Category: Personal Injury Lawyers

Safe Driving Tips to Avoid Accidents in a Winter Storm

For people who have lived in areas in which snow and ice are a regular occurrence during the winter, driving in these conditions may seem like second nature. However, despite experience and expertise gained over time, operating any motor vehicle in severe wintry conditions can prove dangerous and, in some cases, fatal. Every year, thousands […]

Pedestrian Killed in Santa Ana Car Accident

Andrew Pehrson, 23, was killed in a car accident in Santa Ana after a vehicle struck him as he was crossing a roadway. According to a news report in The Orange County Register, the fatal pedestrian accident occurred at the intersection of Main Street and MacArthur Boulevard early morning on December 27, 2012. Police say […]

How to Handle a Brain Injury Lawsuit When Your Cognitive Ability is Impaired

Cognitive ability refers to the way a person reacts and processes things which are going on around them – basically, it is one’s ability to think. Cognition is used in almost everything a person does from moving their hand to answering questions on a hard test. Cognitive ability involves the following functions:       […]

What you should do if the Other Driver has no Insurance

Car accidents are serious events. In many cases, vehicle accidents can cause damage to personal or government property, injury, or even possible death. In most cases, insurance providers are able and willing to cover the costs associated with an automobile accident; however, options may be limited when the other driver does not have insurance for […]

Injured on a Defective ATV: What Are My Options?

All Terrain Vehicles, more commonly known as ATVs or four-wheelers, have become increasingly popular over the last decade, especially among children, teenagers and novice adult riders. The fact that these vehicles are often marketed without adequate safety and warning information or sufficient operator instructions has added to the number of accidents involving their use. While […]

High School Football and Traumatic Brain Injuries

Anyone who watches football on a Sunday afternoon knows that it is a sport where brain injuries are common. What many people don’t know is that high school athletes are just as at risk for these injuries. Any contact sport comes with the risk of traumatic brain injuries, and it isn’t just males who are […]

Vaginal Mesh Implants: Is Any Brand Safe?

These days, we are faced with more and more options when it comes to our healthcare. While many of the new products on the market are highly beneficial—and in some cases, can even be lifesaving—others are not as effective. This is especially true when it comes to vaginal mesh implants, which may vary quite dramatically […]

The Importance of SUM insurance for Bicycle Accident Victims

Indulging in the world of cycling is not only healthy and exciting, but it is also dangerous and potentially hazardous to your life. When you are forced to share the road with thousands of pounds metal and inattentive drivers, you are subsequently putting yourself in harm’s way where bicycle accidents can sometimes be inevitable. When […]