Category: Personal Injury Lawyers

5 Most Common Causes of Injury at Work

Workplace injuries are very common and disruptive to the lives of employees and businesses. Certain types of injuries as a result of negligence are more common than others and should be addressed by employers to avoid unnecessary liabilities. Listed below are the five most common types of injuries in the workplace, according to insurance companies. […]

Preventing Fatalities in Public Transportation

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, over 120,000 accidental deaths occur every year. The majority of these incidents occur in public places like parks, schools, transits, and businesses. Transits are a major concern because of the likelihood of fatalities or serious injuries in accidents on buses, trams, and trains. By practicing basic […]

Did You Know That Allergy Medications May Cause Impaired Driving?

(U. S. Law and generally) Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious traffic violation and can lead to mandatory jail time. DUI is often mistakenly considered a driving while drunk offense. In reality, DUI occurs when you operate any vehicle under the influence of any substance that can impair your ability to drive. This includes […]

Greater Efforts Are Being Implemented to Improve Safety in Bus and Coach Transportation

The rise in the number of incidents involving bus and coach road accidents in the past few years all over the United States has prompted the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) to take some serious measures. The FMCSA has prepared a three-year action plan that will address this grave issue through stricter regulations that […]

When Medicines Kill You (Instead of Helping You)

All of us take different kinds of medicines for different purposes. Some take food supplements and multivitamins, while some take maintenance medicines for their high blood pressure, heart problems, lung problems and others. We trust our doctors and take whatever medicine they give us, since we know that they have our best interests in mind. […]

Public Transit: Another Day, Another Accident

Most people realize that public transportation provides a great service for cities and towns where it is present. It eases traffic congestion, is good for the environment and provides a method of transportation for those who otherwise wouldn’t have it. Another benefit is the fact that public transit accidents are believed to be less frequent […]