Category: Personal Injury Claims Law

Hearing Loss in the workplace

There are many illnesses and injuries that occur in the workplace but most have a very evident effect. Industrial Deafness can be caused over long periods of time with the damage and symptoms not being obvious. As hearing loss occurs naturally with age, most people just put it down to this. The deafness that occurs […]

Ken Clarke’s savage cuts penalise innocent victims of crime including our emergency services

Guest personal injury law blog post by Angela Fitzpatrick  Head of personal injury Claim Today Solicitors.  Six months ago the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) announced a review of the scheme that compensates people who suffer as a result of a crime.  The MOJ presented it in a trivial way through the tabloid press.  They highlighted […]

Personal Injury Claims Tips

Top Tips When Making Personal Injury Claims With more accidents on the road, work related accidents and slips, trips and falls being reported than ever before, the Accident Advice Helpline has revealed the 6 top tips to help victims successfully make Personal Injury Claims. 1. Write everything down For victims of accidents, it is important to keep […]

3 Steps To Making A Successful Personal Injury Claim

When you’ve been involved in an accident that wasn’t your fault, you want to make sure that your case runs as smoothly as possible. There are several ways in which you can help your solicitor to build a solid case – making the claim less stressful and more likely to succeed. Research Before you approach […]

British road deaths rise by 3%

I was disappointed to hear that the number of people killed or seriously injured on British roads rose by 3% in 2011. It is the first rise since 2003. More worrying still is the fact that the numbers of pedestrians killed and cyclists seriously injured have also risen – by 12% and 16% respectively. The […]

Are Injury Consultations Worth Your Time?

Personal injury victims come from all walks of life, all income levels, all ethnic and racial backgrounds, and all religious persuasions.  There is no one defining characteristic of the group of people that make up personal injury victims except one fact:  they have all been injured by someone else’s negligence or carelessness. A personal injury […]

School Caretaker Wins £25,000 Accident Compensation Claim

A school caretaker who was employed by an educational establishment in Nottingham has won £25,000 in an accident compensation claim. The man, who was 64 years of age at the time of the accident, was forced into early medical retirement following serious damage sustained to tendons in his neck and left shoulder. The accident compensation […]

Texas Couple’s Suit against Internet Posters

Mark and Rhonda Lesher filed a defamation lawsuit after anonymous commenters from the Internet forum posted thousands of posts accusing them of being drug dealers, criminals and sexual deviants. On Friday, April 20, a jury awarded the Texas couple $13.75 million. According to Meagan Hassan, the Lesher’s attorney, this award is the largest award […]