Category: Accidents at Work

Compensation for injured maritime workers

Maritime accidents are not uncommon in all coastal countries. The U.S. is not an exception from that. According to the U.S. Coast Guard’s annual report in 2011 only they responded to more than 20,000 cases. They managed to save the lives of over 3,800 individuals but unfortunately other 648 suffered fatal injuries. Besides the loss […]

7 things you shouldn’t do if you are making a personal injury claim

When you are involved in an accident you might not always be thinking straight. Probably the last thing on your mind is what to do to ensure you are able to make a worthwhile personal injury claims, but it is important to remember you could reduce the value of your claim or jeopardise the chances […]

Maritime Accidents Require the Best Possible Legal Assistance

Maritime law is one of those fields so branched and complex that requires years of researching to fully understand. If things weren’t already complicated for those unfamiliar with these laws, maritime law is always evolving, always trying to get one step closer to perfection, step than could save thousands of lives. Living proof is today’s […]