Category: Personal Injury Lawyers

The Dangers of Swaddling Your Baby

The Dangers of Swaddling Your Baby Swaddling is an age old practice that involves wrapping an infant in a tight blanket or cloth so all limb movement is tightly restricted. In years past, swaddling bands were also used to further restrict baby’s mobility. Swaddling was practiced for the warmth and security of the infant. It […]

Are You Still Using Mirena?

For many busy women, keeping track of birth control is one more thing to program into the “reminder” section of their iPhone and starting a family may be the farthest thing from their minds.  For many young women, a commitment to a career comes first, as well as a trustworthy, hassle-free birth control option.  For […]

North Carolina: Laws and Dog Owners

Dogs are considered to be man’s best friend. They are loyal companions, helpers to the disabled, and playmates for children. Dogs come in all shapes and sizes, breeds and colors. They also come with all types of temperaments. A dog may become aggressive due to breeding, treatment, or inherent tendencies. This is a risk that […]

Injured Drivers Left with No Chance in Legal Bout against Insurers

What would happen to an 80 year old pedestrian if they were knocked down in 2013? A bid to change the Small Claims Court limit has been described as ‘draconian’ by one of Britain’s leading solicitors, who gives a harrowing example of what could have happened to an 80 year old client if the change […]

Understanding Brain Injury Claims: Glossary of Brain Injury Terms

If you’re looking to make a claim for a brain injury that you or someone close to you has sustained then you will need to understand basic brain injury terms. Doctors and lawyers tend to throw around complicated terms that you may not fully understand, which could hinder your claim. Here’s a collection of definitions […]

How to maximize your insurance claim for pain and suffering after an accident

Many people have a hard time wrapping their mind around understand what constitutes pain and suffering in a personal injury / car accident claim and how to go about maximizing the claim for pain and suffering.  Pain and suffering is a non-economic damage.  In California where I am licensed to practice law, we call it […]

Disc Herniation Claim from Auto Accidents

Many victims of auto accidents suffer physical injuries to their body and in many cases, such injuries can leave long term effects.  Sometimes the injuries manifest itself in immediate pain and physical symptoms but in many cases, they show later in time.  One type of auto accident injury, where no immediate pain can happen is […]

Someone injures themselves on your property…What is the first step?

Crisis mode. An employee, visitor, client, etc. has injured themselves at your office. What do you do next? Obviously there are hundreds of thoughts going through your mind, and probably the last one is what legal actions could arise from this. But, you should always be prepared. Step 1: Assess the situation. Determine to the […]

Tips for Sharing the Road with Motorcycles in Virginia

Many motorists are unaware of certain laws and safety practices that ensure safe driving when motorcycles are on the road. While there are rules that motorcycle drivers must follow, there are things that drivers of cars, trucks and SUVs can do to make sure to avoid motorcycle accidents in Virginia on highways and surface streets. […]