Category: Accident Claims

Accident Aftermath: Do I Have a Personal Injury Claim?

After having suffered a serious injury, so many thoughts run through your mind that it can be difficult to think clearly. The trauma of being hurt turns your world upside down, and you may think you have nowhere to turn. In the aftermath of an automobile accident, falling down in a store or restaurant or […]

In an Accident? Sometimes, Less is More

With so many drivers on the roads today, hardly a day goes by that I don’t see an accident. From minor fender-benders to major, devastating wrecks, our roadways are littered with the results of someone being careless, irresponsible or negligent while behind the wheel. Some of the people involved end up in our offices and […]

Repetitive Stress Injuries in the Workplace

Repetitive stress injuries, which are also commonly known as repetitive stress disorders, are a growing concern in many different workplaces. In fact, repetitive stress injuries account for over 60 percent of all job-related injuries in the USA, and 1 in 8 individuals will suffer from some kind of repetitive stress injury in their lifetime. What […]

The Rise of the Financial Downturn: Contributing Factors

Guest post from personal injury lawyers. While most businesses are hit hard by the economic crisis, the claims market actually thrives during a financial downturn. Although many experts grumble about the compensation culture, statistics show that economic booms correlate with fewer personal injury claims. So why are people calling up their lawyers so readily during […]

The Latest in Accident Prevention Technology for Vehicles

Car accidents have become a topic of concern due in large part to the issues with distracted driving increasing astronomically over the last few years. The big question is how do we cut down on distracted driving and increase safety? Last year there were several new developments in automotive accident prevention technology, debuted by some […]

Best Ways to Decrease Ice Build-Up on Your Sidewalks and Driveways

Ice build-up is a real problem during the wintertime. When ice builds up on your sidewalks and your driveways, it can become hazardous and can increase the chance of slips and falls. While it can be a hassle to deal with the ice build-up on sidewalks and driveways, decreasing this build-up is paramount for your […]

Injury Statistics for Motorcycle Crashes in North Carolina

Riding a motorcycle can be a very freeing experience for the tens of thousands of people who use a bike as their main mode of transportation. Motorcycles aren’t without drawbacks though. The risk of serious injury increases significantly when riding a motorcycle. Many motorists are not used to sharing the road with motorcycles and are more likely […]

Statistics of Birth Defects Caused by Medication the Mother Took During Pregnancy

A birth defect is when a baby is born with a physical, mental, structural or biochemical abnormality. Birth defects can be caused for a variety of reasons, including the mother’s exposure to certain chemicals, genetic reasons, or hormonal reasons. However, a very serious and little known reason for birth defects can be the medication a […]

A Guide to Road Accident Claims

Over 1 million road accidents occur each year in the UK. The majority of these incidents are only minor and people walk away unharmed. However, some are far more serious and result in injuries being sustained and in some cases, even fatalities. In such situations a personal injury claim for compensation can be made. Whenever […]