information, many car accident attorneys believe it may become harder for a responsible party to twist the facts if he or she causes an accident involving your vehicle. Essentially, all the authorities would need to do is examine the information contained in your vehicle’s black box at or around the time of the accident.

The Possibility for Unintended Consequences

While black box technology has certainly advanced over the past few decades, it’s still not perfect. As with everything electronic and digitized, black box technology is prone to mistakes, and this could mean major problems for innocent accident victims who find themselves in the cross-hairs of an investigation with a faulty black box in their vehicles.

If you find yourself in such a situation, most experts agree that partnering with an attorney is the right thing to do. Because accident attorneys specialize in investigating roadway accidents, partnering with such a legal professional may clear your name and get you compensation for accident-related injuries, even if your vehicle’s black box suggests that you were at fault in your accident.

Finally, consider the fact that, with or without a black box, you’ll need to pay close attention to details before, during and after an accident. Most accidents can be traumatic, however minor, and your mind may have a hard time focusing. By making a conscious effort to control your thoughts and your memory during an accident, you will be able to offer details that a black box simply won’t be able to match, ultimately bolstering your case.

Researcher Shelby Warden explores the latest safety news and contributes articles for the legal communities.  The car accident attorneys at Steinger, Iscoe & Greene of Miami have been helping injured auto accident victims for many years. Whether your accident involves black box evidence or relies on testimony and witnesses, their firm will work hard to defend your rights and help you recover financially.

Organic Pastures Petition For Raw Milk Sales

Organic Pastures is the country’s largest single producer of “raw milk,” or milk that has not been through a pasteurization process. According to a report in the Food Poisoning Bulletin, Organic Pastures has filed suit against the Federal Food and Drug Administration for its failure to respond to a petition that would change the law that bans sales of raw milk over state lines.

Why Is the FDA Being Sued?

The suit is meant to force the FDA to make a ruling on the company’s petition to be allowed to sell raw milk products to states other than California. The suit alleges that many states allow the sale of raw milk, but federal law prohibits it from traveling over state lines, so sales are limited to the home state of a company. Organic Pastures would like to see that ruling changed so that it can sell milk in other states that allow raw milk sales.

The Issues with Raw Milk

Raw milk has been banned in some states due to fears of dangerous germs that may be present in unpasteurized milk products. E.coli, Campylobacter and Salmonella are common pathogens found in untreated milk and can lead to serious injury or even death for consumers. Organic Pastures has already experienced two recalls in 2012 for possible Campylobacter contamination in its milk, one of which resulted in 10 people becoming ill.

In the past, “milk sickness” had an incredibly high fatality rate, particularly among nursing mothers and babies. Milk sickness is the name given to tremetol poisoning, which occurs when cows ingest white snakeroot, effectively poisoning their milk supply. Today, milk sickness has been almost eradicated thanks to testing and treatment of milk products before they are released to the public.

Pasteurization is the process named after the famed scientist Louis Pasteur, who perfected the process in 1862. Pasteurization involves heating milk to a high temperature for a specific amount of time then cooling it quickly. This kills the vast majority of microbes that may be present in the milk and that may cause disease. Raw milk is not subject to pasteurization, so any microbes already present in the milk will not be killed before it reaches consumers.

Liability Issues

The determination of Organic Pastures to send raw milk across state lines is problematic for several reasons. First, if the milk is shipped improperly, bacteria may have a better chance to grow during the shipping period. This phenomenon can only be worsened by longer shipping times. Second, by petitioning for the right to sell raw milk in other states, Organic Pastures is opening itself to incredibly complicated lawsuits if someone in another state sickens or dies from using the company’s products.

A personal injury attorney can represent someone who has been the victim of a defective product. It is very important for these victims to secure good legal counsel immediately, as product liability cases can have very short statutes of limitations and victims can quickly lose their right to sue.

Injured on a Defective ATV: What Are My Options?

All Terrain Vehicles, more commonly known as ATVs or four-wheelers, have become increasingly popular over the last decade, especially among children, teenagers and novice adult riders. The fact that these vehicles are often marketed without adequate safety and warning information or sufficient operator instructions has added to the number of accidents involving their use. While rider error is still the leading cause of injury or death when using an ATV, significant manufacturer defects have also been shown to play a critical role in the number of accidents that occur each year across the country.

What Types of Injuries are Caused by Defective ATVs?

Depending on the make, model and individual defect that causes an accident, injuries sustained can vary from minor to incredibly severe, and even fatal. The following list includes a description of some of the most common injuries reported by riders of defective ATVs:

  • Facial and Cranial Injury – Concussions, maxillofacial injury (any injury that involves the jaws, teeth, nose, tongue, lips or any other soft tissues of the mouth) and fractures of the skull comprise nearly one third of injuries associated with defective ATV accidents. Serious head trauma can lead to brain damage that presents the potential for lasting effects not reparable by surgery.
  • Injuries to the Spinal Cord – When severe trauma to the spinal cord does not result in death, it generally presents itself as partial or total paralysis, substantial loss of sensation in the extremities or difficulty functioning normally.
  • Broken Bones – As one of the most commonly reported injuries associated with defective ATV accidents, broken bones are also the basis of the most frequently filed lawsuits targeting the vehicles’ manufacturers. Shattered bones in the arms, hands, wrists and ankles are painful, potentially costly and can lead to lasting problems with use of the affected bone or joint. Broken legs, ribs and hips can cause pain and diminished function for many years after the accident occurs.

What Can You Do if You Are Affected?

Following a serious accident on an ATV, considering anything other than the matter immediately at hand can be incredibly difficult. It is important, though, that anyone who has suffered an injury or fatality connected directly to an ATV malfunction or design flaw be awarded just compensation from the negligent manufacturer. The first step in determining if your ATV is, in fact, defective, is to research its make, model and year using information from a reputable source. is the leading government source of data regarding recalled ATVs in the United States.

If you or a loved one has been the victim of an accident associated with the use of a defective ATV, you may be entitled to monetary compensation for your pain, suffering, medical bills and all other expenses incurred. A qualified legal professional with experience in dealing with this type of case will provide you with detailed information that pertains to your case in particular, as well as with specific courses of action tailored to your circumstances.

Frank Jenkins Law Office is a personal injury and social security disability law firm located in Kentucky.  For more information, please visit us at

New York Subway Accident Statistics

Subway AccidentsAccording to statistics gathered and reported by the Metropolitan Transit Authority, the New York subway system transported more than 1.6 billion riders to and from work, school, state attractions and other destinations in the year 2011. Although the overwhelming majority of these subway riders enjoyed a perfectly safe and peaceful time while in transit, a number of them were not so fortunate.

The MTA released the findings of a 2011 study in March of 2012, showing that the number of individuals actually hit by moving subway trains had increased to 147 in one year, up 15 percent as compared to the last study.

Types of Subway Accidents

A subway accident can be defined as any negative event that occurs within or around a subway train or depot. The reasons for subway accidents in New York can typically be divided into one or more of the following categories:

  • Operator Error – When the employee or employees responsible for operating a subway train or components of its station fail to perform their duties in a safe and professional manner, they are often found liable for the death and injury of their passengers. This can include anything from operating the train under the influence of drugs or alcohol to failing to pay mind to the complex processes involved in keeping the train functioning properly. In a 1991 derailment near Union Square in New York, the operator’s intoxication resulted in the death of five people. 200 more passengers were reported as injured. The driver was found guilty of manslaughter and imprisoned for 15 years.
  • Accidental Falls – Every year, dozens of subway passengers slip and fall into the path of an oncoming subway train. Fortunately, many of these people are able to escape certain death or extensive injury before the train arrives. Others, however, are not always as lucky. New York subway committees have begun to improve the cleanliness and accessibility of depots in an effort to lower this number, but this type of necessary improvement is a constantly growing and demanding occupation.
  • Equipment Failure – When any component of a subway train, one of its cars or the rails it follows fails to function properly, the risk of accident is increased dramatically. A seemingly simple problem with tracks can quickly lead to a major collision that causes hundreds of injuries and deaths. Other issues that are more common, such as car door malfunction, can cause comparatively minor injuries like contusions and broken bones, but should still be investigated.

Compensation for Subway Accident Injuries

All individuals, whether they are passengers, bystanders or employees involved in the operation of the subway in question, should expect a safe environment when using the New York subway system. If you or a loved one has experienced an injury related to an accident that occurred on or near a subway train in New York, it is advised that you seek legal counsel as soon as possible in order to pursue appropriate compensation.

Disparti Law Group, P.A. is a social security disability law firm located in Chicago, Illinois.  For more information, please visit us at

High School Football and Traumatic Brain Injuries

High School Football Brain InjuryAnyone who watches football on a Sunday afternoon knows that it is a sport where brain injuries are common. What many people don’t know is that high school athletes are just as at risk for these injuries. Any contact sport comes with the risk of traumatic brain injuries, and it isn’t just males who are suffering from them. Read on for more information regarding high school football and the potential long-lasting effects of a traumatic brain injury.

High School Athletes and Brain Injuries

The Centre for Disease Control (CDC) has found that there has been a 62 percent increase in the last decade of adolescents under the age of 19 suffering from serious head injuries. While it has been suggested that this increase might be because contact sports are becoming more popular and so more high school students are taking part in them, it must also be recognized that high school athletes are bigger and faster than ever before, increasing the risk of concussions.

While males and females suffer from traumatic brain injuries while participating in their high school sport, it has been found that 70 percent of sufferers are male. While girls’ soccer also presents a high incidence of traumatic brain injuries, high school football results in more brain injuries than biking, soccer and basketball combined. Shockingly, boys aged 15-19 represent half of all football brain injuries.

High School Athletes and Concussions

High school football players suffer the highest rates of concussions. While it was once believed that concussions were similar to bruising, it is now known that a concussion is when the head is violently shaken, as would be the case with a football tackle. A rapid acceleration or stop causes the brain to be flooded with chemicals, also known as neurotransmitters. This flooding of neurotransmitters can result in symptoms such as memory loss, confusion, blurred vision, headaches and even unconsciousness.

While helmets have caused injuries such as skull fractures to essentially disappear, there are still instances of high school football players dying from traumatic brain injuries related to their sport. While the average number of adolescents under 18 to die from football brain injuries is 3 to 4 per year, it has been noted that their deaths are more likely due to the fact that they had not given their first concussion enough time to heal. A concussion takes at least 10 days to properly heal, although the risk of suffering from subsequent concussions increases.

Suffering from just 2 concussions can increase an individual’s chance of mental problems, such as reoccurring headaches, dizziness and trouble sleeping. Suffering from more than 2 concussions has also been shown to cause an individual’s GPA to drop.

Recent Research Conducted and CTE

New research has shown that traumatic brain injuries, such as those sustained from football, can lead to a long-term degenerative brain condition. CTE, or Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, can only be diagnosed post-mortem but is not uncommon in individuals who have suffered multiple concussions or other traumatic head injuries. Repeated concussions over a period of time can result in CTE, which is incurable. Symptoms include memory loss, depression and dementia.

On average, 2 million student athletes each year suffer from some kind of brain injury, but high school football players are at the highest risk. After medical treatment, it is recommended that injured student athletes and their families seek the help of an experienced legal professional so that compensation for any medical treatments, or for pain and suffering, can be received.

If you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury while playing football or another high school sport, you may be eligible for compensation.  For more information about traumatic brain injuries resulting from high school sports, visit the website of Marks & Harrison Attorneys at Law, a brain injury law firm located in Richmond, Virginia at

Three Common Work-Related Spinal Cord Injuries

spinal cord injuryWith over 12,000 spinal cord injuries every year in the United States no one is immune. It has been discovered, however, that young men are more likely to suffer this kind of injury. Car accidents cause the majority of spinal cord injuries in the USA, accounting for close to 40 percent of all spinal cord injuries each year. However, the risk of suffering from a spinal cord injury increases with certain jobs, and can be a common work-related injury. Read on for three common work-related spinal cord injuries.

Nerve Damage and Loss of Sensation

Nerve damage and loss of sensation is the most common work-related injury, and fortunately, also the least serious. Nerve damage and a loss of sensation are commonly caused by repetitive actions. Many jobs require repetitive actions throughout the day, meaning many jobs can result in repetitive stress injuries. In fact, 60 percent of all job-related injuries are repetitive stress injuries.

While repetitive stress injuries can occur in any part of the body, they are common in the back for those who work jobs that require pipe setting, sawing, jack-hammering or general mechanic work. A repetitive strain injury that targets the back can result in back pain, tingling, numbness and weakness.

Incomplete Cord Injuries or Partial Paralysis

An incomplete spinal cord injury is more serious than nerve damage or the loss of sensation brought about by repetitive stress injuries. A partial or incomplete spinal cord injury that could result from work would include Anterior Cord Syndrome. Anterior Cord Syndrome is where the front of the spinal cord is injured, which decreases an individual’s ability to feel pain and temperature. However, it is possible to regain the sense of touch and it is possible to regain movement.

Posterior Cord Syndrome occurs when the back of the spinal cord is injured. When an individual suffers from this injury, they are unable to perceive the positioning of their own body, but can retain motor movement. These symptoms are similar to Brown-Sequard Syndrome, an injury where the middle of the spinal cord is injured.

This type of injury can affect individuals who work with vehicles, with heavy machinery, or who do heavy lifting. Truck drivers and individuals who work in construction are at risk. As Brown-Sequard Syndrome generally occurs from a gunshot or stab wound, those working around guns are more at risk.

Complete Cord Injuries

A complete cord injury results in paralysis. Paraplegia is when an individual loses motor control of both legs, while quadriplegia is a spinal cord injury where an individual loses motor control of both arms and both legs. Individuals who are at risk of traffic accidents, assault, or falls while at work are most at risk of this kind of spinal cord injury.

Accidents can happen in the workplace, and unfortunately, spinal cord injuries can be the result. Spinal cord injuries can be irreversible, so it is a good idea to get the help of an experienced legal professional if you or someone you know has suffered from a work-related spinal cord injury. A legal professional will hold your employers responsible, and ensure you receive the compensation necessary to cover any ongoing medical costs or to help you through financial hardships.

If you have suffered a spinal cord injury or other serious injury as a result of an accident in the workplace, you may have a workers’ compensation claim.  For more information, please visit the website of Maguire Law Firm, a workers’ compensation law firm located in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina at

Vaginal Mesh Implants: Is Any Brand Safe?

These days, we are faced with more and more options when it comes to our healthcare. While many of the new products on the market are highly beneficial—and in some cases, can even be lifesaving—others are not as effective. This is especially true when it comes to vaginal mesh implants, which may vary quite dramatically in quality and effectiveness. Individuals who are considering the inclusion of these products should have a basic understanding of their use, and be able to identify the risks associated with vaginal mesh implants produced by different medical companies.

Without a doubt, having a basic understanding of the background of vaginal mesh implants is essential for individuals who are considering the use of the products. According to Drug Watch, vaginal mesh implants and medical devices that were designed in the late 1990s as a treatment for moderate to severe forms of pelvic organ prolapsed and stress urinary incontinence. Unlike many over-the-counter remedies, vaginal mesh implants required major surgery for placement, thus increasing the risks of the products to even greater levels. While there are a number of organizations around the world that produces these items, the most well-known include Johnson and Johnson, Bard Medical, and Boston Scientific.

As mentioned above, vaginal mesh implants that were manufactured by Johnson and Johnson were some of the most popular on the market. Pre-cut vaginal mesh and the provision of required tools made them a common choice by surgeons living in all parts of the world. Despite begin used for nearly 15 years, the FDA issued a recall against vaginal mesh implants that were manufactured by Johnson and Johnson due to failure and injury associated with the items. Since this time, thousands of lawsuits have been filed against the company for providing dangerous products to consumers.

Other brands that have faced significant legal problems over the past few years due to the distribution of their vaginal mesh implants include Bard Medical and Boston Scientific. While injuries are varied, patients who received products made by Bard Medical are believed to be at risk for nerve damage, infection, and certain types of skin erosion. Unsurprisingly, the company is facing hundreds of lawsuits from individual patients who received the items. Similarly, Boston Scientific is fighting many private cases that claim the vaginal mesh implants manufactured by the company are behind the development of high rates of organ puncture.

Obviously, the risks associated with vaginal mesh implants are varied and serious. While they likely can provide many important benefits when produced in a responsible manner, most of the products currently on the market are considered to be quite dangerous for private use. Individuals who have been diagnosed with one of the conditions described able may want to consider consultation with a series of physicians before making a final decision on the use of these implants. In some cases, minor, less invasion procedures may be able to produce results that are similar to those obtained through the use of vaginal mesh implants.

If you have suffered injuries and were forced to seek medical attention as a direct result of your vaginal mesh implants, you may have a case and should contact a lawyer.  Blasingame, Burch, Garrard & Ashley, P.C. is a transvaginal mesh law firm located in Athens, Georgia.  For more information about the risks of transvaginal mesh, visit the website at


Toning Shoes can put you in a Wheelchair

Over the past several decades, the lives of individuals residing in the United States have become increasingly hectic. Work, school, and other obligations mean that people do not have the same amount of time to exercise and recreate as they did in the past. Unfortunately, this inactivity—combined with poor eating styles and certain genetic factors—means that more and more people are becoming overweight or obese. While there are a number of ways in which weight can be managed, the use of products which tout an ability to produce rapid weight loss, such as toning shoes, is increasingly popular. Individuals who are interested in the use of these shoes should have a solid understanding of the product, as well as their acute and chronic health risks before making a purchase.

When it comes to understanding the dangers of toning shoes, having a basic comprehension of their design is often considered to be essential. In most cases, toning shoes are designed with a rocking base that is specifically intended to be unstable. By decreasing the stability of athletic or casual shoes, shoe designers believe that users will be required to engage muscles in their abdomen and lower back to a greater extent. Increased muscle engagement has been found to lead to calorie burn, which is associated with gradual weight loss.

While there are some benefits associated with the use of toning shoes, their risks are quite significant. Though some of the dangers linked to these products—including turned ankles and joint pain—may be relieved with rest and relaxation, others are quite severe. In fact, the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine reports that toning shoes can be a major risk factor for falls, especially in those who have poor balance, weak lower body muscles, a history of vertigo, or chronic ankle instability.  When these falls occur in an elderly individual or someone with weakened skeletal tissue, a serious break or fracture is likely to occur. Recovery from a fall associated with toning shoes can take several months, and may require the use of a wheelchair or other assistive device, physical therapy, and even major surgery.

Obviously, toning shoes can be quite dangerous—and the complications associated with their use are very noteworthy. Relying on the use of a wheelchair following a bone break or fracture can make driving, working, and even completing the activities of daily life exceedingly difficult, if not all-out impossible. Even when a wheelchair is no longer needed, pain and physical impairment may still remain for several months or even years. Instead of turning to toning shoes, then, most individuals are encouraged to lose weight and build muscle in the old-fashioned way—through diet and exercise. Thought this process may be more difficult and timely, the risks associated with the activity are relatively minor. People who have questions about diet and weight loss may want to consider consultation with a registered dietitian, physical therapist, or other member of their health care team.

If you have been injured because of the use of toning shoes, you may have a case to help compensate for the injuries you sustaining.  Janet, Jenner & Suggs, LLC is a toning shoe injury law practice with firms located in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Maryland.  For more information, visit the website at