Category: Personal Injury Claims Law

Why You Shouldn’t Exaggerate Your Injuries

After an automobile collision, the injured parties will normally seek recovery against the at-fault party. It is possible for accident victims to suffer paralysis, nerve damage, and disfigurement that inhibits their ability to work and causes long-term pain. Some parties with relatively minor or even no injuries believe that inflating the claims can result in […]

New York Workers’ Compensation Reforms Show Promising Results

New York’s 2007 statutory reforms are starting to show positive workers’ compensation changes according to the fifth annual report published by the Workers’ Compensation Research Institute (WCRI). Each year, WCRI assesses the performance of the workers’ compensation system, evaluating the effects of the statutory changes and looking for any unintended consequences. In 2007, statutory changes […]

How the Jones Act Protects Maritime Employees

The Jones Act (46 U.S.C. § 30104) is a United States federal law that was passed in 1920 to govern lawsuits related to personal injury and wrongful death claims against maritime employers. The legislation grants crew members and officers of a maritime vessel the right to sue an employer for negligence resulting in wrongful death […]

Where to Go for Professional Legal Help After an Accident

It’s sad that so many people either don’t know that they are entitled to claim compensation for injuries sustained by the negligence of others or think that claiming is only for the greedy. Seeking advice is your legal right and finding the right lawyers to help you can make all the difference. The rise of […]

The Great (Dry) Wall of China: International Product Liability?

When you purchase a home or business structure, you expect it to meet certain quality and safety design standards, including those related to health. Unfortunately, many people across the United States have recently been finding out the hard way that not all contractors and builders are playing by the same rules. In fact, recent lawsuits […]

Workers Compensation: Know Your Rights

An alarming number of United States workers are injured or killed on the job.  Workplace safety is a serious concern, and one that too many employers take lightly.  Hard working people are placed in harms way by carelessness and disregard for human life. The statistics are staggering.  Every day in the United States workers are […]

Industrial Deafness Caused by Noise in the Workplace

Industrial deafness, also referred to as noise induced hearing loss, is a condition that impairs a person’s hearing due to long exposure to loud noises. Exposure to loud noises for a long period of time can cause temporary and even permanent loss of hearing and can cause conditions such as acoustic shock syndrome in a […]