Category: Insurance Law

Claims Portal data indicates teething problems

The Claims Portal was introduced to England and Wales in April 2010 by the Ministry of Justice in order to provide support during the claims process of claims valued at lower than £10,000. The use of electronic communications tool was further expanded on 31 July 2013 to include Employer’s Liability (EL) and Public Liability (PL) […]

Insurance Fraud Figures Reflect Need for Changes in Law

Insurance fraud has made many of the headlines in the past few months. Some of us had not realised just how much money was dishonestly claimed through insurance claims and yet we complain about increases in premiums. It seems obvious that the more money is paid out by the companies through fraud then the cost […]

The Past, Present, and Future of Denied Claims

The dynamic among insurance companies, their employees, policyholders, doctors and lawyers rages and swirls together like a category five hurricane. At times it blows away our optimism, we despise the greed and insensitivity of insurance companies. This blog is to explore why this happens and what the future has in store after the Affordable Care […]

Are false injury claims driving up insurance costs?

Just a few months ago figures released showed that Britain’s roads are as safe as they have been for a long time. Accidents were fewer and the amount of people injured on the roads had dropped significantly. However, the cost of car insurance for under-25s is eye-watering and the average price for a 17-20 year-old […]

Healthcare Shortcomings in the USA

It is a common belief that because the United States spends by far the most per capita on health services that it must also be providing the highest quality of care. However, in looking at comparative health data this appears to only be sporadically true. The United States has an infant mortality rate of 6.7 […]

Tired of Waiting for the Insurance Check?

(U.S. Insurance Law) If you purchased an insurance policy, you trust that when it’s time to file a claim, your insurance company will be there for you. Accidents, injuries and natural disasters such as an earthquake, hurricane, tornado, fire, hail, flooding and lightning should all be covered under these policies. However, when an accident happens […]

Sandy’s aftermath – Can all damages be rightly claimed?

The fierce Hurricane Sandy has left thousands of people in heavily damaged homes, without power, heat or hot water. Many of Sandy’s victims are still suffering, and living conditions are harsh for tens of thousands of people who have still been unable to return to their homes. Hurricane Sandy destroyed the east coast and left […]