Category: Personal Injury Lawyers

UK: Whiplash Capital of the World?

Recent reports have branded the UK with the unsavory title of ‘Whiplash Capital of the World’. We’ve even heard the term thrown about at Number 10. But the question remains as to whether or not the statement is in fact founded and whether context should play a part? We read the likes of Emma Wall, in […]

Work related stress compensation claims

Work related stress can have very serious consequences in terms of your physical and psychological health, but it is not a condition that is particularly well understood in the UK, and especially by a surprising number of employers. However, back in 2010 the European Heart Journal published an of 6014 British civil servants mapping their […]

Common causes of scaffolding injuries

The common causes of scaffolding injuries are carelessness and negligence by employers and sometimes by employees. That sounds rather harsh and blunt, but employers are well aware of their responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the regulations that followed in the wake of that Act. One piece of legislation in […]

Car Accident Information

Car Accidents Practice Area We, iAccident Lawyers, are here to help you after a car accident. We will get you an experienced car accident attorney to help you with the financial, mental and physical burdens that follow an accident. We will not charge you until you get paid and settle with the insurance companies. You […]

Can a DUI Charge Affect Compensation in a Personal Injury Claim?

Can a DUI Charge Affect Compensation in a Personal Injury Claim? There are not many feelings that come close to the dread that we experience when we see flashing blue lights in our rear-view mirror, but when a person has been drinking, this feeling is likely exacerbated. Some unfortunate souls, however, end up in auto […]

What You Need To Know If A Dog Bites You

Dog bites can cause life-threatening injuries. Even small dogs can render a victim powerless and inflict serious harm. Depending on the breed, nature, and temperament of the dog, the bite can be fatal. Most states hold the owner liable for all damages when it is clear that the dog attacked without provocation. Some states disregard any provocation […]

How to avoid asbestos related disease at work

Asbestos fibres, elongated and extremely small are carcinogenic. It’s as simple as that. Once you’ve inhaled them, their shape and size cause them to work their way into your bronchi, alveoli and pleura where they might eventually cause acute and often terminal conditions such as asbestosis, cancer and mesothelioma. Your respiratory tract and lungs cannot […]

US Travel Injury Claims Information for UK Travelers

Tens of millions of tourists arrive in the United States every year to experience its many landmarks, rich melting pot of cultures, and natural beauty. Most tourists will bring back photographs and fond memories. Unfortunately, not all vacations go as planned. Accidents can happen anywhere, and the United States is no exception. When traveling abroad, […]

Top 10 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Rhode Island Personal Injury Lawyer

We all love top 10 lists…Letterman has them, so why shouldn’t personal injury lawyers? So here is my top 10 necessary questions to ask before hiring a Rhode Island personal injury lawyer. Choosing a personal injury attorney can be difficult. But if you keep in mind my ten important questions from a Rhode Island personal […]