Category: Personal Injury Lawyers

Personal Injury Claims in UK

More often at times of accident some other person or maybe something else might be responsible for causing personal injury to the victim who have a right to claim for compensation. Every year across millions of people are getting injured in accidents either at home, while driving car, working at their workplace or at any […]

Arizona Crash Data and Safer Streets

Of the top 10 most dangerous intersections in Maricopa County, all but two fall in two cities – Glendale and Phoenix. The study, performed by Arizona Republic, took into consideration all accidents in Arizona that resulted in an injury or at least $1,000 in vehicle damages. Arizona Republic found that Glendale’s 59th and Olive Avenues […]

Two Homeless People Killed in Los Angeles by DUI Driver

October 29, 2012—Los Angeles, California—According to ABC News sources, two homeless people sleeping on a sidewalk in downtown Los Angeles were killed by a driver who is suspected to have been under the influence at the time of the accident. Carmen Elena Chavez, 19, was driving a Mercedes-Benz east on Fourth Street just after midnight […]

Food Poisoning Injuries

Food Poisoning Injuries Food poisoning injuries are a growing epidemic in the United States. Many food producers have become less vigilant about food safety, and some restaurants and people who prepare food are also notorious for failing to adhere to food safety laws and regulations. Food poisoning injuries can be extremely dangerous to pregnant women, […]

Facts about Dog Bites and the Dogs Responsible

By far, dogs are the most common household pet in America, with 39% of households owning one or more dogs, according to the U.S. Humane Society. While many of these dogs are well-trained and loving, there are, unfortunately, many others that are aggressive and prone to harming a person if they become agitated or feel […]

Absolutely Vital for California Bicyclists: Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage

In the last week—like nearly every week in California—there have been several deadly accidents that involved collisions between bicyclists and automobiles. On September 28 in Novato, a twelve year old girl was struck by a Sport Utility Vehicle as she rode her bike through her Northern California neighborhood. The helmet she wore was little help […]

Are You at Risk of Injury from a Hail Storm?

Violent weather can happen almost anywhere, and perhaps there’s no weather element that’s more dangerous than hail. Hail stones come in sizes that range from as small as a pea to as large as a baseball, and even a short hail storm can lead to physical injuries, property damage and more. Physical Injuries from Hail […]

How to File a Claim for Whiplash Injuries

Accident insurance is available in different flavours – traffic accidents, cycling accidents, holiday accidents and so on. These schemes usually cover all of the medical expenses that are incurred while undergoing treatment for the injuries suffered by a victim during the accident. However, there are certain internal injuries that often go unnoticed or are ignored […]