Category: Personal Injury Claims Law

Slip and Fall Injuries

The phrase “slip and fall” refers to accidents that occur due to a dangerous condition on someone else’s property. Slip and fall accidents can happen at any time. They can occur at shopping malls, restaurants, schools, theaters and homes. Sometimes, slip and fall accidents can cause serious injuries such as broken bones, spinal injuries, traumatic […]

Food Poisoning Injuries

Food Poisoning Injuries Food poisoning injuries are a growing epidemic in the United States. Many food producers have become less vigilant about food safety, and some restaurants and people who prepare food are also notorious for failing to adhere to food safety laws and regulations. Food poisoning injuries can be extremely dangerous to pregnant women, […]

Are You at Risk of Injury from a Hail Storm?

Violent weather can happen almost anywhere, and perhaps there’s no weather element that’s more dangerous than hail. Hail stones come in sizes that range from as small as a pea to as large as a baseball, and even a short hail storm can lead to physical injuries, property damage and more. Physical Injuries from Hail […]

Is Personal Injury Compensation Considered in Divorce Settlements?

According to a family law attorney, during the process of virtually all divorces, both spouses will need to decide upon how any shared assets will be divided. In most cases, shared property includes assets such as houses, vehicles and any minor children, but what many divorcing spouses don’t know is that personal injury compensation may […]

Shedding Light on Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home abuse is a wildly under reported issue in the United States. As people are living longer, treatment in elder care facilities will need to improve drastically to accommodate the influx of residents they will receive and sustain for what can potentially be decades. The following infographic outlines the startling frequency of nursing home […]

Yaz, Yasmin Blood Clot Risk Cited in Thousands of Personal Injury Lawsuits

  Overview: Yaz and Yasmin birth control pills were highly popular and heavily advertised when they first hit the market, but now the oral contraceptives are making headlines over reports that they may cause deadly blood clots. There are some 12,000 Yaz or Yasmin personal injury lawsuits in US, and only a fraction have been […]

Wal-Mart Loses Motion to Dismiss Discrimination Suit

September 25, 2012—San Francisco, CA—The Los Angeles Times reports that the California Supreme Court delivered bad news to Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., when it ruled that an 11-year-old gender discrimination lawsuit would not be dismissed as the company requested. Wal-Mart had moved to have the lawsuit dismissed after the U. S. Supreme Court barred employees nationwide […]

Deadly Medicine: Pharmaceutical Lawsuits

There is no question that medical advances over the past century have saved millions of lives. New drugs used to be released on a far less common basis than they are today and usually only after stringent approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It now seems, however, that a new drug is hitting […]