Category: Personal Injury Lawyers

Personal Injury Claims with Express Solicitors (sp)

Guest sponsored post from Express Solicitors. Injuries can occur anywhere and at any time, which is why there are personal injury solicitors all over the country. Express Solicitors is one such personal injury firm that operates nationwide. Their main aim is to help injured parties claim the compensation that they deserve and they currently stand […]

Understanding Personal Injury Compensation

Personal injuries are likely not something that most of us give any thought to until the unthinkable happens to us. Sustaining injuries because of the negligence or ill intent of another goes beyond the event itself, especially when there is long-term recovery ahead. In many cases, the term personal injury refers to harm that is […]

What do changes to the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 mean?

Under current law workers are afforded protections from workplace accidents by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 which applies to the whole of the UK. If an employer is found to be in breach of these regulations and someone has been injured as a result, that person has an automatic right to claim […]

How the Jones Act Protects Maritime Employees

The Jones Act (46 U.S.C. § 30104) is a United States federal law that was passed in 1920 to govern lawsuits related to personal injury and wrongful death claims against maritime employers. The legislation grants crew members and officers of a maritime vessel the right to sue an employer for negligence resulting in wrongful death […]

Where to Go for Professional Legal Help After an Accident

It’s sad that so many people either don’t know that they are entitled to claim compensation for injuries sustained by the negligence of others or think that claiming is only for the greedy. Seeking advice is your legal right and finding the right lawyers to help you can make all the difference. The rise of […]

Workers Compensation: Know Your Rights

An alarming number of United States workers are injured or killed on the job.  Workplace safety is a serious concern, and one that too many employers take lightly.  Hard working people are placed in harms way by carelessness and disregard for human life. The statistics are staggering.  Every day in the United States workers are […]

Industrial Deafness Caused by Noise in the Workplace

Industrial deafness, also referred to as noise induced hearing loss, is a condition that impairs a person’s hearing due to long exposure to loud noises. Exposure to loud noises for a long period of time can cause temporary and even permanent loss of hearing and can cause conditions such as acoustic shock syndrome in a […]

Slip and Fall – How to Prove Negligence and Win Your Case

(US law and generally) The number of slip and fall incidents appears to be on the rise. The National Floor Safety Institute recently advised that the restaurant and food service industry spends more than $2billion as a result of this type of injury. We look at how to prove negligence and win your case when […]

New Car Technologies That Save Lives

Car manufacturers are using new technologies designed to detect driver behavior, road and weather conditions and more in order to promote safety on our roadways. The following is a list of new gadgets and features that save lives: Intelligent Airbag Systems: All manufacturers were required to implement air bags in all cars produced after April […]