Category: Accidents at Work

Top 8 recent personal injury news blog posts from around the world

There are many personal injury news blogs posted online, mostly about the same injury cases or self-promotional ones about how good a firm’s personal injury lawyers are. Here, on the other hand, are some of the more interesting top personal injury news blog posts from around the world recently:- Personal injury lawyer Jeremy Diamond found […]

When to Hire a Lawyer for Injuries at Work

All employers are by law required to give their workers reasonably healthy and safe working environments. Even so, this is not always the case, and you might be injured at your workplace. The common work-related injuries include slips, falls, spinal injuries from heavy lifting, strain injuries, equipment malfunction injuries in factories, and car accident-related injuries. […]

What Are Occupational Chest Conditions?

Work related or ‘occupational’ chest conditions are diseases that develop as a result of exposure to certain irritants in the workplace. These conditions are more likely to develop in some occupations than others, such as factory work or a garage. They can worsen over time if they are not immediately diagnosed and treated, so it’s […]

Accidents at Work in the UK – Concerns over Rise in Workplace Fatalities Numbers

The news that 144 people lost their lives from accidents at work during 2017/18, an increase of nine over the previous year, has led to fresh calls for more to be done to ensure the safety and wellbeing of workers. Different Industrial Sectors The provisional figures from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) show that […]

Accident at Work Claim – A Workers Compensation Claim Guide

Contribution from a legal writer based on personal injury claims law & practice in Australia and generally. Contact a workers compensation law lawyer for injuries resulting from an accident at work claim are not processed like standard personal injury claims unless an employer or their insurance company acts in bad faith. Sometimes there are extenuating […]

The facts about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

As figures emerge which suggest that one in five veterans suffer from the effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. CBD has shown great promise as treatment for people with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, you can find high-quality CBD products at It also appears that there are a number of myths and misnomers which surround […]