Category: Personal Injury Claims Law

Hospital Patients Are Dying From Preventable Blood Clots

Concerns have been raised about the number of people dying in hospital due to preventable blood clots. The issue was first raised in 2005 when a report found some 25,000 people died annually as a result of a preventable clot. The problem was recently highlighted once again, this time by the Welsh Assembly’s health committee […]

Making a personal injury claim for an accident at school

Every day when you drop your child off at school or nursery you are essentially putting their health and welfare in the hands of the teachers and other employees. However, accidents do sometimes happen and your child could sustain an injury through absolutely no fault of their own. Therefore it is important to understand the […]

Why Are Class-Action Lawsuits About Drugs So Common?

If you have watched more than two hours of nighttime television in the past three years you have undoubtedly seen the advertisements sponsored by some a law firm urging viewers to file a claim for  “compensation” under the terms of settlement in some class action lawsuit if they have used some prescription drug or other […]

Understanding Personal Injury Compensation

Personal injuries are likely not something that most of us give any thought to until the unthinkable happens to us. Sustaining injuries because of the negligence or ill intent of another goes beyond the event itself, especially when there is long-term recovery ahead. In many cases, the term personal injury refers to harm that is […]

What do changes to the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 mean?

Under current law workers are afforded protections from workplace accidents by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 which applies to the whole of the UK. If an employer is found to be in breach of these regulations and someone has been injured as a result, that person has an automatic right to claim […]