Category: Guest Legal Blogging on Personal Injury

Why Your Company Needs a Distracted Driving Policy

You own a small business and have the employee handbook, sexual harassment policy, and time off requests readily available. An often overlooked document that can save your business—and lives—is a distracted driving policy. This isn’t just for businesses that depend largely on transportation, though if you own a trucking, delivery, or logistics company, there’s a good […]

Dog Bites: Three Breeds You May Want to Avoid

Dog bites and attacks are not uncommon. However, certain species of dog tend to be more aggressive than others, and are more prone to attacking or biting. Unfortunately, most attacks tend to be directed at children. While aggressive dogs also target adults, 42 percent of dog attacks last year were directed at children 11 years […]

Motorcycle Accident Stats 2012

Motorcycle accidents are a growing concern as the number of people opting for motorcycles as opposed to cars increases. Motorcyclists are at a huge risk while on the road, as their vehicles offer less stability than cars, they have less protection, and they are less visible while on the road. In fact, most motorcycle accidents […]

Safe Driving Tips to Avoid Accidents in a Winter Storm

For people who have lived in areas in which snow and ice are a regular occurrence during the winter, driving in these conditions may seem like second nature. However, despite experience and expertise gained over time, operating any motor vehicle in severe wintry conditions can prove dangerous and, in some cases, fatal. Every year, thousands […]

Most Common Wrongful Death Accidents

According to prominent legal reference source, wrongful death suits are filed by the entitled legal survivors of an individual who has died due to the negligence or wrongdoing of another. The suit aims to compensate the victim’s surviving family and/or spouse for the death, and usually includes some type of compensation associated with the […]

How to Handle a Brain Injury Lawsuit When Your Cognitive Ability is Impaired

Cognitive ability refers to the way a person reacts and processes things which are going on around them – basically, it is one’s ability to think. Cognition is used in almost everything a person does from moving their hand to answering questions on a hard test. Cognitive ability involves the following functions:       […]

What you should do if the Other Driver has no Insurance

Car accidents are serious events. In many cases, vehicle accidents can cause damage to personal or government property, injury, or even possible death. In most cases, insurance providers are able and willing to cover the costs associated with an automobile accident; however, options may be limited when the other driver does not have insurance for […]

Injured on a Defective ATV: What Are My Options?

All Terrain Vehicles, more commonly known as ATVs or four-wheelers, have become increasingly popular over the last decade, especially among children, teenagers and novice adult riders. The fact that these vehicles are often marketed without adequate safety and warning information or sufficient operator instructions has added to the number of accidents involving their use. While […]

New York Subway Accident Statistics

According to statistics gathered and reported by the Metropolitan Transit Authority, the New York subway system transported more than 1.6 billion riders to and from work, school, state attractions and other destinations in the year 2011. Although the overwhelming majority of these subway riders enjoyed a perfectly safe and peaceful time while in transit, a […]

High School Football and Traumatic Brain Injuries

Anyone who watches football on a Sunday afternoon knows that it is a sport where brain injuries are common. What many people don’t know is that high school athletes are just as at risk for these injuries. Any contact sport comes with the risk of traumatic brain injuries, and it isn’t just males who are […]