Category: Personal Injury Claims Law

Filing a Claim in a No Fault State: Know all your Options

Anyone who has bought any type of insurance likely knows that these policies can be quite complex. Between understanding what is covered and what isn’t, a person can end up completely confused by the time they purchase a policy. In some states, however, certain types of policies can be even more confounding to the typical […]

Lawsuits Involving Cell Phone Radiation

Technology has developed leaps and bounds over the decades. However, the elation can often be short lived as there can be consequences associated with the advancements in modern technology. Cell phone radiation has become a prominent legal study in the past few years as cases are being fought. The following will focus on lawsuits involving […]

Tough Car Accident Scenarios that may require an Attorney

Being involved in a car accident is shocking. If you are injured, it can be devastating.  Amid the confusion in the immediate aftermath of an accident, it is often difficult to determine exactly what happened.  However, determining who was at fault in an auto accident is essential to determining who will pay for any damages […]

Pharmacy Negligence- Philosophy & the Law

Typically when we think of medical malpractice we think of negligent doctors.  We read about doctors who misdiagnose patients, surgeons who leave medical instruments in patients, and anesthesiologists who used a medication that was counter indicative based on the patient’s medical history.  However, other medical professionals such as pharmacists also make mistakes, and, sadly, the […]

Surprisingly Common Slip and Fall Accidents: Who has Liability?

(U.S. Law and generally) Most people do not plan their days around the risk of falling down and getting injured. While they may underappreciate slipping and falling, the consequences of these accidents can be devastating. In fact, slip and fall accidents commonly occur in a variety of places, calling for people to be aware of […]

When High Voltage Leads to On-the-Job Injury: What can a Person do?

Accidents involving high voltage electricity can easily result in death as well as very serious personal injury. The result of a high-voltage accident is rarely positive in any manner. Approximately 80% of all high voltage electrical shock injuries will include amputation of some type to avoid infecting other areas of the body. Sometimes this disabling […]

Motorcycle Riding: Sharing the Road Safely in the Sunshine State

Florida welcomes motorcyclists to the state each year and encourages its own native riders to enjoy the highways and roads at leisure. However, bikers in Florida are encouraged to be aware of and follow the laws that the state has set aside especially for motorcyclists. These laws are designed to protect both riders and other […]

Car Accident Aftermath: How to Handle your own Case

If you have been involved in a car accident, there is no legal precedent preventing you from handling your own accident claim and request for compensation. By using the following guideline, you can proceed with making a claim for compensation for your injuries and financial losses from an auto accident. Procedure for Handling your own […]

UK: Whiplash Capital of the World?

Recent reports have branded the UK with the unsavory title of ‘Whiplash Capital of the World’. We’ve even heard the term thrown about at Number 10. But the question remains as to whether or not the statement is in fact founded and whether context should play a part? We read the likes of Emma Wall, in […]