Category: Personal Injury Lawyers

Accident Aftermath: Do I Have a Personal Injury Claim?

After having suffered a serious injury, so many thoughts run through your mind that it can be difficult to think clearly. The trauma of being hurt turns your world upside down, and you may think you have nowhere to turn. In the aftermath of an automobile accident, falling down in a store or restaurant or […]

In an Accident? Sometimes, Less is More

With so many drivers on the roads today, hardly a day goes by that I don’t see an accident. From minor fender-benders to major, devastating wrecks, our roadways are littered with the results of someone being careless, irresponsible or negligent while behind the wheel. Some of the people involved end up in our offices and […]

Top Things to Look for When Choosing a Personal Injury Lawyer

Automobile accidents, dog bites, construction accidents, and other types of injuries can leave innocent people with severe injuries. The resultant medical bills and physical pain can negatively affect one’s quality of life; if the injury was significant, it may impair the injured party’s ability to perform work. If the injury was incurred as a result […]

Best Ways to Decrease Ice Build-Up on Your Sidewalks and Driveways

Ice build-up is a real problem during the wintertime. When ice builds up on your sidewalks and your driveways, it can become hazardous and can increase the chance of slips and falls. While it can be a hassle to deal with the ice build-up on sidewalks and driveways, decreasing this build-up is paramount for your […]

Toning Shoes Injuries

Toning shoes, a popular trend among top shoe manufacturers that surfaced and gained worldwide renown in 2010, promise to improve the muscle tone of the calves, thighs and buttocks when worn consistently during regular walking. The curved, rolling soles of this type of shoe cause the wearer to walk unstably, forcing the targeted muscle groups […]

Are Pit Bull Dangers Exaggerated?

First, for the truly freaked out, it bears noting that there is no actual “pit bull” breed. The breed is actually a combination of five, all known fondly as “bully breeds.” These include not only theAmerican Pit Bull Terrier and the American Staffordshire Terrier, but – according to some dog lovers – the Bull Terrier […]