Category: Personal Injury Lawyers

Illinois Dog Bite Laws

This article is brought to you by Chicago injury lawyer Eugene K. Hollander. If you have been biten by a dog due to the dog owner’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. Every day about one thousand U.S. citizens are bitten by a dog and require emergency care. Dog bite law is […]

Choosing a Reputable Injury Lawyer

(in the USA and elsewhere) Hiring a lawyer is a difficult process, especially for individuals who have not worked with legal representation in the past. The task is made even more challenging when the need for specialization develops, as is often the case when hiring an injury lawyer. While many injury lawyers are considered to […]

Identifying Dangerous Toyota Prius Recalls

Cars are an essential part of our lives. They take us to work, school, the grocery store, and a number of other destinations that are important in our everyday life. While there are a number of high quality cars currently on the market, the Toyota Prius has gained recent notoriety due to its high fuel […]

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is quickly becoming one of the biggest problems on the road today. Many drivers will multi-task while driving, putting their own life and the lives of others at risk for injury or even death. In fact, each day, more than 15 people are killed from distracted driving and another 1,200 people are injured. […]

Hospital Patients Are Dying From Preventable Blood Clots

Concerns have been raised about the number of people dying in hospital due to preventable blood clots. The issue was first raised in 2005 when a report found some 25,000 people died annually as a result of a preventable clot. The problem was recently highlighted once again, this time by the Welsh Assembly’s health committee […]

Making a personal injury claim for an accident at school

Every day when you drop your child off at school or nursery you are essentially putting their health and welfare in the hands of the teachers and other employees. However, accidents do sometimes happen and your child could sustain an injury through absolutely no fault of their own. Therefore it is important to understand the […]