Category: Accident Claims

Toning Shoes can put you in a Wheelchair

Over the past several decades, the lives of individuals residing in the United States have become increasingly hectic. Work, school, and other obligations mean that people do not have the same amount of time to exercise and recreate as they did in the past. Unfortunately, this inactivity—combined with poor eating styles and certain genetic factors—means […]

Be Safe This Christmas: Avoid These Dangerous Toys

The Christmas holidays can be a magical time for families, but they can also be a very dangerous time for those who haven’t done their homework about which toys will present a threat to their children. In a rush to get their products on store shelves before the Christmas shopping season begins, many companies don’t […]

The Importance of SUM insurance for Bicycle Accident Victims

Indulging in the world of cycling is not only healthy and exciting, but it is also dangerous and potentially hazardous to your life. When you are forced to share the road with thousands of pounds metal and inattentive drivers, you are subsequently putting yourself in harm’s way where bicycle accidents can sometimes be inevitable. When […]

Choosing a Reputable Injury Lawyer

(in the USA and elsewhere) Hiring a lawyer is a difficult process, especially for individuals who have not worked with legal representation in the past. The task is made even more challenging when the need for specialization develops, as is often the case when hiring an injury lawyer. While many injury lawyers are considered to […]

What are Your Options If You are Injured in a Hit and Run?

According to Crime Prevention Tips, hit and run car accidents are those in which one driver fails to stop or offer assistance following a mishap that causes injury or damage. While most drivers do all that they can to render help when it comes to a situation such as this, others flee the scene of […]

Motorcycle Helmet Safety

To wear a motorcycle helmet or not, that is the question.  Currently, twenty states and the District of Columbia require the use of DOT approved helmets by motorcycle operators and their passengers while an additional 27 states have laws that regulate their use for portions of the motorcycle community such as operators under the age […]

Identifying Dangerous Toyota Prius Recalls

Cars are an essential part of our lives. They take us to work, school, the grocery store, and a number of other destinations that are important in our everyday life. While there are a number of high quality cars currently on the market, the Toyota Prius has gained recent notoriety due to its high fuel […]

Constructions’ “Fatal Four”

The “fatal four” is a term in the construction industry to describe the top four causes of workplace fatalities.  These four hazards account for over half of all deaths on construction sites. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, if we could eliminate these dangers, we could save 437 workers lives each year in America. […]

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is quickly becoming one of the biggest problems on the road today. Many drivers will multi-task while driving, putting their own life and the lives of others at risk for injury or even death. In fact, each day, more than 15 people are killed from distracted driving and another 1,200 people are injured. […]