Category: Accident Claims

Injured Drivers Left with No Chance in Legal Bout against Insurers

What would happen to an 80 year old pedestrian if they were knocked down in 2013? A bid to change the Small Claims Court limit has been described as ‘draconian’ by one of Britain’s leading solicitors, who gives a harrowing example of what could have happened to an 80 year old client if the change […]

Understanding Brain Injury Claims: Glossary of Brain Injury Terms

If you’re looking to make a claim for a brain injury that you or someone close to you has sustained then you will need to understand basic brain injury terms. Doctors and lawyers tend to throw around complicated terms that you may not fully understand, which could hinder your claim. Here’s a collection of definitions […]

Common Car Malfunctions that Can Lead to Accidents

Vehicle malfunctions can cause some of the worst imaginable accidents. Car malfunctions are sometimes rather innocuous, such as having the “check engine” light come on and stay on; no matter how many times a mechanic checks the engine. There are other malfunctions, however, that can be deadly. Most of them can be eliminated by simple […]

How to maximize your insurance claim for pain and suffering after an accident

Many people have a hard time wrapping their mind around understand what constitutes pain and suffering in a personal injury / car accident claim and how to go about maximizing the claim for pain and suffering.  Pain and suffering is a non-economic damage.  In California where I am licensed to practice law, we call it […]

Disc Herniation Claim from Auto Accidents

Many victims of auto accidents suffer physical injuries to their body and in many cases, such injuries can leave long term effects.  Sometimes the injuries manifest itself in immediate pain and physical symptoms but in many cases, they show later in time.  One type of auto accident injury, where no immediate pain can happen is […]

Damages that Entail Monetary Recovery in a Personal Injury Case

In order to recover monetary damages in a personal injury case, the person responsible for the injury must have been negligent.  Whether you were driving, riding a bicycle, or walking when the accident occurred, in addition to dealing with the physical injuries, you also may have to worry about the financial impact of lost wages […]

Getting Around Town Safely: Teens and Public Transit

Any time that a person ventures out into society, they open themselves up to potential danger. This is especially true for teenagers, who may appear vulnerable to predators and lack the life skills that are necessary to keep themselves safe. If you are a teenager or have a teenage child, it’s important to begin learning […]

5 Things to Do After You’ve Been In a Car Accident

A car accident can cause a variety of injuries. There are several important steps that you should take after every car accident. Although, hopefully you will never need any of these tips, it’s better to be prepared and have a plan if something does happen. Get out of Traffic One of the common effects of […]