Category: Accident Claims

The facts about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

As figures emerge which suggest that one in five veterans suffer from the effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. CBD has shown great promise as treatment for people with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, you can find high-quality CBD products at It also appears that there are a number of myths and misnomers which surround […]

Personal Injury firms need to change their ways to survive

The Jackson Reforms 2013 are so-called for Lord Justice Jackson who was tasked with preparing a report in which he reviewed the costs of civil litigation and assessed how they affected access to justice. These changes came into force in April 2013, and have seen major changes to the way in which litigation cases, such […]

Claims Portal data indicates teething problems

The Claims Portal was introduced to England and Wales in April 2010 by the Ministry of Justice in order to provide support during the claims process of claims valued at lower than £10,000. The use of electronic communications tool was further expanded on 31 July 2013 to include Employer’s Liability (EL) and Public Liability (PL) […]

5 Tips to Winning a Claim in a No-Fault State

Most people in America live with the understanding that if they’re involved in a car accident due to a negligent driver, the negligent driver’s insurance company will have to provide compensation. In a minority of states, however, this isn’t always the case. In “no-fault insurance” states, the insured person’s insurance company actually has to pay […]

New York Drivers: Are You Safe?

Driving in New York can be considered an art form, especially in metropolitan regions such as New York City. Defensive driving practices can be difficult to maintain in aggressive and congested traffic. The result is a high accident rate, as the NY state experienced 250,000 automobile accidents in 2012. Of course, the aggregate statistics for […]

Insurance Fraud Figures Reflect Need for Changes in Law

Insurance fraud has made many of the headlines in the past few months. Some of us had not realised just how much money was dishonestly claimed through insurance claims and yet we complain about increases in premiums. It seems obvious that the more money is paid out by the companies through fraud then the cost […]