Category: Law

Baby Safety and Faulty Equipment: What does the Law Say?

Parents must always be on guard when it comes to purchasing and using baby furniture and accessories. Even though there are many guidelines and laws in place to ensure that these products do not harm your baby when used, injures are still occurring. In fact, a recent study released by the Center for Disease Control […]

Why Technology Works in the Courtroom

Courtrooms are now more technology-driven than ever before. While crimes and cases remain the same, courtrooms are now equipped with computer screens, audio, visual, and digital tools. According to ChicagoLawyerMagazine, 90% of jurors are better equipped to understand evidence when presentation software is used. Consider the following reasons why technology is a critical part of […]

Wrongful Death Suit: What Kind of Evidence Must Be Proven to Win?

The world would be wonderful if everyone was so coordinated and dutiful that no serious injuries ever occurred. Unfortunately, since there are around 37.9 million emergency room admissions related to injuries every year, this is nothing more than a pipe dream. These injuries can be disheartening enough, but when they result in death, the incident […]

Why Lawsuits Against Truck Companies are Different

Proving negligence in an auto accident frequently boils down to showing that a driver violated a traffic law. Violating a traffic law is often dispositive in proving who was at fault and therefore, who must compensate the victim for losses as a result of the accident.  Every jurisdiction has statutory rules of the road.  According […]

PLIVA, Inc. v. Mensing: The Preemption Puzzle & Product Liability

Drug manufacturers have a duty to provide adequate warnings to consumers about the dangers their drugs present.  If a drug manufacturer knows or should have known about a risk of injury and fails to adequately disclose it, then under the product liability law theory of “failure-to-warn” the manufacturer may be liable to a consumer who […]

A Case of First Impression in Law Enforcement

A recent federal employment law case has set a significant precedent that will likely impact the way law enforcement agencies view disabled job applicants and treat disabled employees. It will also likely provide encouragement to injured veterans seeking to be productive citizens as they re-enter civilian life. In Justin Slaby v. Eric Holder, Jr., the […]

Injuries After Running a Red Light Caught on Camera: What Are My Rights in Court?

Injuries After Running a Red Light Caught on Camera: What Are My Rights in Court? If you cause an accident by running a red light, it is assumable that the Court will find you “at fault” for the accident. This type of ruling has been pretty standard until the implementation of red light cameras. Now, […]

Essential Pieces of Civil Procedure

The American legal system is divided into two specific and equally important sections: criminal law, and civil law. Under this system, only a criminal proceeding can result in the individual receiving a punishment, in the form of a prison sentence or a monetary fine. Additionally, criminal charges can only be filed by officers of the […]