Category: Motoring Injury Claims

Tips for Sharing the Road with Motorcycles in Virginia

Many motorists are unaware of certain laws and safety practices that ensure safe driving when motorcycles are on the road. While there are rules that motorcycle drivers must follow, there are things that drivers of cars, trucks and SUVs can do to make sure to avoid motorcycle accidents in Virginia on highways and surface streets. […]

5 Things to Do After You’ve Been In a Car Accident

A car accident can cause a variety of injuries. There are several important steps that you should take after every car accident. Although, hopefully you will never need any of these tips, it’s better to be prepared and have a plan if something does happen. Get out of Traffic One of the common effects of […]

Handsfree and Texting Behind the Wheel More Dangerous than Drink Driving?

Researchers have found that writing text messages behind the wheel – and even using your hands-free set – could be just as dangerous as drinking and driving. Quickly sending a message to friends and family puts you at serious risk. While communicating with others, your driving performance suffers as much as those who are 25% […]

Simple Steps For Treating Whiplash After An RTA

It isn’t always clear what you should do when you think you’re suffering from a whiplash injury. Whiplash is where the head is ‘whipped’ around faster than the neck. The fast and harsh movement of the neck can cause the muscles and tendons to become strained. In many cases, multiple injuries involving both muscles and […]

Safe Driving in Pennsylvania

According to AAA Foundation, in the US, every 13 minutes someone dies on the road. Whether you are the driver or a pedestrian, it’s important to keep everyone’s safety top of mind. Although driving feels like second nature after you’ve had your license for years, it’s important to remember the basics in order to protect […]